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Everest is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. What to visit in Nepal. Beijing Forbidden City

Sights of Nepal

1. Lumbini

The main place of pilgrimage for all Buddhists of the world is in Nepal, Lumbini, the place where Buddha was born. It is here that Buddha's mother, Maya Devi, near a tree in the garden gave birth to a boy Siddhartha Buddha. Crowds of Buddhist pilgrims are a daily sight in Lumbini. Archaeological finds at Lumbini have been dated to around 550 BC. Lambini, one of the main attractions of Nepal, which attracts scientists and ordinary tourists from all over the world.

2. Janakpur

Situated in the southern part of the country on the Terai plain, the city of Janakpur is a tourist attraction of Nepal, it was once the capital of the Indian kingdom known as Mithila and the Maithili culture still flourishes here. Hindus believe Janakpur is the place where Rama married Sita, also known as Janaki, and thousands of Hindus from all over the world flock to the Janaki Mandir temple every year to celebrate their marriage anniversary. This temple is one of the largest in Nepal. Janakpur is also famous for having more than 100 sacred pools and ponds scattered throughout the city.

3. Nagarkot

Ideal for travelers who want to experience the beauty and grandeur of the Himalayas. Nagarkot is renowned for having some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, overlooking the mountains and valleys of Kathmandu. Situated on a high ridge northeast of Bhaktapur, the town has a population of about 4,500. Nagarkot, the best place to admire the sunrise over the Himalayas, one of the most spectacular views in the world.

4. Khumbu

Every year, thousands of climbers fly to Nepal to conquer Everest, and after the airfield they end up in an area called Khumbu, in the area where the base camp for climbing Everest is located. located mainly in the Sagarmatha National Park. Khumbu is home to the village of Namche Sherpas, who mainly accompany climbers on Everest.

5. Chitwan National Park

Of the 14 national parks and reserves in Nepal, Royal Chitwan National Park is the oldest and most popular among travelers. It is one of the best national parks in Asia. Royal Chitwan National Park is located in the subtropical lowlands of the Tarai and is home to endangered species such as the horned rhinoceros and the Royal Bengal tiger. Also inhabited here are leopards, wild elephants, Indian bison, crocodiles, pythons, monitor lizards, lizards, and more than 400 species of birds. The terrain is mostly flat, consisting of dense jungle, swamps and grasslands.

6. Pokhara

Imagine immaculate triangular mountains whose peaks are covered with dazzling white snow, whipped by the icy wind of the Himalayas. Add a tranquil lake that perfectly reflects the mountains, and place a small town amidst this natural splendor. This will be Pokhara - the main tourist center of Nepal, after Kathmandu, of course. It is from here that many continue trekking through little-explored areas of the Himalayas, in which a sleeping bag becomes the best and only bed. For those who have finished their long journey through the mountains, Pokhara will be an ideal place where you can find like-minded people who will never tire of admiring the natural beauty with you. This is confirmed by numerous lovers of paragliding, observing the settlement from a bird's eye view.

Pokhara is the second largest city in Nepal, it is located 200 kilometers from Kathmandu. Pokhara is a popular resort in Nepal, attracting tourists from all over the world with its authenticity and stunning countryside scenery. The city stands on the shore of a lake with views of the mountains. The city is also famous for having three of the ten highest peaks in the world, Daulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu, within 15 kilometers.

7. Patan

Situated on the banks of the Bagmati River in Kathmandu, Patan or Lalitpur is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with many attractions. Most of Patan's palaces and temples date back to the 17th century. Patan is one of the best places in Nepal to buy gorgeous handwoven silk sarees that were once the attire of the country's royalty and aristocracy.

The entire city of Patan was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979 and is the center of both Buddhist and Hindu culture in Nepal. With Patan being home to over 1,200 unique historical monuments, tourists are spoiled for choice. Among them are the Krishna Balaram Mandir Temple, a stone temple with magnificent friezes built in the 16th century, is a central tourist attraction in Nepal, it is one of the most beautiful temples in the region.

8. Bhaktapur

Lying 35 kilometers east of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, a unique tourist attraction of Nepal, also known as the City of Devotees, is one of the three ancient capitals in the Kathmandu Valley. Bhaktapur was the capital of the Kathmandu Valley during the 14th to 16th centuries. The entire city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is filled with palaces, temples, monuments and ancient squares connected by a labyrinth of narrow streets. Bhaktapur is also the center of traditional pottery and weaving industries in the Kathmandu Valley. A visit to Bhaktapur is like stepping into the past of human civilization.

In 2015, it experienced a severe earthquake, but fortunately, most of the temples and shrines of the city, which are the main attractions in this place, remained undamaged. It is less crowded and hectic here than in noisy Kathmandu.

9. Kathmandu

The cultural capital of the country, Kathmandu is where most tourists come to Nepal. A crowded metropolis of over 1 million people, Kathmandu is a chaotic mix of tourist shops, unique attractions, narrow streets, hotels, restaurants, Buddhist temples and handicraft shops.

10. Durbar Square

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Durbar is the religious and social heart of Kathmandu's old city and is a complex of palaces, temples, shrines, statues and courtyards built between the 12th and 18th centuries during the reign of Nepal's ancient kings. The central attractions of the Durbar are the Old Royal Palace with a gate guarded by stone lions and what is believed to be the oldest building in Kathmandu - the Kastamandap Temple. . If you travel to Nepal, be sure to visit Durbar Square.

11. Pashupatinath

One of the holiest Hindu shrines in the world, Pashupatinath is one of the main temples dedicated to Shiva (Pashupatinath) in the Indian subcontinent, attracting thousands of Hindu pilgrims every year. Shiva is the patron saint of Nepal. Pashupatinath Temple stands on the banks of the holy Bagmati River, a tributary of the Ganges, and is famous for its beautiful architecture. It is surrounded by many other temples, shrines, statues and pagodas, forming a large temple complex that can take hours to explore. Pashupatinath Temple is one of the main many unique attractions of Nepal.

Arrival at Kathmandu airport. Meeting with a guide. Transfer to the guesthouse of the Sheten monastery. Check-in at the guesthouse of the Sheten monastery. Excursion with a visit to the Buddhist stupa of Swayambhunath and the palace square
Kathmandu. Excursion to the Triten Norbutse Monastery, which belongs to the ancient Bon religion. In the afternoon, excursion to the Hindu temple of Pashupatinath.
During the excursions you will see:
- The Buddhist stupa of Swayambhunath is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and is the oldest in Nepal (built about 2.5 thousand years ago). According to legend, buried under the base of this grandiose structure is a sacred lotus that grew from a seed thrown by one of the previous Buddhas to the bottom of a huge lake that once existed on the site of the current Kathmandu Valley. The stupa is located on the top of a green hill, offering a picturesque panorama of the Nepalese capital. In the vicinity of the stupa there are numerous monasteries belonging to various branches of Tibetan Buddhism.
Excursion to the Triten Norbutse Monastery, which belongs to the ancient pre-Buddhist Bon-po religion. Currently, Bon monasteries have survived only in certain areas of Tibet and Nepal, as well as in Sikkim and Bhutan. There are only about 20 such monasteries in Nepal, and they are mainly located in remote northern regions - Upper Mustang, Dolpo, Jumla, i.e. in areas inhabited by ethnic Tibetans. In the Kathmandu Valley, Triten Norbutse Monastery is the only monastery of the Bon tradition.
The Bon religion reflects the spiritual and cultural traditions of Tibet that existed for many millennia long before the emergence of Tibetan Buddhism. According to legends, the Bon teaching arose 16-18 thousand years ago in the ancient state of Shang-Shung on the territory of Tibet, i.e. in those time immemorial, when human life was in constant danger because of the spirits and other powerful natural forces that reigned over Tibet. The worldview of the Bon people inhabited any place with spirits, especially lakes and mountains, rocks and caves. And then the awakened Tonpa Shenrab appeared to teach people to resist and control these forces. For followers of Bon-po, the sacred Mount Kailash is the soul-mountain, and according to their beliefs, it was here that the founder of the Bon sect, the legendary Tonpa Shenrab, descended from heaven to earth.
A distinctive feature of the Bon religion is the recitation of mystical formulas and spells, the performance of mysterious trance-inducing rituals, dances and sacrifices to suppress evil spirits and attract good and merciful spirits to help. It is a characteristic of Bon to do many things in the reverse order (walking around stupas counter-clockwise, turning prayer wheels in the opposite direction and reciting mantras in reverse), just as in the Bon tradition the rotation of the swastika is left-handed (as opposed to the right-handed swastika of Buddhism), which symbolizes opposition the forces of nature and the inflexibility of the will of followers. The witchcraft and shamanistic rituals of the Bon religion had a significant influence on one of the 4 most important directions of Tibetan Buddhism - the Nyingma school.
Initially, the Triten Norbutse Bon monastery was built in the 14th century. in central Tibet (Tsang province), existed for many centuries and was an important center of Tantrism.
During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, i.e. in the 1950s, the monastery was completely destroyed and destroyed. The modern monastery of Triten Norbutse was rebuilt in Nepal near the Swayambhunath stupa in 1977, since at that time it was impossible to restore the monastery in Tibet itself. The monastery serves the purpose of preserving the ancient cultural traditions of the Bon religion and is one of the 2 most important Bon monasteries outside of Tibet.
Excursion to the ancient temple complex of Pashupatinath (built in the 6th century; listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site) - the most sacred Shiva temple for Hindus, and we will be able to observe some Hindu customs here. Perhaps your visit will coincide with one of the major holidays such as Maga Shivaratri or Tiz. Childless women come here to God Shiva. Cremation of the dead takes place near the temple on the banks of the sacred Bagmati River. Here you can see many wandering ascetics, as well as snake tamers. Our guide will tell you many stories and legends about Shiva and his beloved wife Parvati, which are also directly related to the history of the Pashupatinath temple. Overnight in the guesthouse of Sheten Monastery

Many of China's sites are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, with a total of 47 sites.

We want to tell you about the 10 most popular of them.

2. Temple of Heaven
3. Forbidden City of Beijing
4. Terracotta Army
5. Giant Buddha statue in Leshan
6. Emeishan Mountains
7. Avatar Mountains – Zhangjiajie National Park (Wulingyuan Region)
8. Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) Nature Reserve
9. Classic Chinese gardens in Suzhou (The Humble Official's Garden and the Fisherman's Garden)
10. Qianfodong Temple Complex

This is the eighth wonder of the world. One of the most visited attractions in the world, it attracts about 40 million tourists every year.

The length of this structure is about 8852 km. Construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 3rd century BC during the Warring States period (475-221 BC). The wall was destroyed and rebuilt several times. In the beginning it was built from compacted earth, stones or wood. Later, more modern materials began to be used - brick, lime and stone.

Some sections of the Great Wall of China resemble very steep and high steps; the wall has defensive structures (towers-forts) and watchtowers (signal) towers along its entire length. The walls are decorated with battlements, which were used to observe the enemy and as cover for the soldiers.

There is still ongoing debate about whether the Great Wall of China is visible from space. The Great Wall of China can be seen from space, but only under excellent visibility conditions and if you know where to look.

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987 as one of China's greatest historical sites.

2. Temple of Heaven

The complex is located on the southern outskirts of Beijing. It was built in 1420. The main structures - the "Temple of Rich Harvest", "Temple of Heavenly Majesty" and "Altar of Heaven" - are located along a straight axis from north to south. Here, twice a year, imperial services were held with sacrifices, which were performed according to a very complex ritual.

"In the Temple of the Bountiful Harvest" they prayed for rain and a rich harvest. This is a true masterpiece of architecture, built on a three-stage marble terrace: wooden pillars hold up the ceiling without nails or cement. The height of the building is 38 m, diameter is 30 m.

In the courtyard of the “Temple of Heavenly Majesty” there is a “Whisper Wall”. Turning to face her, you can hear words spoken very far away.

The “Altar of Heaven” consists of snow-white marble terraces rising up. On the upper platform of the Altar you are left alone with the sky. The Altar of Heaven is a round stepped pyramid with a diameter of 67 meters. The echo of the Altar is amazing - thanks to the peculiarities of construction, the closer a person stands to the center, the louder the sounds he makes are heard.

Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.

3. Forbidden City of Beijing

In the very center of Beijing stands a luxurious “palace city” with golden roofs. This palace complex was home to China's reigning emperors for 560 years. 24 emperors lived here at different times. Ordinary citizens were prohibited from entering and entering here.

The Forbidden City is an architectural masterpiece and the largest palace complex in the world. This applies to the layout of the entire complex and to the exquisite design of buildings and premises.

The territory of the Forbidden City is a square. There are about 800 buildings on an area of ​​720 thousand m2. The city lies on the so-called Beijing axis (from north to south) and is surrounded by wide moats and walls 10.4 meters high. Behind them are symmetrically located palaces, gates, courtyards, streams and gardens. There are only about 9,000 rooms in the palaces of the Forbidden City.

Currently, the Forbidden City is visited by about 7 million people annually.
It was the first Chinese site to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.

4. Terracotta Army

The Terracotta Army rested underground for more than 2,000 years. In 1974, farmers in Xi'an Province were digging a well and accidentally stumbled upon one of the world's greatest archaeological sites - the Terracotta Imperial Army. The army was buried in 210-209 BC. e., together with Emperor Qin Shi Huang, on whose initiative they began to build the Great Wall of China. The purpose of this army was to protect their emperor after death.

About 8,000 full-size figures were found in underground halls or pits, each of which is unique and none is similar to the other. In the ranks there are infantrymen, archers, crossbow shooters, cavalrymen, military chariots with horses, there is even a command headquarters, which is located separately...

Initially, all warriors had real weapons - swords and bows, which were stolen by looters in ancient times. The height of the warriors is from 1.6 to 1.7 meters. The faces of the people represent different nationalities - Chinese, Mongols, Tibetans, Uyghurs, etc. The warriors are depicted in different poses - someone is holding a sword, someone is kneeling and pulling the string of a bow, someone is standing at attention.

Excavations continue in our time.

This find is also valuable because it allows us to understand what the Chinese army was like in those days.

In 1987, the Terracotta Army was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the "Tomb of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty" complex.

5. Giant Buddha statue in Leshan

This 71-meter statue of Maitreya Buddha, carved into the rock, has been the tallest piece of sculpture in the world for over a millennium. It is located in the Chinese province of Sichuan, near the city of Leshan, at the confluence of three rivers, the oncoming waters of which create dangerous whirlpools. The work was carried out in the 8th century AD.

Buddha sits with his hands on his knees and his half-closed eyes look at one of the 4 sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism - Emeishan, and his feet rest on the river.

More than 90 stone images of bodhisattvas are carved on the southern and northern walls relative to the Buddha, and a temple complex with a small park is built at the head of the colossal monument.

The Buddha statue in Leshan is one of the oldest in the world.

It was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

6. Emeishan Mountains

The highest peak of the Emeishan Mountains (3099 m) is called the "Ten Thousand Buddhas Peak" - one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. The name translates as “High Eyebrow”, “Beauty Eyebrow”. There are a huge number of temples on the slopes of the mountain. Here a person comes to a feeling of awareness of how many petty things there are in his life... What does he spend his life on? How small and insignificant he is among these majestic peaks.

According to legend, a local bodhisattva flew from this peak into the sky on a white three-headed elephant. In memory of this event, a huge statue of this saint was built on the top of the mountain, seated on an elephant with four heads, of which the observer from his perspective can only see three heads. The Temple of the Golden Peak and the Silver Temple are also located here.

Here you can observe the famous “Buddha Halo” of Emeishan, which is created by the refraction of sunlight in the fog. At noon, the rays, refracted through the clouds, form a circle of different colors: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, indigo...

In 1996, UNESCO awarded the area World Cultural Heritage status.

7. Avatar Mountains – Zhangjiangtse

Zhangjiajie is the oldest national natural park in China, where you can walk endlessly. This is an amazingly beautiful place and at the same time a natural zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The place is famous for its quartzite rocks, up to 800 meters high. The highest peaks of Wulingyuan reach heights of more than 3 km above sea level. The mountains are a picturesque sight: huge stone pillars above the tropical forest, rugged sharp peaks, waterfalls, a giant cave system, powerful rivers suitable for rafting.

Mount Jiankunzhu, whose name translates as “Southern Sky Pillar,” became the prototype for some of the landscapes of the planet Pandora shown in James Cameron’s blockbuster film. It was recently renamed “Hallelujah Avatar”...

Local attractions you should definitely visit:
The Yellow Dragon Cave has four levels and a unique landscape. This is a huge karst cave, one of the largest in the world. It reaches a height of 140 meters. There are underground rivers, pools and even waterfalls.

Here is the picturesque Mount Tianzu with the peak of Kunlun - “Abode of the Gods”. It is believed that the wisdom of Tao philosophy was brought to people from Kunlun. In order to gain immortality at the top of the mountain, the same conditions must be met as for entering the mysterious Shambhala. Only one who freed his mind from selfish thoughts about himself could become one of the inhabitants of the divine world of Kunlun.

And at an altitude of more than 1 km is the Yellow Lion Village. The original inhabitants of these places live here - the Tujia, Miao and Bo national minorities, they speak their own languages ​​and preserve their traditions and rituals.

Mount Tianmen Shan (height 1518 meters) is considered one of the main attractions of the park. Many legends are associated with this mountain. Here is the picturesque Heavenly Gate Cave. The longest cable car in the world (its length is 7455 m) leads to the top of the mountain. As you climb along it, unforgettable panoramas of the surrounding mountains and forests open up.

For thrill-seekers, an observation glass bridge has also been built here. Its width is 1 m and length 60 meters. The bridge seems to be attached to a vertical cliff face at an altitude of 1,430 meters, which creates the feeling of walking on air and allows visitors to look at the peaks of the mountain peaks located below.

The park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992.

8. Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) Nature Reserve

In the highlands of Sichuan Province is the famous Huanglong Nature Reserve, which means “Yellow Dragon”. This is a very picturesque area with unusual natural landscapes. Here are high mountain valleys bound by thousands of years of glaciers, beautiful mountain waterfalls carrying the purity of mountain rivers and a large number of thermal springs.

But the most interesting thing here is the natural rapids of travertine terraces (made of calcareous tuff), which twist like the scaly four-meter back of a giant golden dragon. It is also interesting to visit the numerous lakes of the purest water, of various colors and shapes. The reserve is home to a number of rare animals such as the giant panda and the golden snub-nosed monkey.

The Huanglong area was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992.

9. Classic Chinese gardens in Suzhou (Humble Official's Garden and Fisherman's Garden)

These garden and park ensembles are an internationally recognized example of impeccable Chinese landscape design. In 1981, the landscape of the "Fisherman's Garden" ("Masters of Fishing Nets") was recreated in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art as the best example of a Chinese classical garden. Water, living plants and stones of various sizes and shapes are the essential elements that make up any Chinese garden. Their combination fills the atmosphere that so impresses tourists.

You need to walk through the gardens, dissolving in their beauty and harmony. This is the place where the soul rests. Where you can hear silence.

The classical Chinese gardens "The Humble Official's Garden" and "The Fishnet Master's Garden" were listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1999 and 2000.

10. Qianfodong Temple Complex (“Cave of a Thousand Buddhas”)

This early Buddhist cave complex was erected in 353-366 AD. and unites 492 sanctuaries, which have been decorated with unique frescoes and sculptures for a millennium.

The largest cave in this complex is Mogao Cave, which translated means “Cave not for tall people.” Its area is 42,000 square meters. meters.

Unlike later cave temples, the decoration of Mogao is dominated not by sculpture, but by fresco painting.
At the very beginning of the 20th century, a huge warehouse of ancient manuscripts written in different languages ​​of that time was discovered in one of the caves. There were religious texts, treatises on philosophy, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, history and geography, dictionaries, and recordings of folk songs and classical Chinese poetry, as well as official documents of those times. The most famous of them are the “Book of Fortune-Telling” and the “Diamond Sutra”.

The Mogao Cave Temples have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987.

China: upcoming tours