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What countries are in Australia list. Oceania and Australia. Office hours

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world in terms of territory. Includes the Australian mainland and islands, the largest of which is Tasmania.

This is a continent of deserts, semi-deserts and dry woodlands, occupying vast internal spaces; only on the eastern coast of the country rises the low mountain range of the Great Dividing Range with the highest point of the country - the town of Kosciuszko (2228 m). Along the east coast for almost 2000 km. the Great Barrier Reef stretches out.


State structure

Constitutional monarchy, independent member of the British Commonwealth. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General. The head of government is the prime minister, usually the leader of the party that wins the parliamentary elections. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament (House of Representatives and Senate).


Official language: English

Italian, Greek, Chinese and indigenous dialects are used.


More than 73% profess Christianity (26% Catholics, 24% Anglicans).


International name: AUD

One Australian dollar is equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins in 2, 1 dollar and 50, 20, 10 and 5 cents.

Currency exchange is more profitable in banks than in hotels and restaurants. All major international credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted and there is usually a fee of up to 15% for cashing them. There is an extensive network of ATMs. In small private stores, especially in the provinces, payment with plastic cards is often impossible. Some banks set quite high fees for cashing traveler's checks.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Australia

Where to stay

The hotel fund of Australia is distinguished by excellent service and equipment. There are many options for accommodation in the country: resort and city hotels, boutique hotels, spa hotels, small family-type Bed & Breakfast hotels and hostels. Of course, the most popular option in Australia are hotels, which are classified according to world standards, but instead of “star rating”, they are divided into classes: de luxe - 5*, superior first class - 4.5*, first class - 4*, superior tourist class - 3.5* and tourist class - 3*. Before booking a hotel, you should consult with a tour operator in advance if you are not sure what a particular hotel category is.

All hotel rooms in the country are equipped with air conditioning, some with a minibar. In budget hotel rooms, guests only have a shower. In hotels of class 3* and above, all rooms are equipped with a bathroom, such hotels have a restaurant and a swimming pool.

Most Australian 4* and 5* hotels are located in the city's business centre. The list of services of these business hotels includes: meals in the room, free morning newspapers, room cleaning and high-speed Internet. 4* and 5* hotels also offer 24-hour room service and a fitness center.

Family-run Bed & Breakfast hotels are located mainly along Australian vineyards, and offer tourists real home comfort and home cooking. In addition, in Australia there are quite a lot of roadside hotels and motels of a good standard, with all the necessary conditions for living. Most of them have minibars, TV, air conditioning, refrigerators and telephones. The rooms are also equipped with separate bathrooms with showers. Some of them have restaurants and swimming pools.

Campsites that are equipped with the necessary minimum amenities, namely access to drinking water and toilets, are very popular in Australia.

Popular hotels


In a restaurant, the tip is no higher than 10% of the bill; you can give the porter 1 dollar; the taxi driver is left change.


Office hours

Banks are open from 9.30 to 16.00 on weekdays, on Friday - until 17.00.

Shops are open from 9 to 17.30 on weekdays and close at noon on Saturdays.


Medical insurance is required during your stay in Australia. A certificate of vaccinations and AIDS testing is not required. Healthcare is paid and quite expensive.


Australia is known as a country with a fairly low crime rate. However, pickpocketing and theft of personal property from hotels still occurs. Caution should be exercised in crowded tourist areas and on public transport. Do not leave valuables or documents in the car.

On the planet. Interesting events and facts are associated with the culture and history of Oceania. For example, it was here that many ghost islands were mistakenly discovered during the Great Geographical Discoveries.

Where is Oceania located?

The countries of Oceania are located on islands in the waters of the western and central Pacific Ocean. Oceania is a collection of several thousand islands located between the Malay Archipelago and Australia. The territory has been geographically divided, since the time of the French navigator Dumont-D'Urville, into Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia.

Micronesia includes a number of small islands in northwestern Oceania. The Polynesian islands form a triangle to the east, with Hawaii at the top. Melanesia is the territory of the southwestern part.

Islands of Oceania

The total land area of ​​the islands of Oceania is 1.26 million sq. km. - This is the largest concentration of islands in the world. The climate and topography of each island is unique.

Basically, the islands are of coral or volcanic origin. Among them there are those that are the tops of underwater volcanoes or ridges. Volcanic activity and earthquakes are still observed on the islands. The largest objects are located closer to Australia: New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Zealand.

Oceania countries

The islands of Oceania are sovereign and the borders of the states pass through the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Some of the islands are the possessions of Europe and America.

In foreign geographical literature, Australia and Oceania are united under the general name Oceania. Considering this feature, we can also note such a sovereign state as Australia with

There are states in Oceania associated with European countries and the United States.

Among the islands of Oceania there is also the Chilean province of Isla de Pascua, which includes several islands, including the famous Western part of the Ocean is the territory of Indonesia. Thus, the countries of Oceania are as unique as the side of the world on which they are located. It is home to the smallest non-European state in the world. Nauru is in Oceania, the number of inhabitants is about 13 thousand.

Tourism in Oceania

Oceania, following the Malaysian archipelago, has been actively developing the tourism market in recent years. Some islands, particularly Hawaii, have become world famous resorts. and Oceania pay great attention to the development of tourism business, improving the quality of service, and developing tourist routes. Of course, the most developed are Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and the islands belonging to the countries of Europe and America. There are many tourists in Oceania from Japan, South Africa, Canada, and the USA. From Europe, a flight to Oceania takes on average 22 hours. Such a long flight and, accordingly, the cost of the flight are perhaps the only reasons that can be an obstacle to visiting the countries of Oceania.

The countries of Oceania are attractive for tourists, first of all, because of their oceanic nature and beaches.

Oceania offers a wide range of spa treatments. There are enough places for decent shopping. An active tourist will find something to his liking. Ski resorts with multi-level slopes are open in Australia and New Zealand. Diving and snorkeling in the waters of the Pacific Ocean is varied and exciting.

The most popular resorts in Oceania are Lahaina, Honolulu, Wailea (Hawaii), Bora Bora, Tahiti, and Fiji.

There are many interesting facts associated with the history of discovery and the culture of the countries of Oceania. For example, exiles from Europe were the first to go to Australia for permanent residence. Europeans reached the islands of Fiji in the 17th century, but a colony was formed here only in the 19th century, since the natives of Fiji were cannibals. 10% of the population of the Solomon Islands are blondes: scientists could not give an explanation for the appearance of a special gene in their DNA. The only state in the world that is located in four hemispheres at once is Kiribati. More than 800 languages ​​coexist in Papua New Guinea, making it the most multilingual country in the world. Previously, in the Yap island group, money was huge stones with a diameter of up to 3 meters.

Australia was discovered at the beginning of the 17th century by the Dutch admiral Willem Janszoon. Before this significant event, the continent was inhabited by local aborigines, and after the arrival of Europeans its modern history began. Janszon, like Christopher Columbus, did not know until the end of his life that he had discovered a new continent. In 1770, navigator James Cook approached the east coast of Australia and discovered it, according to the official version.

Geographical position

Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. This continent is recognized as the smallest on Earth, with an area of ​​7,659,861 km2. The length from north to south is approximately 3200 km, and from west to east - 4000 km. Depending on the location, the climate has its own characteristics: in the south it is subtropical, in the central part it is tropical, and in the north it is subequatorial. The western and southern parts are washed by the Indian Ocean, and the northern and eastern coasts are bordered by the Coral, Timor, Tasman and Arafura seas.

Across the Bass Strait are the Tasmanian Islands. Off the northern coast of Australia are the islands of Bathurst, Melville, and Groot Island. Off the southern coast, within the mainland shallows, are Kangaroo, Flinders and King Islands. The largest islands in the west are Derk Hartog, and in the eastern part - Fraser.

Main geographical characteristics

The main territory of the continent is located on the old Australian Plate, a former part of the Gondwana continent in the southern part of the Earth. The predominant form of relief is plains. Only 5% of the surface is above 600m above sea level. The highest point is located in the Australian Alps - Kosciuszko, with an altitude of 2230m. The lowest point belongs to Lake Eyre and is located 16m below sea level.

Main landforms:

  • Western Australian plateau, with elevated edges in the form of the Musgrave Mountains (1440m) and the MacDonnell Range (1511m) in the east, the Kimberley Massif (936m) in the north, the Hamersley Sandy Range (1251m) in the west and the Darling Range (571m) in the southwestern part;
  • Central lowland, the heights of most of which do not exceed 100m;
  • The Great Dividing Range has flat, steep peaks that grade into hilly foothills in the western parts.

Countries of Australia and Oceania

The federal state of Australia is included in the commonwealth, led by Great Britain. The Commonwealth of Australia unites 6 states (South Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania) and 2 territories (Capital Territory and Northern Territory). The country's area of ​​7.7 million km 2 is home to 18.2 million people, the bulk of whom preach Christianity. English has been adopted as the official language. The capital is the city of Canberra. A characteristic feature of the country is its significant distance from other continents; all its borders are washed by the waters of the World Ocean.

Oceania countries

Oceania is the largest and most numerous collection of islands in the world. In total, it consists of more than 10 thousand islands. Located on an area of ​​1.26 million km 2 in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean. In this part of the world, in addition to Australia, there are sovereign and independent states located on the islands of Oceania. State borders pass through the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Conventionally, all states in the region can be classified according to the degree of independence:

  • Absolutely sovereign: Solomon Islands, Nauru, Vanuatu, Fiji, Kiribati, Palau;
  • Practically independent states, members of the commonwealth founded by Great Britain: New Zealand, Australia, Western Samoa, Tonga, Popua New Guinea, Tuvalu;
  • Semi-colonies associated with the United States of America: Micronesia, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Marshall Islands;
  • Colonies: French - New Caledonia, French Polynesia; American - Eastern Samoa.

List of countries in Australia and Oceania

Major countries of Australia:

(with detailed description)


Nature, plants and animals of Australia

Australia received the title of the most environmentally friendly continent. Approximately 5% of the land area is occupied by national parks and reserves, which are of particular importance for the entire population of the planet. Some elements of Australia's ecosystem share similarities with the flora and fauna of South Asia, Antarctica and South America...

The fauna of Australia is not very diverse, especially on the island territory. This is explained by the isolated location of the continent, the fauna on which was forced to develop independently of other land areas. In total, there are 235 species of mammals, 720 species of birds, 420 species of reptiles and 120 species of amphibians on the continent and islands. Interesting fact: in the wild fauna of New Zealand there are completely no mammals; 93% of bird species and subspecies are found nowhere else except in this area.

The calling card of the animal world of Australia is monotremes and marsupial mammals. Monotremes are preserved exclusively in this territory in the form of two families: platypus and echidnaceae. Despite the general poverty of animal species, marsupials are represented here in as many as 150 species: marsupial anteaters, carnivores, marsupial moles, wombats, couscous, kangaroos and many others.

Climatic conditions

Seasons, weather and climate of Oceania

The countries of Australia and Oceania are located at the latitudes of several climatic zones: temperate (a significant part of the South Island of New Zealand), subtropical (in the north and south of the tropics), tropical, subequatorial (the islands close to Asia and Australia, as well as east of the 180th meridian) and equatorial (west of the 180th meridian)...

The average annual temperature in the tropics is approximately +23 o C, in the equatorial part - +27 o C. At the same time, the difference between the months and seasons is practically not felt. The climate of the islands of Oceania is largely determined by the action of trade winds, so the local population is accustomed to heavy and frequent precipitation. On average, between 1500 and 400 mm of heavy tropical rain falls per year. The wettest place on the planet is located here - the island of Kauai, on the Eastern slope of Mount Waialeale. The absolute record for this area was set in 1982: 16,916 mm of precipitation fell here in 365 days. It is worth noting that some islands, due to relief anomalies, have an arid climate.

Peoples of Australia

Peoples of Australia and Oceania: culture and traditions

According to the latest data, the population of the mainland exceeds 23.5 million people, of which 95% belong to the Caucasian race. These are the descendants of the Irish, Scots and English who immigrated here in the 18th-19th centuries. A slightly smaller share is occupied by the descendants of Germans, Dutch, Greeks, Italians, Poles and Scandinavians. The census found that some Australians also claim Arab, Chinese and African ancestry...

A separate Australoid race is represented by the small tribes of the indigenous peoples of Australia - the Aborigines. They live in small settlements in the northern, northwestern and central parts of the continent. The most common language of the continent is the official language of Australia - English. In addition to it, Italian, Arabic, Chinese and Greek speech is heard in the vastness of Oceania.

The country has access to and. Area 7.7 million km2, population 19.8 million people, capital - city (320 thousand inhabitants). Australia ranks 6th among countries by area.

The basis of the country's industry is mining. Australia ranks first in the world in the production of bauxite, lead ores and industrial diamonds, and third in mining. The manufacturing industry (food, petrochemical, metallurgical), as well as light industry, is developed.

More than half of the country's territory is devoted to pastures; sheep breeding is very well developed here. Australia ranks first in the world in sheep wool exports, but this figure has recently been declining. Agricultural crops include sugar cane, wheat, barley, and wine grapes. In recent years, fishing has been developing rapidly.

km2, population - 4 million people, capital - city (350 thousand inhabitants).

The country's topography is quite diverse. The coastline is heavily indented, with many small bays and narrow fjords. Both large islands have mountain ranges. On the North Island the mountains are slightly lower and there are several active volcanoes. The Southern Alps range is located on the South Island, which includes the highest point in the country - Mount Cook Peak (3700 m). The mountain slopes are quite gentle. There are quite a lot of rivers and lakes on both islands; on the North Island there are hot springs and geysers.

The climate of New Zealand is subtropical or temperate, mild due to its proximity to the ocean and terrain features. There is not much precipitation (600 - 1200 mm in different areas), but due to the abundance of inland water there is no shortage of moisture. The average monthly temperature in (north of the country, closer to the equator) in the warmest month is +19-23°C, in the coldest month +8-14°C, in Dunedin (south of the country, further from the equator) - respectively +15-19°C and +3-10°C.

The population is unevenly distributed, with most concentrated on the North Island due to its more convenient terrain and... The majority of the population are representatives of the Caucasian race - Euro New Zealanders, descendants of immigrants from, mainly from and. 65% of the population lives in cities. Largest cities: Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington.

New Zealand is one of the highly developed countries. Most of the population is employed in the service sector: trade, tourism, finance, etc. A special feature of the New Zealand economy is that it is based on agriculture, which is more typical for Kiwis

developing countries and is rarely found in developed countries. However, the country's agriculture is highly developed, very technologically advanced and export-oriented. Main industries: sheep breeding, beef cattle breeding, winemaking, fishing. In this regard, the manufacturing industry has been developed.

The country's nature is very diverse, there are many endemics, especially among plants and insects. The symbol of New Zealand is the flightless bird Kiwi, which lives only here.


Samoa is located in the center of the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, the area of ​​the state is 2900 km2, the population is 180 thousand people, the capital is Apia (35 thousand inhabitants), the form of government is a constitutional monarchy.

This state is similar to dozens of other states in Oceania. It is located on the 9 western islands of the Samoan archipelago. All islands are of volcanic origin and have a characteristic topography with fairly high mountain clusters (more than 1 km) in the center and narrow coastal lowlands. The islands have many small rivers and fresh lakes located in the mountains.

Samoa's climate is tropical, quite humid, with some areas receiving up to 7000 mm of precipitation per year. There are strong ones.

Samoa's economy is based on tourism and agriculture: cattle breeding, fishing, timber production, growing coffee, cocoa beans, and coconut palms.

Oceania is a part of the world that consists of the world's largest collection of islands and atolls located in the Pacific Ocean. Quite often Australia is added to this part of the world.

StateCapitalMain attractions of the capital
AustraliaCanberra· Aspen.

· Church of All Saints.

· National Museum.

· Australian War Memorial.

VanuatuPort Vila· Mele Cascades Falls.

· Efate Island.

IndonesiaJakarta· Chinatown.

· Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta.

· Museum of Ceramics.

· Taman-Sari.

New CaledoniaNoumea· Pen Island.

· Lifu Island.

· Fort Teremba.

· Bernheim Library.

· Territorial Museum.

Papua New GuineaPort Moresby· Warirata National Park.

· St Joseph's Catholic College.

· Port Moresby Nature Park

FijiSuva· Pacific Harbor Beach.

· Fiji Museum.

· Albert Park.

GuamHagatna· Guam Museum.

· Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica.

· Latte Rock Park.

KiribatiSouth Tarawa· —
Marshall IslandsMajuro· Laura Village.

· Alele Museum.

· Majuro Peace Park Memorial.

NauruNo capital· —
PalauNgerulmud· Great National Park.
Northern Mariana IslandsSaipan· Bird Island.

· Grotto.

· Baizan Cliff.

· Managaha Island.

· Museum of History and Culture.

WakeNo capital· —
HawaiiHonolulu· Aliyolani-Hale.

· Diamond Head.

· Iolani Palace.

NiueAlofi· Niue Island.

· Avaiki Cave.

· Tomb of Nukai and Peniamin.

New ZealandWellington· Cook Strait.

· Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.

· Windy Cape Palliser.

Easter IslandHanga Roa· Rapa Nui National Park.
PitcairnAdamstown· Bounty Bay.
French polynesiaPapeete· Tarahoy Square.

· Fire Hill.

· Chinatown Ku Men Tong.

SamoaApia· Savaii Island.

· Gagaemauga District.

· Robert Louis Stevenson Museum.

TokelauAtafu· Te Alai coral zone.

· Atafu Inner Lagoon.

TuvaluFunafuti· National Library.

· Reserve.

The countries of Australia and Oceania include 4 regions:

  1. Australia;
  2. Melanesia;
  3. Micronesia;
  4. Polynesia.

On the territory of each region there are independent and dependent states.

The Australian continent can be briefly described as follows:


The Melanesia region consists of the following countries:

The country is part of the British Commonwealth. The entire economy of Vanuatu is built on the agricultural sector. More than 80% of all working residents of this island republic are employed in agriculture.


Micronesia includes the following states:

  1. . The capital is the city of Hagatna. The island of Guam is known throughout the world as a resort. More than 20 hotels with a high level of service have been built on the territory of the state. The majority of vacationers on Guam are Japanese.

    The island of Guam is the largest of the Mariana Islands located in the western Pacific Ocean.

  2. Kiribati is an island nation reminiscent of a lost world. For many centuries, the indigenous population of the country has adhered to national traditions. Kiribati is an exceptional place where there is no television or Internet.
  3. The Marshall Islands occupy only 181 square meters. km. This archipelago is famous for the cultivation of coconut palms, breadfruit trees and exotic tropical fruits. The capital of the republic is the city of Majuro. The archipelago does not have a large amount of natural resources or developed industry. The country's entire budget is formed from foreign financial assistance and income from the tourism sector.
  4. Nauru is a country without a capital. This state amazes with its miniature size. The area of ​​Nauru is only 21 square meters. km. The island is not in demand among holidaymakers due to its very hot climate. This dwarf country is located almost on the equator. During the day the air temperature reaches +40. Today, this state can hardly be called developed. Phosphorites were previously mined on the territory of Nauru, but today the extraction of this natural resource has been suspended.
  5. Palau is an archipelago consisting of more than 200 small islands. But people live on only 8 of them. The population does not exceed 19,000 people. Palau is one of the most famous diving resorts.
  6. is an administrative territory not annexed to America. This community occupies only 477 square meters. km. It is famous for its highly developed tourism and colorful national traditions.

    Mariana Islands - a paradise for tourists

  7. Wake Atoll. The total area of ​​the island is only 6.5 square meters. km. This small state is subordinate to the United States of America. An American military base was built on the island, so it is practically closed to tourists.