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How to attract fish using a bite activator

Using attractants is a good method to attract the attention of fish. This path is not new and has been used for many years. Modern stores for fishing fans offer a huge selection of branded products for catching crucian carp, pike or carp.

All this, of course, is good, but is it worth spending money if you can successfully prepare a bite activator yourself? So, do-it-yourself attractants for fishing: everything you need to know about them.

Fish loves natural odors and this must be taken into account when preparing attractants. Let's look at the most “delicious” ingredients.

Of course, the list doesn't end there. Cardamom, vanillin, musk, cocoa, honey, cloves, and factory-made baking flavors work well as activators. It is noted that the flavors “strawberry”, “tutti frutti”, “caramel”, “nut”, “creamy” are 100% successful. Find out how to prepare them below.

Fish responds well to oils. In particular, anise, dill, flaxseed and sunflower. From what is available in the pharmacy, camphor alcohol, valerian drops, Zvezdochka balm, and fish oil will be useful. Just add a little bit to your bait and you will see that the number of fish you catch will increase significantly.

We prepare attractants with our own hands

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest thing - with flavors. For 1 liter of water you will need 4 tablespoons of baking flavor. Stir well, put on low heat and wait for it to boil. Wait another 15 minutes, and then safely turn off the stove. The flavored additive that can be added to the bait is ready.

Bait with a pronounced garlic smell is prepared as follows. Pass 4-5 cloves of garlic through a garlic press. Mix with 2 tsp. any oil. Stir and let sit for 30-40 minutes.

When choosing an attractant, you need to consider who it is intended for. Fish have different tastes, which means they will have to be lured in different ways.

Let's cook bait for crucian carp. Pour boiling water over a handful of pearl barley and wrap it up. Wait until the cereal swells. This usually takes 3 hours. Then add one of the following: cocoa, garlic, crushed dill seeds, anise, vanillin.

Carps- are known to have a sweet tooth, which means the bait should be sweetish. Select the corn grains - remove unripe and small ones. Fill with hot water. Leave for 2 hours. Then cook, stirring constantly, for about 50-60 minutes. Add sugar or honey.

Here's a simple recipe attractant for predatory fish. Prick one fish oil capsule with a needle. Mix the contents with Vaseline (about 30 grams). Add 1 tsp. salt. All. Simple, fast and effective.

There are also universal flavors that will work no matter what kind of fish you catch.

Recipe No. 1. Mix crushed and dried bloodworms, worms and snails in equal proportions. Pour the resulting powder with a glass of alcohol and leave in a cool, dark place for a week.

Recipe No. 2. Mix anise, cinnamon, dill, cloves and garlic. Fill with alcohol and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Dip your bait into the attractant just before casting.

Recipe No. 3. Take 6 flavored tea bags (strawberry, apple, cinnamon or any other), pour boiling water and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Then add hemp oil, soy sauce or ketchup (one or the other) - 1 tablespoon. Leave for half an hour, then strain. The solution is used to soak the bait.

How to use bite activators correctly

Before you start fishing with homemade attractants, remember a few important rules.

  1. know when to stop. An excessive amount of attractant causes the opposite effect - the fish will not swim close to you;
  2. in the hot season the amount of activator decreases, because In warm water, odors spread much faster. In winter, attractants are infused with alcohol, in summer - with glycerin and oil;
  3. In spring and summer, fish prefer sweet aromas. In autumn and winter - animal origin (dried blood, crushed worms, fish oil, bloodworms);
  4. For the best effect, combine 2-3 flavors. Try to change the compositions from time to time;
  5. so that the predatory fish has time to feel the bait, take long pauses during the wiring process.

As you can see, preparing bite activators for fishing with your own hands is not difficult. A little time and patience and the result will not be long in coming. Good luck!

Video: self-production of a bite activator for crucian carp, carp, roach

In order to increase catch volumes, some fishermen use special baits that attract prey to the fishing site. These products are used by both amateur and professional fishermen. Bite activators (attractants) have become popular devices.

How to prepare an attractant

The fishing market has a wide range of different bite activators from Russian and foreign manufacturers. The products are available in the form of tablets or liquids. They are produced to lure fish and increase their appetite.

If you prepare an attractant yourself, you must keep in mind that it contains the following ingredients:

When preparing the activator its condition is taken into account, on which the features of application depend:

  1. The product in liquid form should have a strong, persistent aroma. Typically, such baits are processed into artificial gear or added to the main bait. The optimal amount of product is about 5% of the total weight of the bait.
  2. Loose and pressed bite activators are designed to be scattered over the water surface.

To catch different types of fish, bite activators are used, which differ in their composition.

Carp bait

The mixture is prepared in several stages:

Porridge for crucian carp

Preparing bait for crucian carp has the following features:

Another recipe for luring crucian carp:

  1. Take glassware with a volume of at least 0.5 liters.
  2. 50 g of pearl barley is poured into it.
  3. The container with the cereal is filled with boiling water, closed tightly and wrapped in a towel - this allows you to retain heat longer.
  4. Infuse for 3 hours, during which time the pearl barley swells.
  5. Add anise, garlic, crushed dill seeds, reed roots, cocoa powder, vanillin or other ingredients that have odors that attract crucian carp to the container.

Activator Fishhungry

The most common attractant sold in fishing stores is FishHungry. Active advertising campaigns helped this brand take one of the leading positions. But based on the opinions of a large number of experienced fishermen who used the FishHungry bite activator, certain conclusions can be drawn:

The FishHungry activator has demonstrated its effectiveness or uselessness in various cases.

Fishermen prepare means similar to the Italian product to attract fish, using insects, fish fry, and macadamia. Some people use vanilla or anise oil as an additive, which activates fish biting.

Review of fish baits

Among other actively selling means of Russian and foreign production, it is worth mentioning the following:

Electronic means

Electronic baits, which successfully perform their functions, have become an innovative alternative to activators of plant and animal origin. They have a number of features:

Thus, ide picks up vibrations propagating through water in the range of 25–5,520 Hz.

If the prey is bream or crucian carp, then it is better to adjust the frequency within the range of 25-3,850 Hz.

To lure large breeds, it is necessary to use low frequency vibrations in the range of 200-500 Hz. This setting is effective for catching prey whose diet includes a variety of representatives of the class of crustaceans.

For effective fishing of predatory fish, it is recommended to set the operating range to a frequency of 5,000−12,000 Hz - this will simulate the sound vibrations of fry.

It is worth highlighting cases when the use of additional means of biting stimulation is necessary to enhance the bite:

Products that increase the intensity of the bite have become indispensable assistants in fishing. It's up to the angler to choose whether to make a bite activator with his own hands or give preference to industrial designs.

Not everyone is lucky with their catch while fishing. Therefore, all sorts of tricks and devices are used to attract fish. One of the modern developments is bite activator FishHungry. How does it work and does it make sense to buy it?

FishHungry product belongs to the class of baits- the so-called attractants. Their main task is to attract fish to the fishing spot. But, unlike other baits, this one has 2 directed actions at once:

  1. Attracting individuals in whole flocks;
  2. Their appetite increases.

This bait Sold in packages containing 5 servings of the product. Each serving has a volume 5 ml. And the average price per package is 1400 rubles. Fishhungry bite activator you can buy on the Internet, on the official website or in stores. Official website for purchasing bait by clicking on the link.

Important! The manufacturer claims that “Fish Hungry” effectively affects both predator fish and peaceful representatives. It can be used at any time of the year

Unlike its analogues, the action of FishHungry based on synthetic pheromones. These substances are secreted by the fish themselves, and they were identified and artificially synthesized by Italian scientists in 2011.

Initially obtained pheromones used for faster weight gain inhabitants of fish farms. And then they began to be used as fishing bait.

The pheromones used in the product, with the help of which fish usually communicate with each other, make them swim to the place use of bait and eat food more actively (swallowing the bait and hook). In addition to these substances FishHungry also includes:

  1. essential oils;
  2. universal food suitable for different types of underwater inhabitants.

Interesting! According to reviews from fishermen and promises from the manufacturer, the bait works best on large fish.

Physiological method of influence works even in unsuitable fishing conditions– for example, immediately after the spawning period. It is also effective in reservoirs of any type - both freshwater and sea.

Instructions for use

You can use the FishHungry bite activator in several ways:

  1. Add to diluted bait(chaff, cake or mixed feed). You can simply pour 1 sachet into 2.5 kg of feed, mixing thoroughly. This method is suitable for catching peaceful fish.
  2. Better for predators dilute the additive(1 serving) in 0.5 liters of water, and then pour into the food. You can also dip various baits and baits, including live ones, into the resulting solution.

If after fishing some part of the unused solution remains, then it can be stored for up to 2 weeks in a carefully closed container.

Fishhungry bite activator is it a scam or not?

This question most torments those anglers who want to try fish bait Fishhungry (hungry fish), but are afraid of deception. Moreover, there are enough negative reviews of these products on various sites.

Some believe that under the guise of an innovative development, an ordinary flavor is sold without any benefit.

In fact fish actually “exchange” pheromones under certain conditions, so there is no mysticism in using this substance. It is quite possible to synthesize them in laboratories, especially since Italian biologists presented reports on their discoveries. Another strong piece of evidence is that This additive has been successfully used for feeding fish on farms for a long time.

Note! All this applies only to original products. Read below for rules on how to avoid stumbling upon counterfeit products.

How to avoid falling for a fake

Due to the high popularity of this bite activator, counterfeits are appearing everywhere. Most often, buying a counterfeit product is the reason for dissatisfied reviews. To prevent this from happening, you need to be very careful when purchasing:

  1. Check the packaging. Original products are sold in plastic packaging, inside which there are metallized bags. The logo and image on the label must be bright and of good quality.
  2. Choose your place of purchase carefully. If an order is made via the Internet, then the seller’s website should not be “one-day” and not arouse suspicion. It is advisable to look for reviews of this particular store so as not to stumble upon unscrupulous scammers. You can buy bait..
  3. Ask for certificates of conformity. Only the original activator has all the necessary documents, which reflect the results of the necessary checks.

Important! Most often, counterfeits are found in Chinese online stores. Therefore, if you see a Chinese product for “5 kopecks,” then it is counterfeit.

Many fishermen, especially those who devote almost all their free time to their favorite hobby, have a positive attitude towards various devices and ideas that are designed to increase productivity and catchability. This is understandable, it’s more interesting when the fish bites than just sitting with an outstretched fishing rod on the shore of a reservoir. And besides, a good catch is the main reason to show off to your comrades, as probably every self-respecting avid fisherman loves to do.

Attracting attention

The purchase of a bite activator by fishermen is precisely due to the desire to have such a device. It is designed with one important purpose: to attract the attention of potential prey. A substance consisting of a mixture of ingredients (we will tell you more about them later) lures the inhabitants of the reservoir - both herbivorous and predatory fish - to the fishing point chosen by the fisherman. How does the bite activator work? Thanks to this device, fish swim to the site and begin to actively feed: this even includes bait on hooks. The result is catchy fishing that can bring the desired trophies.


What basic properties should be characteristic of a proper bite activator? After all, sometimes it is quite difficult to choose a given mixture right away due to the abundance of offers and manufacturing companies. There are several main ones, which we will talk about.


A good bite activator is characterized by attracting the attention of fish with active pheromones from a great distance. The larger the underwater area of ​​the reservoir over which they spread, the higher the likelihood of a good bite and catch.

Station wagon

For a modern bite activator, versatility is desirable. What does it mean? The fact that it can be used with the same effect to attract different types of fish: for example, carp, crucian carp, and perch. The active drug should have almost the same broad effect on them.

Practicality and readiness

The drug should be easy to prepare. It needs to be enough not for one time, but for several fishing trips. The concentration of the attractant must be constant, i.e., a necessary condition must be that it does not need to be diluted, for example, with water or another liquid, otherwise the proportions may not be maintained and will only scare away the fish.

Ecological cleanliness

The composition of the bite activator should not have a negative impact on the environment, be chemically aggressive or hazardous to the hands. Active substances are allowed to be of natural origin and do not pollute or poison the water body.

Active substance

It has been scientifically proven that many species of fish have a good sense of smell. They are capable of reacting even to insignificant concentrations of odorous substances in the aquatic environment. What kind of smells are these that form the basis of the bite activator? Scientists have set a similar goal - to identify those substances whose aromas cause an increased appetite in prey: putrefactive, pungent, camphorous, musky, floral, minty, ethereal odors. Some proteins, amino acids and pheromones are also attractive stimuli for many fish species. Using the sampling method, scientists determined the composition of ingredients that actively affect the sense of smell of river inhabitants. Most industrial mixtures are prepared according to this recipe. For example, Fishhungry and other best bite activators are popular among fishermen.

"Hungry Fish"

This is how the name of this popular mixture can be literally translated from English. This includes the essential components of anise and garlic (by the way, they have long been known and used by avid fishermen since Soviet times). It also contains some pheromones and amino acids, which allows you to achieve maximum results when fishing. Typically, the concentrated activator is diluted in appropriate proportions and mixed with bait customary for catching certain species. The effect of use is observed after 15-20 minutes. The maximum is reached in an hour, then the bait needs to be renewed. Fishhungry is a product of high technology. It does not harm the environment. However, the nature of the consistency is such that it is almost impossible to repeat the recipe yourself.

With your own hands

But many fishermen prefer to traditionally make bite activators at home, using available ingredients. For example, a mixture of black bread, anise drops and garlic, widely used by many amateur fishermen back in the Soviet years, is well suited for crucian carp. Another option: bread with unrefined vegetable oil or a mixture of garlic and live worms in a jar. Some dung worms, for example, are placed in a jar of mint, the smell of which is attractive to cyprinids. In general, there are a lot of options, and the selection is carried out individually and, as a rule, experimentally. Sometimes finely chopped fish meat is used (as a source of protein and blood), chopped leeches, and raw pieces of liver. Sometimes - a mixture of insects that live around a pond, worms and maggots, flavored with flavorings.

Electric activator

Recently, electric bite activators have been used quite widely. How to use such a device most effectively? The device is launched into the water area. Once the activator is in the aquatic environment, it begins to click, glow and vibrate, affecting the hearing and visual organs of the intended catch. The operation of such a device is based on the fish’s sensitivity to such vibrations (especially when it emits low frequencies, spreading over a distance of up to one kilometer. All these nuances have an attractive effect.

Happy fishing everyone!

Fishing has long been a real art. Fishing rod enthusiasts explain the lack of bite in different ways. Some believe that the main factor behind the lack of bites was the decline in the population of the fish “stock”. Others are confident that representatives of the ichthyofauna are getting smarter faster than fishermen are finding new ways of fishing. But both of them do not sit at home with their hands folded. To outwit an invisible opponent, modern electronic surveillance devices and magical baits are used. One of the most discussed ways to attract fish to a fishing spot is the use of bite activators. There are a lot of both positive and negative reviews on the Internet for almost every product. Unfortunately, among them there are both openly advertising messages and negativity from those who have not even tested the new product in practice. Therefore, the final verdict can be made by each angler independently only after testing in real reservoir conditions. All activators can be divided into several groups.

  1. Attractants allow you to attract fish to the fishing site. This can be one substance or a whole group of chemical compounds that force representatives of the ichthyofauna to instinctively move towards the feeding area or bait.
  2. However, the accumulation of fish in a certain water area does not guarantee a good bite. Therefore, it is important to arouse a strong appetite in underwater inhabitants and force them to compete with each other in pursuit of bait.
  3. Many bite activators contain both attractive components and hunger-inducing ingredients. Some manufacturers synthesize new chemical compounds, while other developers focus more on natural food, known to fish at the genetic level. When choosing a magic additive, you should take into account its environmental friendliness, especially if the caught fish will subsequently be served on the table.

Our review includes the best bite activators. When selecting specific fishing products, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • environmental friendliness of the activator;
  • efficiency of application;
  • price;
  • expert opinion;
  • reviews from amateur fishermen.

TOP 5 best bite activators

5 Lucky Fishing

Affordable natural activator
Country Russia
Average price: 40 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Lucky Fishing dry activator is a mixture of natural ingredients that are familiar to different fish. Crushed maggot or bloodworm is an easily digestible protein fraction. It stimulates the appetite of different types of fish, from roach to bream. Fried hemp speeds up the metabolic process in the fish’s body, resulting in appetite again and again. Anise creates an irresistible aroma that attracts representatives of ichthyofauna from adjacent water areas. All these components are safe for human health, and the caught fish can be safely eaten.

Many anglers consider the Lucky Fishing composition to be the best activator of natural origin. The environmentally friendly composition can be added to both bait and bait. In reviews, users recommend adding 1 teaspoon of the composition to 100 g of bait (worm, corn, maggot) or adding the same volume to bait weighing 1 kg.

4 SATURN liquid bloodworm

Natural bite activator
Country Russia
Average price: 107 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Natural aromas are most effective at attracting fish to the fishing point. It was this factor that was put at the forefront when creating the SATURN liquid bloodworm concentrate. It is an extract from natural bloodworms, to which natural dyes, emulsifiers and flavors have been added. Depending on the season and type of fish, you should select an activator with a specific odor. The manufacturer’s collection includes products for fishing specific fish (crucian carp, bream), as well as concentrates with the aroma of chocolate, anise, hemp, etc.

The best option for using liquid bloodworms is to add them to bait. In the spring and summer, when the water is warm, it is optimal to pour about 20-30 ml of the drug per 1 kg of feed mixture. But in cold weather the concentration should be reduced to 10-20 ml. It is important to shake the bottle before use to ensure that all components of the concentrate are evenly distributed.

3 Fish XXL

The best activator spray
Country Russia
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the most convenient activators to use is Fish XXL spray. It was developed in close collaboration between scientists and professional fishermen. It took three years to determine the optimal composition. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in practice; many athletes have won prizes in international competitions thanks to this development. The substances that make up the spray actively affect the fish’s sense of smell. By irritating the nerve endings, the drug detains the fish at the fishing point and stimulates it to bite. The activator can be applied to silicone baits when fishing for predators with a spinning rod or added to the bait before casting when fishing for bream or carp.

Anglers in reviews speak flatteringly about the spray’s ability to attract fish. Among the disadvantages, individual intolerance to the drug is noted, which can manifest itself after eating fish.

2 Dry Blooder

Development of European ichthyologists
Country Russia
Average price: 890 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the few bite activators, in the creation of which ichthyologists took part, is the development of Dry Blooder. The principle of action of the drug is based on the joint work of pheromones and albumin. The purpose of pheromones is to induce a feeling of hunger in representatives of the ichthyofauna. Moreover, the fish instinctively moves to the place where the alluring aroma comes from. Dried blood (albumin) is very rich in protein, which is quickly absorbed in the fish’s body. Therefore, the fish begins to feed intensively in the zone of action of the activator. The composition is suitable for both lake and river fishing at any time of the year. To obtain maximum effect, it is important to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations and the experience of fishermen.

In reviews, anglers advise adding Dry Blooder to their bait in the summer. And in winter, bream and perch bite well when the powder is applied directly to the bait.

1 Fish Hungry

The most popular bite activator
Country Russia
Average price: 590 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most popular bite activators among domestic fishermen is Fish Hungry. The peculiarity of this drug is that it not only attracts fish to the fishing point, but also provokes it to bite. The manufacturer assures that the larger the fish, the more readily it responds to the activator. Experts emphasize such a property of Fish Hungry as its versatility. Both peaceful bream and predatory perch respond well to it. Since the activator contains pheromones, it is impossible to overfeed the fish. The advantages of the product include a long shelf life.

The reviews initially contained a lot of negativity regarding Fish Hungry. Most of them are due to incorrect application. The availability of the composition allows every Russian fisherman to experience its effect firsthand.