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Which waterfall is the largest in the world. The largest waterfalls in the world. Where are they located, names, photos, what makes them unique. With “big”, everything is clear, but what is the tallest waterfall in the world

What is the largest waterfall in the world? Answering this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The point here is not in knowledge of geography or lack of information on this matter, but directly in posing the question.

An interesting fact is that for some reason many are firmly convinced of the primacy of Niagara Falls, they say it is the largest on the planet. This opinion is erroneous, because there are dozens of others in the world that are superior to it in a number of parameters used to characterize this type of geographical objects.

In order not to fall flat on your face when answering the question: what is the largest waterfall in the world, you need to understand that these natural phenomena meet certain criteria, including width, height and power. Consequently, having the status of “the largest waterfall” in terms of height does not at all mean superiority in such a parameter as, for example, the volume of water discharged per second.

Niagara Falls

The list of waterfalls that have the “most” status is actually quite extensive. For example, Niagara Falls is considered the most famous and promoted. At the same time, it has no equal in terms of power - the volume of water passing through it per second, but exclusively within North America.

The status of “the most powerful waterfall in the world” belongs to Iguazu, located on the border of Argentina and Brazil. But the Khon waterfall is recognized as the widest, the basalt ridge of which extends for 10.5 km. In terms of height and inaccessibility, Angel in Venezuela is unrivaled, and the most unusual can be safely called the Underwater Falls near the coast of the island of Mauritius.

As you can see, the term “most” in relation to waterfalls sounds very ambiguous and vague.

The largest waterfall in the world

The adjective “large” often means impressive dimensions, that is, something wide and tall. In the case of waterfalls, the situation is approximately the same. The record holder among all the famous waterfalls in the world is Angel - 979 meters, located surrounded by tropical forest in Venezuela. Unfortunately, this waterfall cannot boast of such an impressive width, since even during the rainy season the width of its falling stream rarely exceeds 107 meters. In this parameter, it is more than 100 times superior to the Khon Falls on the Mekong River in Laos. With a height of only 21 meters, the width of the plateau from which the water falls is 10.8 kilometers, for which it is deservedly awarded the title of the widest waterfall in the modern world.

On the border of states: an interesting pattern

Few people know about a very interesting pattern, according to which the largest waterfalls in the world in terms of width and power are located on the border of several states. In particular, the Khon waterfall is located in close proximity to the border of Laos and Cambodia, and Guaira, which ranks second in this ranking, thanks to its width of 4.8 km, separates Brazil and Paraguay.

Located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is the deepest and third widest (4000 meters) on the planet.

A similar situation exists with Niagara and Victoria Falls. Although they are not the largest waterfalls in the world, they are also located on the border of states. If the famous Niagara Falls separates the USA and Canada, then Victoria divides Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Many scientists consider this pattern to be non-random, since the formation of waterfalls, which represent insurmountable natural boundaries, occurred long before the establishment of the territorial boundaries of modern states.

Speaking about the largest waterfalls in the world, it is worth noting that the vast majority of them are located on the African and American continents, which is due to the specific formation of the relief of these continents.

How were the largest waterfalls on the planet formed?

The most famous waterfalls in the world, like their little-known “colleagues,” began to appear literally from the first days of the existence of our planet. Their formation takes many millennia. While some of the modern world's waterfalls are the result of riverbeds passing over the edge of a cliff or cliff, some of the world's largest waterfalls are the result of earthquakes and massive volcanic eruptions.

For example, Niagara Falls, which is one of the largest waterfalls in the modern world, was the result of the drift of a huge glacier, and Victoria Falls, no less popular among tourists, was formed in a fault zone in the earth’s crust.

Angel Falls, which tops the list of the world's largest waterfalls in height, arose as a result of the destruction of a huge plateau dating back to the times when Africa and South America were a single whole.

The appearance of Iguazu, recognized by the world as the deepest waterfall, was preceded by a powerful volcanic eruption, the consequence of which was a huge cleft in the earth’s crust.

Unusual record-breaking waterfalls

The fact that waterfalls are classified as the largest according to several criteria is understandable, since each country strives to increase its tourism potential. The influx of tourists who want to see this natural record holder with their own eyes makes it possible to develop infrastructure and earn good money.

To be fair, it is worth noting that travelers are attracted not only by the largest waterfalls in the world, but also by those that stand out from the rest due to their shape, location and entertainment. We are talking about unusual waterfalls.

One of these is Gaping Gill, which is recognized as the world's largest underground waterfall. Its peculiarity is that its waters fall into the cavity of the largest natural cave in the UK, covering about 105 meters.

The record holder among underwater waterfalls is the “Cataract Strait”, which is at the bottom of the Denmark Strait, separating Iceland and Greenland. The height of this miracle of nature is about 4000 meters. The waterfall was formed as a result not only of the topography of the sea day, but also due to temperature imbalance and fluctuations in the salinity level of water in different parts of the ocean.

Waterfalls definitely fall into that category of natural wonders that are both impressive and awe-inspiring. They charm, beckon, but they are always beautiful. we will hasten to share with you several of them, the most powerful

Gersoppa, India

Gersoppa is the largest waterfall in India. It is located on the Sharavati River, 40 kilometers from its mouth. Gersoppa consists of 4 streams, the width of which reaches 472 meters. It is worth noting that each stream has its own name among the inhabitants of India - Raja (slow), loudmouth (the noisiest), Rocket (the fastest) and Rani (also called the Queen because of the similarity of its falling stream with the silhouette of a dancing woman).

Detian, China

Detian Waterfall // photo: flickr

Detian is the second widest waterfall in the world. Located on the border of China and Vietnam, this 120-meter waterfall amazes with its picturesqueness - the surrounding rocks and rice plantations paint a classic Far Eastern landscape before the observer. It is worth noting that the best time to visit this waterfall is summer, because... at this time of year the downward flow reaches its peak.

Iguazu, Brazil

Iguazu Falls // photo ©

Iguazu Falls is recognized as one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. Representing a system of 275 waterfalls, it is located on the territory of two countries - Brazil and Argentina, at the intersection of the Iguazu and Parana rivers. The largest waterfall of this ensemble - the Devil's Throat - is a cliff 700 meters long and shaped like the English letter U

Victoria, Zambezi

Victoria Falls // photo: © Mario Micklisch

Victoria Falls is one of the main attractions of South Africa and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the language of the local population, this waterfall is translated as “Thundering Smoke”, as you can see for yourself - the noise produced by this waterfall can be heard at a distance of up to 40 km. Victoria is the only waterfall in the world that is simultaneously more than 100 meters high and more than a kilometer wide.

Angel, Venezuela

Angel Falls // photo: ©

Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world - 15 times higher than Niagara! Its height is 948 meters and its width is only 15 meters. It is so high that the water, before it reaches the ground, is sprayed into tiny particles, forming a fog that envelops the entire waterfall in a cloak. It is worth noting that Angel is surrounded by jungle, so a curious tourist can only reach it by air

Kaieteur, Guyana.

Waterfalls themselves are wonders of nature and the higher they are, the more beautiful they are. Streams of water fall from heaven, causing genuine admiration and awe, as evidence of the greatness of Mother Nature. This list contains 20 of the highest waterfalls from different parts of the world, after visiting at least one of which you will not be able to stop.

Angel Falls

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela. It is also the tallest continuous waterfall in the world. Located in Bolivar, this natural wonder excites visitors. The stunning beauty of this place is absolutely inexplicable - it can only be felt, but not described in words. It is also impossible to appreciate all this splendor from photographs - you need to see everything with your own eyes. The height of Angel Falls is 979 m.

Tugela Falls

This complex seasonal waterfall is the second highest in the world. It is located in South Africa, specifically in the Royal Natal National Park in the KwaZulu-Natal region. Tugela Falls is famous for its scenic beauty. Once you visit it, you will never want to leave this place. When traveling to a national park, don't forget to also book a Safari throughout the park. This is an incredible experience that you will remember forever. The height of Tugela Falls during the rainy season is 947 m.

Three Sisters Waterfall

A waterfall called Cataratas las Tres Hermanas is located in Peru. Loosely translated from Spanish, the name translates as Three Sisters. This is the tallest waterfall in Peru and one of the tallest in the world. It is located in Otishi National Park. Three Sisters is a three-tiered waterfall with three sections, hence its name. It is located in the remote Ayacucho region, which is not easily accessible to visitors. The height of the waterfall is 914 m.

Olupena Waterfall

Norway and Hawaii have some of the tallest waterfalls in the world. The fourth highest in the world and the first in Hawaii, Olupena Falls is unique in its essence. This place is loved by numerous travelers, photographers and even tourists. It is located on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. Although Alupena does not attract as many tourists as Niagara or Victoria, it is no less impressive and gigantic. The height of Olupena is 900 meters.

Katarata Umbilla

Located near the town of Kispis, the Katarata Umbilla waterfall is the fifth highest in the world. It has a hypnotizing effect on tourists, and locals even talk about the curse of the waterfall. Additionally, there are numerous smaller waterfalls around the site that make it ideal for an expedition to Peru. If you have sufficient physical fitness, then feel free to set off and conquer the natural beauty of this country. The height of Katarata Umbilla is 895 meters.

Vinnufossen waterfall

If you are planning a trip to Norway, then this waterfall is one of the country's most outstanding attractions. It is located in the east of the village of Sunndalsera and flows into the Driva River near the village of Hoelsand. This waterfall originates from the Winnubrin Glacier. Vinnufossen is one of the highest in all of Europe, and the scenic beauty of the surrounding villages is just an additional reason to travel here. The height of the waterfall is 860 m.

Balaifossen waterfall

It's no secret that most of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world are located in Norway. The high Balaifossen waterfall was no exception. It is located 6 km from Osa and is well worth a visit. The waterfall is located on the eastern side of the Osa fjord in the municipality of Ulvik and is famous for its mystical and magical aura. You can stay in one of the neighboring villages and have one of the most enjoyable trips of your life. The height of the waterfall is 849 meters.


Another famous waterfall in Hawaii, Puukaoku is one of the least explored and underrated, but still one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. A quick internet search will turn up thousands of hypnotic photos that might have you packing your bags and flying to Hawaii right now. So what are you waiting for? Hawaii has everything you need for a great vacation, but don't forget to visit the 840-meter-high Puukaoka.

James Bruce

The tallest waterfall on the North American continent and the ninth tallest in the world, James Bruce is located in Princess Louise Provincial Park. This is one of the most important attractions in British Columbia and a real treat for the eyes. The waterfall is full-flowing throughout the year and is divided into two parallel streams. Thanks to numerous hiking trails, you can hike through the forest of this area. If you want an original travel experience in Canada, don't miss this natural wonder and its surrounding forest. The height of the James Bruce Falls is 840 m.

Brown Falls

Located above Doubtful Sound, Brown Falls is part of New Zealand's Fiordland National Park. It rises from the source of Lake Brown and is one of the tallest waterfalls in New Zealand. The waterfall got its name in honor of the photographer Victor Carlyle Brown, who discovered not only the lake, but also the waterfalls. Today Brown is a prominent tourist destination in New Zealand. The biodiversity of flora and fauna around this waterfall makes it even more picturesque. This is one of the added benefits of traveling to the Doubtful Sound region. The height of the waterfall is 836 m.


This waterfall is the tallest in Norway and also one of the most unique waterfalls in the country. The shape of the waterfall is so unusual that it seems as if many waterfalls have united into a single stream of water. Strupenfossen has become a real magnet for photographers from all over the world. However, this is not the only reason to travel to Norway this year. Other natural wonders of the country include the Northern Lights and a number of other high waterfalls. The height of Strupenfossen is 819 meters.


While Ramnefjellsfossen waterfall is unofficially referred to as the third highest waterfall in the world, it is actually the twelfth on our list. Located on Mount Ramnefjöllbryn in the villages of Loen and Olden, the waterfall is fed by the Ramnefjöllbryn glacier. Ramnefjellsfossen can be reached both by boat and on foot. Tourists can camp and hike in the scenic surroundings of this waterfall. Additionally, this waterfall is one of the few that has not been used to generate hydroelectric power. The tourist flow to these regions does not dry out throughout the year. Waterfall height: 818 meters.

Waihilau Falls

Located in the Waimanu Valley, the waterfall is the third highest in Hawaii and the thirteenth highest in the world. The falls resemble a horse's tail and are a prominent landmark in Hawaii. Some of the world's best waterfalls are commonly believed to be inaccessible on foot, and Waihilau is living proof of this. However, a short boat ride to the nearby river will give you breathtaking views of the majestic waterfall. The height of Waihilau in Hawaii is 792 meters.

Colonial Creek

Considered to be the tallest waterfall in the continental United States, Colonial Creek is located in Whatcom County. While the region's main attraction, Colonial Creek Falls is also known for its many hiking trails and excellent camping opportunities. If you are a trekking enthusiast, you should definitely visit this place at least once in your life. Here you can endlessly enjoy the mystical beauty of the waterfalls, which refresh the mind and rejuvenate the body. Elevation of Colonial Creek: 787 meters.


Mongefossen waterfall is located in the municipality of Rauma, county Møre og Romsdal. Mongefossen is located near the Rauma River and is actively used for hydroelectric power generation. As a result, the water flow during the summer season is significantly reduced. You can view this beautiful waterfall on a train ride from the village of Flatmark to Marstein on the north side. If you love tall waterfalls, be sure to make Norway your next destination and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. Height: 772 meters.

Katarata Gokta

The Catarata Gokta waterfall with two cascades is located in Peru and is the 16th highest waterfall in the world. This waterfall was only discovered in the last decade by German explorer Stefan Siemendorff, although it can be easily seen and heard from several kilometers away. A small hotel was recently built 10 kilometers from the base of the waterfall. It allows tourists to stay close to the waterfall and savor its beauty during their stay. Travelers can also explore the scenic views around this waterfall. The height of the Katarata Gokta waterfall is 771 meters.

Mutarazi Falls

The tallest waterfall in Zimbabwe and the second tallest in Africa, Mutarazi is one of the most famous natural wonders in the world. This waterfall was actually the fifteenth highest in the world until 2002, but then its height decreased. Located in Nyanga National Park in the Easter Highlands, the waterfall is a popular attraction. During the trip, you can stay in one of the neighboring houses, where you will enjoy the thunderous roar of water falling from a height of 762 meters.


One of the highest waterfalls in Norway, Kjellfossen is located near the village of Gudvangen. It consists of three waterfalls, the largest of which is Stor Kjellfossen, located on the left side. The middle one is called Vetle Kjelfossen, and the smallest one is known as Nærøyfjord. This is an extremely popular attraction that most tourists traveling in Norway try to visit. If you're in Norway on holiday, don't miss the chance to experience this beautiful natural wonder. Kjellfossen reaches an altitude of 754 meters. Waterfalls are definitely one of the main reasons to visit Norway and get to know this country better.

Johannesburg Falls

Many small water streams cascade down from Mount Johannesburg. However, the waterfall of the same name surpasses them in literally all respects. First of all, Johannesburg is among the top 20 highest waterfalls in the world. Secondly, the volume of water in it exceeds other waterfalls nearby. The falls are also known for increasing flows during the spring and fall seasons. Although it is not the largest attraction in the area, it is still worth a visit. Tourists are offered a comprehensive tour of all the waterfalls of Mount Johannesburg. Height: 751 meters.

Yosemite Falls

The United States of America is home to some of the tallest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Among them, it is worth highlighting Yosemite Falls located in the Sierra Nevada. This popular attraction consists of 3 sections - Upper, Middle and Lower Falls - that are part of Yosemite National Park. These waterfalls are amazingly beautiful during winter and spring, but sometimes stop flowing during the summer season. This waterfall is a major spring attraction. Consisting of 3 sections – Upper Falls, Middle Cascades, and Lower Falls – the falls are part of Yosemite National Park. While the waterfalls are amazing during winter and spring, they sometimes stop flowing during the years. Height: 739 meters. Even more beautiful landscapes await you in the selection dedicated to the mesmerizing beauty of waterfalls from different parts of the world.

August 29, 2017 | Categories: Places , Topper , Nature

Rating: +2 Author of the article: Koller Views: 15776

Among all the wonders given to man by nature, waterfalls are perhaps the most popular. Their beauty fascinates tourists, and their power inspires admiration. Below is a list of the ten fastest, most powerful waterfalls in the world, including those that have been destroyed by man.

Victoria is a waterfall on the Zambezi River, on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. It is considered one of the largest geographical landmarks in Africa. It was discovered in 1855 by Scottish missionary and explorer David Livingstone. The width of the waterfall is approximately 1,800 meters, height - 128 meters. Average water consumption is 1,088 m³/s.

Iguazu is a cascade of waterfalls located on the Iguazu River on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná (in the Southern region of Brazil) and the Argentine province of Misiones. It was discovered for Europeans in 1541 by the Spanish conquistador Don Alvaro Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, who arrived in the American jungle in search of gold. Interestingly, approximately once every forty years during a drought, Iguazu dries out completely. It is one of the most visited tourist sites in South America. More than 700,000 tourists try it every year. Depending on the state of the water in the river, the number of waterfalls ranges from 150 to 300, and their height ranges from 40 to 82 m. The average water flow is approx. 1,500 m³/s, and in different seasons varies from 500 to 6,500 m³/s.

Urubupunga is a waterfall on the Paraná River on the border of the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil. It had a width of 2,012 meters, a height of 13 m (in a cascade of two rapids), the water consumption was 2,747 cubic meters per second. Unfortunately, it was flooded due to rising river levels as a result of the construction of the Sousa Díaz hydroelectric power station, which at one time was the largest hydroelectric power station in Brazil.

Paulo Afonso

Paulo Afonso is a series of rapids and three waterfalls in northeastern Brazil, on the São Francisco River. It has a height of 84 m and an average width of 18 m. Although the water here no longer falls freely from a great height, since the hydroelectric power station and dam have blocked the river, it can however be seen again during floods, when the additional flow of the dam is opened. Before this, the waterfall on average flowed about 3,000 m³ of water per second, the maximum flow rate was 14,158 m³/s.

Niagara Falls is a group of large waterfalls on the Niagara River in eastern North America, on the border between the United States and Canada. Famous for its beauty. Its maximum height is 53 m, width - 790 m (Horseshoe Falls). In terms of the volume of water passing through it, it is the most powerful in North America: more 3,160 tons of water per second, during periods of greatest activity 5,720 m³/s. was first discovered to Europeans by the Belgian missionary and traveler Louis Enpen in 1677.

Para is a waterfall located on the Caura River in South America, in the state of Bolivar, in the tropical, inaccessible forests of Venezuela. The water here falls in seven cascades from a height of 64 meters (according to other sources - 60 m). The width of the waterfall is 5,608 m, it drops every second 3,540 m³ water, during the flood period the water flow can reach up to 11,327 m³/s.

Selille is a ruined waterfall on the Columbia River in North America, on the border of the states of Oregon and Washington (USA). Selil Falls, which existed until 1957 on the lower Columbia River, was a regular fishing spot for local tribes until the construction of the 79-meter Dallas Dam. With a small height, only about 6 meters, it was one of the fastest waterfalls that ever existed on Earth, with an average annual water flow 5,366 m³/s, during floods the flow rate could reach 11,300 m³/s.

Khon is a waterfall in southeast Asia on the Mekong River, in the extreme south of Laos. The total height of the water fall here is 21 meters, the length of the cascades is 9.7 km. The waterfall consists of several thousand islands and countless water branches and channels. Its average width is 10,783 m, maximum - 12,954 m. According to this indicator, it is considered the widest in the world. On average he resets every second 11,610 m³ water, and during the period of maximum water level in the river, the flow rate can reach 49,554 m³/s. It was discovered in 1920 by researcher E. Khokhan.

Guaira is a once-existing waterfall on the Parana River on the border of Brazil and Paraguay, west of the Brazilian city of Guaira. It included 18 cascades with a total height of 114 m. The waterfall was one of the largest in the world in terms of water flow - 13,309 m³/s. The cascading water created a deafening noise that could be heard 30 km away. It was also considered an important tourism center for many years, but ceased to exist in 1982 when it was blown up to flood the Itaipu Dam reservoir. It is interesting that before his final “death” he managed to take revenge on humanity and took with him 82 tourists who expressed a desire to say goodbye to him. Guaira tore down the suspension bridge on which they stood and pulled them into the watery abyss.

Stanley or Boyoma Falls is a waterfall in Central Africa, on the Lualaba River, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is a series of seven waterfalls (thresholds), with a total height of 61 m, a width of 1,372 m, and a length of up to 100 km. On average, he misses every second 16,990 m³ water, and during the flood period, water flow can reach up to 51,933 m³/s. It was named after the discoverer, famous British journalist and outstanding traveler and explorer of Africa Henry Morton Stanley.

A waterfall is a river along the way of which there are elevation changes, and a sharp drop in the bottom ensures a sheer drop in the flow. The spectacle fascinates with its beauty and grandeur; the higher the cliff, the more grandiose the view of the sparkling mass falling into the abyss. The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, and it is located in South America.

Interesting facts about falling rivers

In the register of world waterfalls, and there is one in the United States of America, two main types are distinguished: the height is greater than the width, for example Angel, and the second type, Niagara - the width is much greater than the height. In some cases, the height of the water flow is comparable to the width.

These are the main types, but there are many more subtypes, such as: cataracts - traveling rivers; leaf - with a flat wide cliff; horsetail - the water does not leave the rock surface throughout the entire flow; keyhole - the flow with force makes its way to free fall, and others, which can also affect the classification.

Classification of waterfalls

Typically, three main parameters are taken into account.


In this category, the record holder is the Venezuelan Angel, whose height, if you count the first and last cascade after free fall, is almost a kilometer. True, Angel is impressive only in the rainy season, while in dry times it is a meager trickle. By the way, Hugo Chavez renamed Angel to Kerepakulai-meru in 2009, but on world maps the name remained the same.

In general, many falling rivers are endowed with this characteristic, for example, on the African continent the Tugela with a height of 900 m is distinguished. In New Zealand - the Sutherland, falling in three cascades from 550 meters. There are many such streams in Norway, but, firstly, they are seasonal, since they occur only during heavy rains, and secondly, they are not waterfalls in the sense of free fall, they are simply the flow of a river along a rocky bed to the bottom of the mountain.

Visible area

This concept means height multiplied by width. This is exactly what impresses and what the viewer enjoys. Based on this indicator, three great waterfalls can be distinguished: Victoria, Iguazu and Niagara.

Consumption of falling water in cubic meters

Indeed, an essential characteristic, but the trouble is that it is not related to the height of the flow. For example, the Congo carries 17 thousand tons of water over the Levingston threshold every second, but its height is only 6 meters, so it does not make an impression and cannot be considered a waterfall. The second place in terms of volume is occupied by the Mekong, followed by Niagara, Iguazu and the Yellow River.

8 most famous waterfalls

There are many flowing rivers in the world; it is probably impossible to count and catalog them all. Each one is beautiful and magnificent simply because falling water is already a beautiful phenomenon that has a beneficial effect on one’s mood. But the most famous sheer flows in the world are listed below. These miracle rivers rightfully bear the title “the most”.


The highest waterway in the world is called the Angel. It falls to the ground, according to some sources, from more than a kilometer in height. There is a huge river on the mainland of South America, in the Cainama National Park of Venezuela. In 1935, pilot Jimmy Angel was looking for diamonds in this area in his monoplane, but found the world's highest waterfall and opened it to humanity. Now this most beautiful natural phenomenon is called by his name Angel, that is, Angel.


The largest waterfall in the world, Victoria Falls, is located on the African continent. From a height of more than 100 meters, this giant rushes down with frightening power and a booming roar, as if bursting out of a huge reservoir. David Livingston, who discovered this landmark to the world, gave it the name of Queen Victoria.

The most powerful

Iguazu is located in Brazil and Argentina at the same time, or rather, on the border of these states, and is considered the most powerful waterway in the world. Iguazu incorporates a whole ensemble of two hundred and fifty rivers, stretching across the area in a 3-kilometer smooth arc. This giant is not only the most powerful, but also the deepest in the world.

The widest

The continent where the widest river falling from a cliff is located is Asia. Cambodia and Laos shelter on their border the Khon River, which does not shine with the height of the canyon, but amazes with its width. The widest waterfall in the world - Khon - stretches for almost 11 kilometers.

The most beautiful

Almost every waterfall in the world can be classified into this category, and yet the popularity of the Niagara Cascades among tourists is difficult to beat. This wide falling river is located on the Canadian border and delights not only tourists, bringing pleasure with its horseshoe-shaped appearance, but also the local population, supplying them with uninterrupted electricity.

The longest

India, where the longest river is located, has not lagged behind world standards and included a waterfall named Gersoppa in the list of the longest waterways. This beauty is located on the Sharavati River, in the southern section of the Western Ghat mountains.

The smallest

You may consider the water from the tap in your bathroom to be the smallest waterfall, but seriously, there is one and it is located in Kazakhstan, in the Karagash sands. Truly this is a magical place! After standing by the falling river for 10 minutes, visitors noted the healing effect of the water.

The oldest

The oldest waterfall turned out to be a man-made canal called Marble, created by the Romans back in 270 BC. Manius Curius Dentatus, the Roman consul, ordered the channel of the Velino River to be changed towards the Marmore rock, which gave the canal its name. Today this water monument belongs to Italy and is located in the Umbria region.

Unique waterfalls without outstanding parameters

On the continents of the whole world, a huge number of waterfalls are born, live and die, which, although not distinguished by outstanding parameters, have their own special history or an interesting nuance that distinguishes them from many other waterways. In order not to get confused in the immense list and answer the question of what, where, on what continent and what is the name of the most desirable falling stream, you can consider this list:

  • Kaieteur is included in the World Waterfall Database at number 19 for its magnitude, and at number 26 for its picturesqueness. Located in the Kaieteur National Park of Venezuela;
  • Detian is the fourth largest in the world qualification. Located on the Sino-Vietnamese border;
  • Tis-Ysat river is located in Ethiopia. Tis-Ysat is loved by tourists from all over the world for the rainbow that regularly appears over the water;
  • Huangoshu - located in China and included in the Guinness Book of Records for its picturesqueness, majesty, charm and inaccessibility;
  • Jog is the pride of India. The poetic Indians compare their natural wonder to the dance of a beautiful woman;
  • "Golden Falls", or, one of the most beautiful places in Iceland. Gullfoss went through difficult times, threatened with destruction, when, rented by strangers, it almost turned into a hydroelectric power station. Now the beautiful creation of nature is under the reliable protection of the Icelandic authorities.

Usually tourists take pictures of the waterfall and take a selfie as a souvenir.

To capture water in motion, there are two techniques. The first is to “freeze” the movement with a short shutter speed, while the streams of flow and splashes seem to freeze in space and time - this is impressive, but the dynamics are lost; the second way is to set a long shutter speed; moving objects in the photograph will be slightly blurred and foggy, but the visibility of the water flow will remain.

Couples in love come not to immortalize the sights, but to capture themselves against the backdrop of the raging elements. The most universal advice of all professional photographers is not to shoot into the sun and choose the angle with taste.
The waterfall is a rather dangerous area, and visiting such an event must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Travel companies keep stories of excursions with fatalities. To prevent any trouble from happening to you, follow a few simple but important rules:

  • strictly follow the instructions. Such a reminder is given to tourists when visiting an excursion in almost any country, unless by the will of fate you find yourself in the wilderness in front of a waterfall unknown to science;
  • never go beyond the fences. They were placed not to limit your freedom, but to protect you from an accidental fall;
  • Make sure you wear comfortable shoes with hard soles and secure grip on the surface. The stones around are always wet and slippery;
  • Prepare waterproof clothing to protect your suit and equipment from the splashes that will definitely appear when the wind blows.

Streams of water breaking against rocks turn into millions of tiny drops, sparkling with crystals in the sun. The deafening roar of a stream falling from a height can be heard a mile away. It is impossible to remain indifferent next to such power. Millions of tourists visit the waterfalls every year to take with them a piece of the greatness of these stunning giants.