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Tourist map of Europe. A map of Europe. Countries of Europe. Satellite maps of European countries

If we do not take into account dependent regions and incompletely recognized states, then Europe in 2017 covers 44 powers. Each of them has a capital, in which not only its administration is located, but also the highest authority, that is, the government of the state.

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European countries

The territory of Europe extends from east to west for more than 3 thousand kilometers, and from south to north (from the island of Crete to the island of Spitsbergen) for 5 thousand kilometers. The majority of European powers are relatively small. With such small sizes of territories and good transport accessibility, these states either closely border each other or are separated by very short distances.

The European continent is divided territorially into parts:

  • western;
  • eastern;
  • northern;
  • southern

All powers, located on the European continent, belong to one of these territories.

  • There are 11 countries in the western region.
  • In the east - 10 (including Russia).
  • In the north - 8.
  • In the south - 15.

We list all European countries and their capitals. We will divide the list of countries and capitals of Europe into four parts according to the territorial and geographical position of the powers on the world map.


List of states belonging to Western Europe, with a list of main cities:

The states of Western Europe are washed mainly by the currents of the Atlantic Ocean and only in the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula they border on the waters of the Arctic Ocean. In general, these are highly developed and prosperous powers. But they stand out as an unfavorable demographic situation. This is a low birth rate and a low level of natural increase in population. In Germany there is even a population decline. All this led to the fact that developed Western Europe began to play the role of a subregion in the global system of population migration; it turned into the main center of labor immigration.


List of states located in the eastern zone of the European continent and their capitals:

Eastern European countries have a lower level of economic development than their western neighbors. However, they better preserved their cultural and ethnic identity. Eastern Europe is more of a cultural and historical region than a geographical one. The Russian expanses can also be classified as the eastern territory of Europe. And the geographic center of Eastern Europe is located approximately within Ukraine.


The list of states included in northern Europe, including capitals, looks like this:

The territories of the states of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jutland, the Baltic States, the islands of Spitsbergen and Iceland are included in the northern part of Europe. The population of these regions makes up only 4% of the entire European population. The largest country in the eight is Sweden, and the smallest is Iceland. The population density in these lands is lower in Europe - 22 people/m2, and in Iceland - only 3 people/m2. This is due to the harsh conditions of the climatic zone. But economic development indicators highlight northern Europe as the leader of the entire world economy.


And finally, the most numerous list of territories located in the southern part and the capitals of European states:

The Balkan and Iberian peninsulas are occupied by these southern European powers. Industry is developed here, especially ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. The countries are rich in mineral resources. In agriculture the main efforts aimed at growing food products such as:

  • grape;
  • olives;
  • pomegranate;
  • dates.

It is known that Spain is the world's leading olive harvesting country. It is here that 45% of all olive oil in the world is produced. Spain is also famous for its famous artists - Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró.

European Union

The idea of ​​​​creating a single community of European powers appeared in the middle of the twentieth century, or more precisely after the Second World War. The official unification of the countries of the European Union (EU) occurred only in 1992, when this union was sealed by the legal consent of the parties. Over time, the membership of the European Union has expanded and now includes 28 allies. And states that want to join these prosperous countries will have to prove their compliance with European foundations and EU principles, such as:

  • protection of citizens' rights;
  • democracy;
  • freedom of trade in a developed economy.

EU Members

The European Union in 2017 includes the following states:

Today there are also candidate countries to join this foreign community. These include:

  1. Albania.
  2. Serbia.
  3. Macedonia.
  4. Montenegro.
  5. Türkiye.

On the map of the European Union you can clearly see its geography, European countries and their capitals.

Regulations and prerogatives of EU partners

The EU has a customs policy under which its members can trade with each other without tariffs and without restrictions. And in relation to other powers, the accepted customs tariff applies. Having common laws, the EU countries created a single market and introduced a single monetary currency - the euro. Many EU member countries are part of the so-called Schengen zone, which allows their citizens to move freely throughout the territory of all allies.

The European Union has governing bodies common to its member countries, which include:

  • European Court.
  • European Parliament.
  • European Commission.
  • The audit community that controls the EU budget.

Despite the unity, European states that have joined the community have complete independence and state sovereignty. Each country uses its own national language and has its own governing bodies. But there are certain criteria for all participants, and they must meet them. For example, coordination of all important political decisions with the European Parliament.

It should be noted that since its founding, only one power has left the European community. This was the Danish autonomy - Greenland. In 1985, she was outraged by the low quotas imposed by the European Union on fishing. You can also recall the sensational events of 2016 referendum in Great Britain, when the population voted for the country to leave the European Union. This suggests that even in such an influential and seemingly stable community, serious problems are brewing.

The map of Europe shows the western part of the continent of Eurasia (Europe). The map shows the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Seas washed by Europe: Northern, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Barents, Caspian.

Here you can see a political map of Europe with countries, a physical map of Europe with cities (capitals of European countries), an economic map of Europe. Most maps of Europe are presented in Russian.

Large map of European countries in Russian

The large map of European countries in Russian shows all the countries and cities of Europe with their capitals. The large map of Europe shows roads. The map shows the distances between the main cities of Europe. The map in the upper left corner contains a map of the island of Iceland. The map of Europe is made in Russian on a scale of 1:4500000. In addition to the island of Iceland, the islands of Europe are shown on the map: Great Britain, Sardinia, Corsica, Balearic Islands, Maine, Zealand Islands.

Map of Europe with countries (Political map)

On the map of Europe with countries, on the political map all the countries of Europe are shown. The countries on the map of Europe are: Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden and Estonia. All symbols on the map are in Russian. All European countries are marked with their borders and main cities, including capitals. The political map of Europe shows the main ports of European countries.

Map of European countries in Russian

The map of European countries in Russian shows the countries of Europe, the capitals of European countries, the oceans and seas washing Europe, the islands: Faroe, Scottish, Hebrides, Orkney, Balearic, Crete and Rhodes.

Physical map of Europe with countries and cities.

The physical map of Europe with countries and cities shows the countries of Europe, the main cities of Europe, European rivers, seas and oceans with depths, mountains and hills of Europe, lowlands of Europe. The physical map of Europe shows the largest peaks of Europe: Elbrus, Mont Blanc, Kazbek, Olympus. Separately highlighted maps of the Carpathians (scale 1:8000000), map of the Alps (scale 1:8000000), map of the Strait of Gibraltai (scale 1:1000000). On the physical map of Europe, all symbols are in Russian.

Economic map of Europe

The economic map of Europe shows industrial centers. The centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in Europe, the centers of mechanical engineering and metalworking of Europe, the centers of the chemical and petrochemical industries of Europe, the centers of the timber industry, the centers of production of building materials of Europe, the centers of light and food industries are plotted. On the economic map of Europe, the lands with the cultivation of various crops are highlighted in color. The map of Europe shows mining sites and power plants in Europe. The size of the mining icon depends on the economic importance of the deposit.

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Europe is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans and their seas.

The area of ​​the islands is about 730 thousand km². The peninsulas account for about 1/4 of the territory of Europe (Kola, Scandinavian, Iberian, Apennine, Balkan, etc.).

The average height is about 300 m, the maximum (if you draw the border of Europe along the Kuma-Manych depression) - 4808 m, Mont Blanc, or (if you draw the border of Europe along the Caucasus ridge) - 5642 m, Elbrus, the minimum is currently approx. . −27 meters (Caspian Sea) and changes with fluctuations in the level of this sea.

Plains predominate (large - East European, Central European, Middle and Lower Danube, Paris Basin), mountains occupy about 17% of the territory (the main ones are the Alps, Caucasus, Carpathians, Crimean, Pyrenees, Apennines, Ural, Scandinavian mountains, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula) . There are active volcanoes in Iceland and the Mediterranean.

In most of the territory the climate is temperate (in the west - oceanic, in the east - continental, with snowy and frosty winters), on the northern islands - subarctic and arctic, in Southern Europe - Mediterranean, in the Caspian lowland - semi-desert. There is glaciation on the Arctic islands, Iceland, the Scandinavian mountains, and the Alps (area over 116 thousand km²).

Main rivers: Volga, Danube, Ural, Dnieper, Western Dvina, Don, Pechora, Kama, Oka, Belaya, Dniester, Rhine, Elbe, Vistula, Tagus, Loire, Oder, Neman, Ebro.

Large lakes: Ladoga, Onega, Chudskoye, Venern, Balaton, Geneva.

On the Arctic islands and along the coast of the Arctic Ocean - Arctic deserts and tundras, to the south - forest-tundras, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppes, steppes, subtropical Mediterranean forests and shrubs; in the southeast there are semi-deserts.

The largest sandy desert in Europe, Ryn-Sands (40,000 km²), is located in the interfluve of the Volga and the Urals (on the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia); in Western Europe, the Tabernas massif in Spain, as well as the Nogai steppe in Russia in borderlands of Kalmykia, Dagestan and Chechnya. In addition, there has been desertification of vast areas in Kalmykia, Russia, as a result of human activities such as industrial water extraction from natural sources and unsustainable land use. In the zone of dry steppes in eastern Europe, there are a number of sandy massifs in Russia on the lower Don (Archedinsky-Don sands, Tsimlyansk sands, etc.), as well as in Ukraine (Aleshkovsky sands).

Andreas Kaplan believes that Europe is the region with the greatest cultural diversity in a relatively small geographical area.

A political map of the world shows the boundaries between countries and often provides information about the government structure and form of government. Foreign Europe, the geography of which is studied in 11th grade, includes 40 countries that have large differences in all these indicators.


The political map of Overseas Europe shows the borders between the countries that are part of it. Foreign Europe has land borders with Russia and the CIS countries. The remaining borders are maritime.

Most of the countries that make up Overseas Europe are coastal.

The region's territory is divided into four parts - Western, Northern, Eastern, Southern Europe. The formation of this division began a long time ago and was due to geographical, cultural and economic differences.

Rice. 1. Regions of Foreign Europe.

Today, the political situation in Europe is quite stable and no significant changes are expected in the near future. The photo shows a modern political map in Russian.

Rice. 2. Countries of Foreign Europe.

Form of government and territorial structure

In addition to borders, using a political map you can determine such characteristics of countries as the form of government and territorial structure. What do these terms mean?

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

  • Form of government is a system of organizing government power in a country. The order of their formation, duration of validity, and powers are indicated here.
  • Territorial structure - a way of organizing the territory of a state. This is how the internal structure of the country is determined.

Today there are two possible forms of government in the world:

  • monarchy- when the country is ruled by a king;
  • republic- in this case, the authorities are elected by the people.

There is a third form - an absolute theocratic monarchy. In this case, the supreme power belongs to the church. Today in the world there is only one state with this form of government, and it is located in Foreign Europe. This is the city-state of the Vatican.

Among the monarchies there are absolute And constitutional. In the first case, power belongs entirely to the king. In the second, the king is subject to the laws of the constitution.

There are republics parliamentary And presidential. In the first case, the country is governed by a parliament headed by a president. In the second case, all power belongs to the president.

Rice. 3. The Vatican is the only city-state in the world headed by a church.

According to the territorial structure there are:

  • unitary state: government is governed by a single center and is not divided into regions;
  • federation: there is a single control center and many subordinate fragments of the country, called subjects;
  • confederation: represents a union of two or more countries.

Characteristics of European countries in the table

A country

Form of government

Territorial structure


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Great Britain










San Marino







M - monarchy
R - republic
U - unitary
F – federation

As can be seen from the table, most countries of Foreign Europe are unitary republics. An interesting fact is that almost the entire Northern region is represented by monarchies. In the Eastern region, all countries are republics. In the Southern and Western regions there are approximately equal numbers of republics and monarchies.

What have we learned?

The political map of Overseas Europe is formed of 40 states that have borders between themselves and other regions. Countries have land and sea borders. The form of government is dominated by republics with a unitary organization of territory.

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