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Ten most anomalous places in the Urals. Natural areas of the Urals In last place is Mount Bolshoy Iremel

I wonder why the editorial staff of the TV-3 channel has not yet moved to the Southern Urals in its entirety and opened a head office here? Somewhere near Arkaim to make reports, snatching topics from the thick air full of secrets and mysticism. The idea, by the way, is not without meaning, because to match the format of the TV channel, the Chelyabinsk region contains a whole darkness of mysteries, secrets and anomalous zones. I propose to talk about the latter in more detail. Read about how the secret developments of Soviet scientists caused the appearance of the “Kasli Anomaly”, what kind of shamans with antennas are depicted on the “Stone Tents”, and why Lake Shaitanka is considered unclean in the new “Good News” rating.

In last place is Mount Big Iremel.
Let's start with the fact that Iremel has its own mysterious story. Take the name, for example. It has been known since time immemorial, when the Turks who inhabited these lands (the ancestors of modern Bashkirs) called the mountain “a place that gives a person strength,” that is, “Iremel” in their language. By the way, the name of the nearby village of Tyulyuk translates as “desire”.

The presence of these two toponyms already suggests certain thoughts. For example, there is a legend that if you climb a mountain and make a wish, it will certainly come true. Rumor has it that in ancient times, priests of pagan cults performed human sacrifices on the top of Iremel. Perhaps that is why the place enjoys a gloomy reputation. All sorts of rumors are associated with him. From frequent UFO sightings to the mysterious “White-Eyed Chud” people, whose representatives allegedly live in those parts.

Lake Itkul takes ninth place.
Translated from Bashkir, Itkul means “meat lake,” since “it” (“meat”) and “kul” (“lake”). Scientists believe that the lake was given this name because of the abundance of various fish in it. Although there is a version that, on the orders of the Demidovs, several convoys of pork were thrown there in order to drive away the Muslims who lived near the reservoir and were protesting against industrial work. But this is not the fact that Lake Itkul is notorious. And the fact that in the middle of its water surface the so-called “Shaitan Stone” rises threateningly. There is a version that in ancient times, human sacrifices were made on this stone for the sake of the harvest and good weather. It is noteworthy that centuries later, people’s lives continue to end near this stone. A lot of swimmers drowned, and those who survived describe an unpleasant feeling as if some kind of energy cord was passing through them.

In eighth place are “Stone Tents” in the Kasli district.
Any child from the village of Allaki, Kasli district, with the intonation of an experienced guide, will tell you that it was here that once there was a Finno-Ugric village. About 7,000 years ago, they painted strange men with antennas on their heads on the “tents” with red ocher. But come on, little men, because, most likely, the “antennas” were elements of a traditional shaman’s headdress. But not far from the “stone tents” archaeologists discovered a bird-shaped idol, a spear and a jug with blood stains. This brings to mind the harsh rituals that the ancient Finno-Ugrians performed next to their “stone tents.” These places have a bad reputation among residents of the surrounding villages, but young daredevils often don’t mind “working” as tour guides.

Seventh place is occupied by the Arakul Shihans
. The place is notable for the fact that there are mysterious dolmens there (original “boxes” of heavy boulders). Members of the Kosmopoisk-Ural movement write about these objects: “The Ural dolmens differ from the well-known Caucasian ones in the method of construction and in size. In addition, scientists are still arguing about the purpose of dolmens, as well as their exact age; today there is no concrete answer about who built these “boxes” and why.” And in addition to the dolmens, the legends about a certain Grandma Shikhanka, who lives in the Arakul Shikhany, set the teeth on edge. Rumor has it that an evil spirit, taking the form of a frail old woman, roams the mountains and brings disaster to tourists. Meeting her does not bode well. They say that those who saw Babka Shikhanka only have time to tell about their meeting, and then they inevitably die. Of course, under the most mysterious circumstances.

In sixth place is the Nurgush mountain range.
According to reports from tourists and hunters, as well as employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, UFOs can be periodically observed in the sky above the mountain, and in the surrounding forests one can meet Bigfoot, the encounters with which Satkinsky local historian V.P. Cherentsov spoke about on the pages of his book. It was in the vicinity of Nurgush that a cryptozoologist from Chelyabinsk, Nikolay Avdeev, was lucky enough to take a photograph of Bigfoot, but like all materials on this topic, the picture turned out to be blurry and poorly informative.

The fifth place is occupied by Ignatievskaya Cave.
The famous cave is located near the village of Serpievka, in the Katav-Ivanovsky district. Having a corridor character and almost half a kilometer in length, it consists of four sections - the Entrance Grotto, the Main Corridor, the Great and the Far Hall. They named it in honor of the old cell attendant Ignatius, who lived and died in the cave. According to legend, the spirit of Elder Ignatius comes out of the cave at night and looks at the Moon. There is an opinion among tourists that you can hear someone’s footsteps and unintelligible voices in the cave at night. And besides, next to any of the departments of such a stone corridor, people’s batteries are constantly running out, flashlights burn out, camera flashes refuse to work, and those who enter feel someone’s invisible presence. Many people say that it is very difficult to get high-quality photographs in one of the halls - a “white transparent veil” appears on them.

In fourth place is the “Kasli anomaly”.
It all started when members of the Ural branch of the Kosmopoisk movement discovered strange circles in satellite images. Several versions immediately arose about their origin. One of them was that the circles are similar to those in Arkaim and represent the remains of an ancient settlement. The second version can be conditionally called “ufological”, well, you know, inexplicable crop circles, mysterious drawings, as if made by the hand of a giant. The third version was called military. It was she, as it later turned out, who was closest to the truth. It turned out that this place was once a radio testing ground for testing and adjusting secret products of the Radiy plant. The plant specialized in the production of defense radio equipment; the names of previously closed samples, which were tested at the test site, with a concentric movement system, even became known from open sources. Experiments with secret equipment are believed to have left strange marks on the ground.

The third is Lake Shaitanka.
A lake with the ominous name Shaitanka is located not far from Asha. It is remarkable, as usual, for its hair-raising legends. So, according to one of them, the reservoir is considered bottomless (officially they say about a depth of 200 meters), according to another, a certain “monster” lives in its depths, and the third attributes frequent appearances of UFOs to the lake. In fact, it is difficult to say whether the place is “anomalous” or whether these are just myths. For example, sometimes underground waters begin to rise sharply and splash out, as if over the edge of Shaitanka, flooding the area with a peat mass that emits an unbearable stench. At the same time, the water in the lake seems to boil. All these phenomena were previously associated with the machinations of evil spirits, which is why the lake was given the appropriate name. And now local residents, already quite savvy in matters of esotericism and extrasensory perception, say that there is bad energy there.

In second place is Taganay National Park.
There are a variety of legends and myths about this park. Some say that in some places the usual passage of time disappears, others claim that they personally met the “Kialim Grandma”. For example, one winter in Dalny Taganay, even the director of the weather station saw her near the bottom well. Seeing the director, the “grandmother” rushed headlong into the depths of the taiga. She was barefoot and lightly dressed, although the frost was fierce. And besides this mysterious pensioner, UFOs, “Bigfoot” and other extraordinary phenomena are regularly seen on Taganay. However, no one has yet been able to record the “miracles” for certain.

In first place, as you may have guessed, is Arkaim.
If you listen to home-grown mediums, then the ancient settlement of the Bronze Age is one continuous anomalous zone! Entire armies of psychics annually besiege Arakim in search of “power.” And what they don’t see there. Mysterious lights, according to the notorious magicians and “healers,” no longer surprise anyone, being, as it were, part of the landscape. In fact, most of these wonderful phenomena are the figment of the imagination of those people who come to Arkaim to “recharge” with energy. On the other hand, some cases of strange electromagnetic oscillations were recorded by special instruments. Perhaps this fact is somehow connected with the numerous stories of “contactees” and “eyewitnesses of the unknown.”

edited news Piratka - 2-10-2013, 14:08

I wonder why the editorial staff of the TV-3 television channel has not yet moved to the Southern Urals in its entirety and opened a head office here? Somewhere near Arkaim, to make reports, grabbing topics from the thick air, full of secrets and mysticism.

The idea, by the way, is not without meaning, because to match the format of the TV channel, the Chelyabinsk region contains a whole darkness of mysteries, secrets and anomalous zones. I propose to talk about the latter in more detail.

Read about how the secret developments of Soviet scientists caused the appearance of the “Kasli Anomaly”, what kind of shamans with antennas are depicted on the “Stone Tents”, and why Lake Shaitanka is considered unclean in the new “Good News” rating.

In last place is Mount Big Iremel.

Let's start with the fact that Iremel has its own mysterious story. Take the name, for example. It has been known since time immemorial, when the Turks who inhabited these lands (the ancestors of modern Bashkirs) called the mountain “a place that gives a person strength,” that is, “Iremel” in their language. By the way, the name of the nearby village of Tyulyuk translates as “desire”.

The presence of these two toponyms already suggests certain thoughts. For example, there is a legend that if you climb a mountain and make a wish, it will certainly come true. Rumor has it that in ancient times, priests of pagan cults performed human sacrifices on the top of Iremel. Perhaps that is why the place enjoys a gloomy reputation. All sorts of rumors are associated with him.

Lake Itkul takes ninth place.

From frequent UFO sightings to the mysterious “White-Eyed Chud” people, whose representatives allegedly live in those parts.

Translated from Bashkir, Itkul means “meat lake,” since “it” (“meat”) and “kul” (“lake”). Scientists believe that the lake was given this name because of the abundance of various fish in it. Although there is a version that, on the orders of the Demidovs, several convoys of pork were thrown there in order to drive away the Muslims who lived near the reservoir and were protesting against industrial work.

In eighth place are “Stone Tents” in the Kasli district.

But this is not the fact that Lake Itkul is notorious. And the fact that in the middle of its water surface the so-called “Shaitan Stone” rises threateningly. There is a version that in the days of hoary antiquity, human sacrifices were made on this stone for the sake of the harvest and good weather. It is noteworthy that centuries later, people’s lives continue to end near this stone. A lot of swimmers drowned, and those who survived describe an unpleasant feeling as if some kind of energy cord was passing through them.

Any child from the village of Allaki, Kasli district, with the intonation of an experienced guide, will tell you that it was here that once there was a Finno-Ugric village. About 7,000 years ago, they painted strange men with antennas on their heads on the “tents” with red ocher. But come on, little men, because, most likely, the “antennas” were elements of a traditional shaman’s headdress.

But not far from the “stone tents” archaeologists discovered a bird-shaped idol, a spear and a jug with blood stains. This brings to mind the harsh rituals that the ancient Finno-Ugrians performed next to their “stone tents.” These places have a bad reputation among residents of the surrounding villages, but young daredevils often don’t mind “working” as tour guides.

The place is notable for the fact that there are mysterious dolmens there (original “boxes” of heavy boulders). Members of the Kosmopoisk-Ural movement write about these objects: “The Ural dolmens differ from the well-known Caucasian ones in the method of construction and in size. In addition, scientists are still arguing about the purpose of dolmens, as well as their exact age; today there is no concrete answer about who built these “boxes” and why.”

And in addition to the dolmens, the legends about a certain Grandma Shikhanka, who lives in the Arakul Shikhany, set the teeth on edge. Rumor has it that an evil spirit, taking the form of a frail old woman, roams the mountains and brings disaster to tourists. Meeting her does not bode well. They say that those who saw Babka Shikhanka only have time to tell about their meeting, and then they inevitably die. Of course, under the most mysterious circumstances.

In sixth place is the Nurgush mountain range.

According to reports from tourists and hunters, as well as employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, UFOs can be periodically observed in the sky above the mountain, and in the surrounding forests one can meet Bigfoot, the encounters with which Satkinsky local historian V.P. Cherentsov spoke about on the pages of his book. It was in the vicinity of Nurgush that a cryptozoologist from Chelyabinsk, Nikolay Avdeev, was lucky enough to take a photograph of Bigfoot, but like all materials on this topic, the picture turned out to be blurry and poorly informative.

The fifth place is occupied by Ignatievskaya Cave.

The famous cave is located near the village of Serpievka, in the Katav-Ivanovsky district. Having a corridor character and almost half a kilometer in length, it consists of four sections - the Entrance Grotto, the Main Corridor, the Great and the Far Hall. They named it in honor of the old cell attendant Ignatius, who lived and died in the cave. According to legend, the spirit of Elder Ignatius comes out of the cave at night and looks at the Moon.

There is an opinion among tourists that you can hear someone’s footsteps and unintelligible voices in the cave at night. And besides, next to any of the departments of such a stone corridor, people’s batteries are constantly running out, flashlights burn out, camera flashes refuse to work, and those who enter feel someone’s invisible presence. Many people say that it is very difficult to get high-quality photographs in one of the halls - a “white transparent veil” appears on them.

In fourth place is the “Kasli anomaly”.

It all started when members of the Ural branch of the Cosmopoisk movement discovered strange circles in satellite images. Several versions immediately arose about their origin. One of them was that the circles are similar to those in Arkaim and represent the remains of an ancient settlement. The second version can be conditionally called “ufological”, well, you know, inexplicable crop circles, mysterious drawings, as if made by the hand of a giant.

The third version was called military. It was she, as it later turned out, who was closest to the truth. It turned out that this place was once a radio testing ground for testing and adjusting secret products of the Radiy plant. The plant specialized in the production of defense radio equipment; the names of previously closed samples, which were tested at the test site, with a concentric movement system, even became known from open sources. Experiments with secret equipment are believed to have left strange marks on the ground.

The third is Lake Shaitanka.

A lake with the ominous name Shaitanka is located not far from Asha. It is remarkable, as usual, for its hair-raising legends.

So, according to one of them, the reservoir is considered bottomless (officially they say about a depth of 200 meters), according to another, a certain “monster” lives in its depths, and the third attributes frequent appearances of UFOs to the lake. In fact, it is difficult to say whether the place is “anomalous” or whether these are just myths. For example, sometimes underground waters begin to rise sharply and splash out, as if over the edge of Shaitanka, flooding the area with a peat mass that emits an unbearable stench. At the same time, the water in the lake seems to boil. All these phenomena were previously associated with the machinations of evil spirits, which is why they gave the lake the appropriate name. And now local residents, already quite savvy in matters of esotericism and extrasensory perception, say that there is bad energy there.

There are a variety of legends and myths about this park. Some say that in some places the usual passage of time disappears, others claim that they personally met with the “Kialim Grandma”. For example, one winter in Dalny Taganay, even the director of the weather station saw her near the bottom well. Seeing the director, the “grandmother” rushed headlong into the depths of the taiga. She was barefoot and lightly dressed, although the frost was fierce. And besides this mysterious pensioner, UFOs, “Bigfoot” and other extraordinary phenomena are regularly seen on Taganay. However, no one has yet been able to record the “miracles” for certain.

In first place, as you may have guessed, is Arkaim.

If you listen to home-grown mediums, then the ancient settlement of the Bronze Age is one continuous anomalous zone! Entire armies of psychics annually besiege Arakim in search of “power.” And what they don’t see there. Mysterious lights, according to the notorious magicians and “healers,” no longer surprise anyone, being, as it were, part of the landscape. In fact, most of these wonderful phenomena are the figment of the imagination of those people who come to Arkaim to “recharge” with energy.

On the other hand, some cases of strange electromagnetic oscillations were recorded by special instruments. Perhaps this fact is somehow connected with the numerous stories of “contactees” and “eyewitnesses of the unknown.”

During the January holidays of 2018, members of the Armavir local branch of the Russian Geographical Society carried out another research expedition. We were transported 2 thousand 800 kilometers from the foothills of the North Caucasus to the foot of the Ural Mountains.

Near the nuclear industry city of Sverdlovsk-44, 70 kilometers from Yekaterinburg, we explored one of the many beautiful places in the Middle Urals - the sanctuary of the ancient Vagul tribes, located on the shores of Lake Shaitan.

The Middle Urals appeared to our research eyes in the majestic beauty of a bright white winter: the fluffy, sparkling decoration of aspen and birch trees, mild windless weather and a pleasant, invigorating temperature below zero, which is so unusual for the Krasnodar region.

Lake Shaitan is located 15 kilometers west of the city, which began its existence in 1949 with the opening of a nuclear industry plant. Today the population in this closed settlement amounts to 90 thousand inhabitants.

The city was built next to the Old Believers settlement of Verkh-Neivinsky, which was quite large at that time. There were many other small villages nearby - two or three streets long. Today they are no longer on the map. And the village of Verkh-Neyvinsky itself was left with one or two streets of rickety old wooden huts.

On the hundred-year-old black log cabins, around the small windows there flows designs carved by craftsmen from distant days of history. Ornamental patterns are sometimes complex, sometimes simpler. But the distinctive feature that I especially noted for myself was the design of the dormer windows on the gables of all the huts, without exception, that remained unchanged - two mountain peaks and the sun rising above them.

In my opinion, a resident of the North Caucasus, this is the image of our two-headed Elbrus. I observed this point of sunrise precession between two peaks in the mornings during an expedition to the Dzhyly-Suu valley from the village of Khurzuk in Karachay-Cherkessia.

What exact places in the Middle Urals this reminder tells about as a pattern on the gables of the roofs remains a mystery. This is what the local guard and hunter Vladimir Ivanov said:

When I arrived as a boy in a city that was just under construction, we lived in this very village. I was friends with local kids, children of Old Believers. Their characters were special, not like the city kids, and not everyone managed to make friends with them. From childhood, the boys were born hunters: at the age of 10 they deftly knew how to set snares for birds, nooses for hares, knew all types of traps and read any traces of animals.

They were resilient and more mature in matters of interaction between nature and man. Since childhood, the guys knew the hunter's code and never neglected it. They were cold in their relationship with the civilizations developing around their world. Many of them avoided the city even as adults, leading their strange existence separately and strictly.

So, we went to Lake Shaitanskoe with the goal of visiting the ancient temple of the Vaguls. There are three sanctuaries around the lake. Two of them can be approached by water in summer or by ice in winter, but since the ice was still weak, we went to the sanctuary, which could be approached along a narrow dam.

The path ran through a real taiga thicket. On the way, on the white picture of the snow blanket, we could read the tracks of a hare, fox, marten and small rodents. The forest there is inhabited by all kinds of living creatures in abundance.

Outlandish slender aspen, larch, birch, linden, cedar and pine trees appeared. Sprawling fir trees in sparkling snow decoration seemed to be the most beautiful creatures of the taiga. The forest is drilled, each tree is 2-3 girths, clean, ringing. The space itself felt welcoming, inviting us to its ancient mysteries.

Lake Shaitan was covered with white wasteland. The opposite bank was lost in the light snow haze, where, diagonally across the field of a snow bridge, there was a sanctuary. But it was scary to walk on the fresh ice, so we went to the eastern Shikhan - the sanctuary of the ancient organizers. Reference:

All monuments located around the lake can be divided into two types: coastal lowland and rocky. Rock monuments are built on high capes. Others are made of granite blocks or rest on granite shikhans (remains) 7-11 meters high. There is one monument each on the eastern and northern banks, and three more on the western banks.

In winter, you can get to the lake along the shortest route - along the Kedrovka River, and then along the swamp on the side of the Neiva-Rudyanka road - the Serovsky tract. The three rock monuments studied and published are of greatest interest: Shaitansky Shikhan, Southern and Middle Shikhan. Their study provided a description of complexes of finds that were significant in size and content, including a Neolithic burial and remains of human remains, and archaeologists also collected a rich collection of utensils, jewelry and weapons there.

The ancient Vaguls who inhabited these lands were not only skilled hunters and miners, but also had a deep spiritual basis: they practiced shamanism, rituals, and rituals. This is evidenced by the findings of archaeologists of a rich collection of shamanic amulets and idols. The topography of the monuments and the nature of the finds make it possible to interpret the monuments as rock sanctuaries. Work on the lake has been ongoing since 1996.

Long-term studies have shown that all six monuments, both lowland and rocky, functioned as places of worship. After completing the study of the main monuments, extensive reconnaissance was carried out around the lake, within a strip up to 1.5 kilometers wide. As a result, several more rock sanctuaries were discovered.

And then that very hidden place appeared. There is a different feeling in the space of serenity and trust, all members of the small expedition noticed this. The space, like a tent, covered us with slightly warmer air, windless silence and some special mood.

Each team member immersed himself in his own worldview and each followed his own path. Observations have shown that in such places time dissolves, a person spiritually merges with space into a single whole.

At first glance at the stone piles, it seemed that they were the work of human hands. Huge stone blocks, licked by winds and rains, looked rounded, no sharp corners. Space began to lead you from stone to stone, and you entered into deep communication with the secrets of ancient sanctuaries. I wanted to sit under these stones, and thought next to them about the purity of my thoughts.

It was impossible not to touch these stone guards with living, warm energy. The narrow and long gap between the stones, reminiscent of a portal, aroused interest. Probably, spiritual renewal occurs in the same way - from dark to light, like a birch tree in the opening of a portal.

At the top of the sanctuary there is a sacred stone bowl. Rainwater accumulating in its recess absorbs the rays of the rising sun. According to legend, after washing with such water, a person opens his spiritual eyes.

On the eastern side of the shihan there is a fire sanctuary. A conveniently located boulder forms a canopy of about 2.5 meters; the place, fenced on three sides, itself asks for a fireplace. The walls of the boulder are pretty smoked by the constant use of the place for its intended purpose.

The most amazing impression was made by a flying seid stone, neatly arranged according to some pattern incomprehensible to us. Small stones - heels - are carefully placed under it. Under this stone came images of a distant, so incomprehensible life, when sunrises gave energy, the moon shone with wisdom, and the trees were large. There, in the taiga wilderness, we found a fairy tale, each one with his own feeling.

In order to meet aliens, tourists do not have to save money for a flight into space. As it turned out, supernatural phenomena, ghosts, UFOs and other miracles in the Chelyabinsk region are not so rare. The list of “anomalous zones” of the Ural region and partly the Urals was created by employees of the Sredneuralsk Research Group “Ekaterinburg-Kosmopoisk”.

Many anomalous zones have been discovered in the Chelyabinsk region. The most frequently mentioned of them is Arkaim. Let us remember that this is an ancient settlement located in the south of the region in a foothill valley on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains.
In legends, this place is called the main spiritual center of ancient Siberia and the Urals. Following the scientists, psychics, prophets, members of various religious sects, and simply people longing for healing and enlightenment flocked to Arkaim. All of them unanimously declare the unusualness and strength of the local energy. In Arkaim, in fact, various energy phenomena are not uncommon. By the way, they have not only a fantastic, but also a completely scientific geophysical explanation: Arkaim stands on the site of a once active paleovolcano.

It is now recognized: here is the ancestral home of the ancient Aryans, which scientists have been looking for for so long over a vast territory from the Danube steppes to the Irtysh region; happened here on the verge of the 3rd - 2nd millennia BC. The division of the Aryans into two branches, Indo-Iranian and Iranian, has long been “calculated” by linguists... And some of the scientists who are so restrained in their assumptions are even ready to declare these places the birthplace of Zoroaster, the creator of the sacred hymns of the Avesta, as legendary as Buddha or Mohammed. It sounds wow: Zarathushtra is a Uralian, our fellow countryman?!

But even if you hold back your imagination and reduce your emotions, even then the South Ural archaeological find borders on a miracle. After all, this is one of those discoveries that force scientists to reconsider for decades - if not centuries - a built-in system of views on a vast and ideologically important area of ​​research. The phenomenon of Arkaim forced historians to change their ideas about the Bronze Age on the territory of the Ural-Kazakh steppes. Now it turned out that they were not the outskirts of the world that was entering the era of civilization: the high level of development of metallurgy provided this region with a very noticeable place in the cultural space stretching from the Mediterranean to present-day Kazakhstan and Central Asia.


Another South Ural anomaly is the Tamerlane Tower or the Kesene Mausoleum. This is one of the most ancient fortress-type structures located in the Urals, which is located in the steppe near the village of Varna, southeast of Chelyabinsk. It is assumed that the tower, made of red brick of extraordinary strength, was built no later than the 14th century. The purpose of the majestic tower-mausoleum is still debated by historians who cannot come to a consensus.


The highest point of the entire Taganay mountain range (1178 m above sea level). It is located 19 km northeast of Zlatoust. Distance from Chelyabinsk – 140 km, from Yekaterinburg – 260 km.

The mountain received its name for its characteristic round shape. The top of Kruglitsa is called the Bashkir hat for its resemblance to the Turkic headdress. Kruglitsa is also called the Round Hill, the Round Taganay, and even the Mandarin Hat for the characteristic bump at the very top.

Mount Kruglitsa was described by Nicholas Roerich as a point of contact with the Cosmic Mind, as were Mount Belukha in Altai and Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus. At the top of the mountain, in his opinion, is the focal point of the Temple of Light.

Kruglitsa is significantly lower in height than its two sisters; the living conditions here are much more comfortable. Having climbed up, you need to sit down comfortably and certainly take in the cosmic energy for a couple of hours. That's enough for a long time.

From Kruglitsa you can admire Zlatoust, the Otkliknaya ridge, Mount Itsyl, and Dalny Taganay. You can see from there in good weather Lake Turgoyak with the city of Miass.


Ignatievskaya Cave, with a total length of almost 550 meters, is loved by ghost hunters. It is located in the Katav-Ivanovsky district, near the village of Serpievka, on the right bank of the mountain river Sim. In the cave, drawings of ancient people, which are about 15 thousand years old, flint products, and animal bones were found. Underground halls and galleries, located in hard-to-reach places and far from daylight, most likely had sacred significance and served as a place for ritual activities. The cave got its name from the name of the cell attendant Ignatius, who lived and was buried in it. The holy elder was revered even after his death; masses of people from neighboring factories and villages flocked to him.

According to legend, the spirit of St. Ignatius comes out to the edge of the cave at night and looks at the Moon. As tourists note, strange voices and footsteps are heard here at night. In the cave itself and near it, batteries quickly run out, flashlights burn out, camera flashes refuse to work, and people seem to sense someone’s invisible presence. And in one of the halls it is very difficult to get high-quality photographs - a “white transparent veil” appears on them.


Ancient megalithic structure. Located on the slope of the Alexander Hill near the city of Zlatoust.

Distance from Zlatoust – 8 km, from Yekaterinburg – 260 km, from Chelyabinsk – 140 km, from Ufa – 265 km, from Miass – 20 km. Coordinates: N 55° 07’50”; E 59° 48’25”
Seid is usually called a sacred object of northern European peoples, in particular the Sami. However, due to little knowledge, it is currently impossible to unambiguously identify the Sami as the only builders of stone seids. Seid is a special place in the mountains, tundra, taiga or some noticeable stone, stump, lake and other natural formations. Seids can also include artifacts - structures made of stones. Seids are most often found in Russia on the Kola Peninsula, as well as in Scandinavia. There are also rocks on stands - placed in an unstable position or partially raised. Sometimes, due to the massiveness of many artifacts, seids are classified as megalithic structures.
At different times, seids had cult significance. For example, one Sami legend said that when fishermen went to sea, they left part of their soul on the shore in a stone seid, so that if they died, it would not be devoured by a monster. Some seids were used sporadically, in connection with calendar or other events. Other seids were related to a specific person. According to some ancient legends, people could use a stone seid. Sacrifices were also made to stone seids. Some of them could only be approached at certain times, while others could not be approached at all. And some seids were not allowed for women to approach.


In the Ilmensky Nature Reserve, on the slope adjacent to the city of Miass, the phenomenon of “bottomless holes” occurs. These gaps are visible only in the spring, when water from melting snow flows into them and large thawed patches appear. They are no more than 15 centimeters in diameter, but their depth cannot be determined. It is believed that such holes form UFOs, extracting rare earth elements for the needs of “aliens.” In addition, phenological anomalies were noted here in 2004.

A corner of nature that is remarkable in its beauty and unique in its diversity of minerals, the Ilmen Mountains, has long attracted scientists and stone lovers. The history of Ilmen exploration began more than 200 years ago, when it became known in Russia and Europe about the richness and originality of the Ilmen Mountains.
The history of studying Ilmen began more than 200 years ago, and this story is excitingly interesting and sometimes resembles a good detective story, with a dizzying plot. Here they looked for one thing and found another; discovered minerals that then “disappeared” for decades and did not always “appear” again; Mutually exclusive scientific theories were created on the same material.

More than two hundred years ago, during the troubled times of the Pugachev era and peasant unrest, the Cossack of the Chebarkul fortress Prutov found an unusual pebble in the forests near Lake Ilmensky, as they said then - “pure water”. The stone turned out to be topaz, one of the most expensive and fashionable gems at that time. “Stone fever” has begun. In a short period of time, beryl, aquamarine, amazonite, and phenacite were discovered in Ilmeny; Intensive extraction of topaz has been established.


Taganay National Park is also famous for its fantastic phenomena. And in the last 15 years, the Taganay ridge massif has been attributed the properties of an anomalous zone. There are constant mentions of encounters in the area with “Bigfoot,” frequent UFO overflights and landings, contacts with the Higher Mind, local chronomirages, appearances of ghosts, changes in the physical passage of time, and also inexplicable feelings of fear and anxiety.
Some say that in some places the usual passage of time disappears, others claim that they personally met the “Kialim Grandma”. For example, one winter in Dalny Taganay, even the director of the weather station saw her near the bottom well. Seeing the director, the “grandmother” rushed headlong into the depths of the taiga. She was barefoot and lightly dressed, although the frost was fierce.


Translated from Bashkir, Itkul means “meat lake,” since “it” (“meat”) and “kul” (“lake”). Scientists believe that the lake was given this name because of the abundance of various fish in it. Although there is a version that, on the orders of the Demidovs, several convoys of pork were thrown there in order to drive away the Muslims who lived near the reservoir and were protesting against industrial work. But this is not the fact that Lake Itkul is notorious. And the fact that in the middle of its water surface the so-called “Shaitan Stone” rises threateningly. There is a version that in ancient times, human sacrifices were made on this stone for the sake of the harvest and good weather. It is noteworthy that centuries later, people’s lives continue to end near this stone. A lot of swimmers drowned, and those who survived describe an unpleasant feeling as if some kind of energy cord was passing through them.


An island on Lake Turgoyak, located near its western shore. It is notable for the megalithic structures located on it. The area of ​​the island is 6.5 hectares. Distance from Miass – 13 km, from Chelyabinsk – 90 km, from Yekaterinburg – 200 km, from Ufa – 320 km.

The small island - only 800 meters at its widest point - holds an incredible number of secrets. After a thorough examination, many discoveries were made that amazed archaeologists. The oldest historical monument on the island is the Neanderthal site, it is about 60 thousand years old! But the main finds were megaliths. Megaliths are prehistoric structures made of large stone blocks joined together without the use of cement or lime mortar. The megaliths found on Vera Island are classified as dolmens. Dolmens are called megaliths, which in ancient times were funerary and religious buildings. The megaliths located on the island, according to scientists, were presumably built about 6000 years ago, in the 4th millennium BC. e. It is assumed that approximately 5–8 thousand years ago an earthquake occurred on the island and sharply rising water flooded the ancient dwelling and then left.

The megaliths of Vera Island are a mysterious, unique complex of megaliths discovered by archaeologists in 2004. The megaliths were allegedly built about 6,000 years ago, in the 4th millennium BC. uh

The largest structure on the island is megalith No. 1 - a stone structure measuring 19×6 m, cut into the rocky ground and covered with massive stone slabs. The walls of the structure are made using dry masonry from massive stone blocks. The megalith consists of three chambers and corridors connecting them. In two chambers of the megalith, rectangular pits were found carved into the rock. The connection between the building and the main astronomical directions has been recorded. Two sculptures were discovered inside the megalith - a bull and a wolf. The building is tentatively interpreted as a temple complex.

Cross on the Island of Faith - according to esotericists, the Island of Faith is an energy source of strength.

The cult site “Island of Faith 9” is an artificially leveled site with a system of menhirs (menhirs are vertically placed oblong stone slabs). The central object on the site is a menhir surrounded by several large stones. The height of the menhir is about 1 m, a natural quartz vein gives its upper part a beak-like shape, and an image of a fish is carved into the base of the menhir.

At some distance to the west of this central menhir, another stood in ancient times. Their center line sets the direction "west-east", at sunrise on the day of the equinox. The system of landmarks in ancient times consisted of another menhir, which, together with the central one, formed the direction “northwest - southeast”, for sunrise on the day of the winter solstice.


A little-studied cave, equipped for housing by unknown persons. Located on the banks of the Ai River not far from the village of Ailino in the Satka region. Distance from Satka – 22 km, from Chelyabinsk – 196 km, from Miass – 102 km. Coordinates: 55°12 36 N 58°53 12 E

Averkina cave (pit) is located on the banks of the Ai River. It is difficult to find it without a guide - it is hidden in a forest-covered rock. The entrance to the cave is an almost vertical 20-meter drop. Inside there are two grotto rooms, as well as an underground lake with drinkable water. So far it has been possible to study about 100 m of the underground passages of the cave, but they claim that its size is significantly larger.

It has now been established that the cave was named after the schismatic Kerzhak Averky, who appeared on the shores of Ai over a hundred years ago. He lived in this cave for several years and then suddenly disappeared. This disappearance caused a lot of rumors.

According to another well-established opinion, the remnants of Pugachev’s army hid here until their death. The gold stolen by Emelyan Pugachev was also hidden here. They even say that ancient coins were found in the Averka pit. By the way, it is possible that it is still stored in the secret passages of the cave.

According to some reports, the cave was a lair for counterfeiters of the 18th century. And the found wooden machine was precisely intended for creating counterfeit money.


A small lake overgrown with grass and bushes. Local residents often talk about anomalies in the swamp area.

Distance from Miass – 50 km. Coordinates: exact coordinates are unknown.
Although the lake is small, it is impossible to approach it. No matter who tries, everyone is overcome by some inexplicable fear.

Residents of nearby villages tell visiting ufologists that they often see barely visible balls in the sky, hovering over this swamp. Only a few days pass after such “reconnaissance”, and at night a mysterious glow appears here. And at least once every six months, the sky above the reservoir seems to be illuminated by a huge, powerful spotlight. On such nights, the village dogs hide in their kennels with their tails between their legs. Horses, pigs, cows, on the contrary, rush about in the barns and try to break free. Such mystical nights affect not only animals, but also modern electronic equipment. Televisions in the homes of surrounding residents usually work poorly: they receive two or three channels, and even then the image is like sand in a kinescope. But as soon as the light comes on over the swamp, the televisions in the houses are transformed, and then it seems that the Ostankino tower is in the middle of the village.
Someone even saw ghostly silhouettes rolling luminous balls across the field. The old people say that this is an evil spirit. Even the atmosphere near and on the field itself was sharply different from the usual state. People were seized with inexplicable fear, and the horses stopped listening and always wanted to turn in the direction opposite to the field. They say that animals sense danger.
Until now, the swamp is characterized as something strange, incomprehensible and inexplicable. But it is impossible to deny the fact that these “damn” places have high energy. Perhaps this affects the surrounding nature, the appearance of glare, lights and glows, the strange behavior of animals, the feelings of people, their condition and the time that flows, sometimes faster, sometimes slower... changing our lives.


The miraculous stone Mahadi-Tash is located in the Kunashak region near the village of Ust-Bagaryak at the junction of three regions - Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan (on a hillock, on the left bank of the Sinara River, a little above the village). According to the local Tatar population, this is a sacred stone, which, by the way, some of them still worship. It looks like a forehead-shaped limestone block, furrowed with wrinkles and cracks. There is also a noticeable dent on it - the mark of Saint Mahadi.


The place is notable for the fact that there are mysterious dolmens there (original “boxes” of heavy boulders). Members of the Kosmopoisk-Ural movement write about these objects: “The Ural dolmens differ from the well-known Caucasian ones in the method of construction and in size. In addition, scientists are still arguing about the purpose of dolmens, as well as their exact age; today there is no concrete answer about who built these “boxes” and why.”

And in addition to the dolmens, the legends about a certain Babka Shikhanka, who lives in the Arakul Shikhans, have set the teeth on edge. Rumor has it that an evil spirit, taking the form of a weak old woman, wanders through the mountains and brings trouble to tourists. Meeting her does not bode well. They say that those who saw Babka Shikhanka only have time to tell about their meeting, and then they inevitably die. Of course, under the most mysterious circumstances.

MOSKAL RIDGE (Witch Mountain)

The ridge is located on the territory of the Zyuratkul National Park in the southwest of the lake of the same name, in the Satka region. The ridge stretches from southwest to northeast. Distance from Chelyabinsk – 145 km, from Ekaterinburg – 352 km, from Satka – 25 km. Coordinates: 54°51 24 N 59°5 4 E

To the west of the ridge is the valley of the Malaya Satka river, and beyond it is the Bolshaya Suka ridge. In the north, the Zyuratkul ridge is a continuation. In the southwest there is a small Uvan ridge, in the east and southeast, behind Maly Kyl and Bolshaya Kalagaza there is a wall of the Nurgush ridge, with the highest mountain in the Chelyabinsk region - Bolshoy Nurgush (1406 m).

Moskal breaks off in the east directly into Lake Zyuratkul.
Among the mountain ranges of the ridge, geologists discovered a unique paleovolcano, and in its crater - a real underground storehouse. The Moskal “box” contains more than 70 minerals. And this is on an area of ​​just one square kilometer.
The meaning of the word “Moskal”, “maskal” is derived not from the name Russian, popular among some fraternal peoples, but from the Bashkir “meskey” - “witch”. That is, Witch Mountain or Witch Mountain. The origin of this name is unclear, but it is worth noting that the area in the area is full of such eerie names. In particular, “zyuratkul” is translated as “lake-cemetery.”

In addition, there are a large number of terrible legends about the surrounding area. Back in the 19th century, there was a temple (pagan temple) here.

Fans of esoteric teachings compare the Moskal ridge with Tibet, and Mount Big Kalagazu with the sacred Mount Kailash. Unnoticeable to the uninitiated, streams of energy, they say, actually flow in these places. The peace and quiet of the surrounding areas promotes spiritual relaxation, meditation and introspection.


It all started when members of the Ural branch of the Cosmopoisk movement discovered strange circles in satellite images. Several versions immediately arose about their origin. One of them was that the circles are similar to those in Arkaim and represent the remains of an ancient settlement. The second version can be conditionally called “ufological”, well, you know, inexplicable crop circles, mysterious drawings, as if made by the hand of a giant.

The third version was called military. It was she, as it later turned out, who was closest to the truth. It turned out that this place was once a radio testing ground for testing and adjusting secret products of the Radiy plant. The plant specialized in the production of defense radio equipment; the names of previously closed samples, which were tested at the test site, with a concentric movement system, even became known from open sources. Experiments with secret equipment are believed to have left strange marks on the ground.

SOURCE White Key

One of the oldest springs in the world. Located at an altitude of 675 meters on the southeastern slope of the Dvuglavaya Sopka in the Taganay National Park. Distance from Yekaterinburg – 270 km, from Chelyabinsk – 150 km. Coordinates: 55°15 48 N 59°46 40 E

The water in this source has not stopped flowing for millions of years. In 1990, Moscow State University specialists analyzed the water of this spring and it turned out that its softness was much higher than that of melted snow. That is, there are practically no mineral salts in it.
The bottom of the high-mountain spring is covered with quartzites, and therefore seems to emit light, and shimmers beautifully on sunny days. However, most often the color appears white - hence the name "white key".

The water temperature in the source is always very low - even in the hottest weather it does not exceed 3-4 degrees. It is curious that this spring used to have a different name. They called it "Holy Key". The fact is that since ancient times, the water of this source was credited with miraculous powers.

The Old Believers who lived in these places valued its healing properties so highly that they healed people from a wide variety of diseases at the White Spring. And in one of the areas where it flows, there once even stood a large wooden cross. What happened to him is unknown. But along with the cross, the name also disappeared. However, this is unlikely to affect the quality of water. By the way, tourists say that they have never tasted better water than in this spring.


The origin of the toponym is from the Bashkir Yurak-Kul. Yurak or y?r?k means heart.

Russian scientist-encyclopedist Peter Pallas wrote: “In the corner between them there is a mediocre mountain Satka-Tau, which seems to be a separate part of the large and extensive mountain Yurak-Tau up the Big Satka to the south...
Yurak-Tau means heart-mountain, and it seems that it got its name because of the towering blunt top, which is completely bare and rocky. On this mountain lies the memorable lake Yurak-Kul, into which many streams flow and from which the Bolshaya Satka flows.” Over time, Yurak-Kul was transformed into Zyurak-Kul, and then Zyuratkul. There is also another version of the origin of the name of the reservoir. Not far from it there is an old cemetery, so it is called Zyuratkul - Lake at the cemetery (Bashk. zyurat - cemetery, Bashk. kul - lake.

In the State Water Register of the Russian Federation, Lake Zyuratkul is called Lake Zyurat-Kul, on state topographic maps - Lake Zyuratkul.


A huge geoglyph in the shape of an elk or deer has been discovered in Russia, which may be thousands of years older than the famous Nazca Lines in Peru. The stone structure is located in the area of ​​Lake Zyuratkul in the Satka district of the Chelyabinsk region (Southern Urals). In the photographs one can discern an elongated snout, four legs and two horns. Satellite images from 2007 on Google Earth also hint at a tail, but newer images show it less clearly.

Residents of the village of Suleya in the Satka region often encounter “Bigfoot” in the forest. Also not far from Suleja there is a swamp that is notorious: hairy creatures are also seen there. Getting caught by them is considered a bad omen...


Sugomak cave is located on the eastern slope of Mount Sugomak, five kilometers from Kyshtym. It is the main local attraction and is a cavity consisting of three grottoes, which are connected by narrow passages. The third grotto is partially filled with water. There, speleologists allegedly found small crustaceans unknown to science. And representatives of Cosmopoisk, using an echo sounder, discovered at least three strange objects here under a layer of silt. The echo sounder showed that disc-shaped hollow structures of unknown origin lie in the lake at a depth of up to 8 meters. There are also flooded passages underwater, leading, in all likelihood, to new sections of the cave. In the Urals, the Sugomak cave is the only cavity carved out of marble by water. The mountain itself, in which the Sugomak cave is located, is considered a “place of power.” Local psychics come here to “recharge with energy.”


Located near Chebarkul near Lake Aushkul and the village of Starobayramgulovo. It shoots out from under Mount Aushkul. Distance from Chebarkul – 60 km, from Chelyabinsk – 140 km, from Ufa – 250 km. Coordinates: 54°43’12″N 59°42’19″E

The source is located approximately 200 meters above the ground and can be reached along the gentle slope of Mount Aushtau (Aush-Tash). Then a steep road leads to the top of the mountain, whose height is 646 meters. There are prayer pavilions, which are constantly full of Muslims, and three graves lined with stones.
On one of the graves there is a granite slab with an inscription in ancient Arabic: “This is the preacher of the faith - Sheikh Muhammet Mignan Alusa - 1258 during the time of Berke Khan - the state of Berke Khan.” The stove was brought from Bishkek in 1905 and installed to replace the previously existing one. Nearby are the graves of Saints Aulia and Divana. This is how the classic Islamic triad developed: Sheikh - teacher, Auliya - saint, Diwana - blessed. The mountain and its shrines are known to Muslims all over the world. In Bashkir the spring is called Aulia shishmakhe (??li? shishm??e), which means “Source of the Holy One”.
The Aulia spring flows only once a year, in the spring when the snow melts. This begins in May and lasts only about three weeks. The spring water is very soft. Many people notice the healing properties of the spring water: it normalizes metabolism, increases physical and mental performance, strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process. It is impossible to count all the diseases from which St. Aulius water helps people - psoriasis, kidney and gallstones, allergies, heart diseases...
For many years now, thousands of people have been coming to the spring in the spring to stock up on healing water. Every year thousands of pilgrims from all over Russia and even from other countries come to Mount Aushtau (Aush-Tash). Sometimes the healing spring flows for a whole month. The water in the source can be found at other times of the year, but it is believed that it does not have the same healing power as in May.


A lake with the ominous name Shaitanka is located not far from Asha. It is remarkable, as usual, for its hair-raising legends. So, according to one of them, the reservoir is considered bottomless (officially they say about a depth of 200 meters), according to another, a certain “monster” lives in its depths, and the third attributes frequent appearances of UFOs to the lake. In fact, it is difficult to say whether the place is “anomalous” or whether these are just myths.

For example, sometimes underground waters begin to rise sharply and splash out, as if over the edge of Shaitanka, flooding the area with a peat mass that emits an unbearable stench. At the same time, the water in the lake seems to boil. All these phenomena were previously associated with the machinations of evil spirits, which is why the lake was given the appropriate name. And now local residents, already quite savvy in matters of esotericism and extrasensory perception, say that there is bad energy there.


The northernmost point of the Southern Urals. The mountain belongs to the territory of the Taganay National Park. Distance from Karabash – 8 km, from Chelyabinsk – 90 km, from Miass – 55 km, from Yekatenrinburg – 180 km. Coordinates: 55°30 36 N 60°0 27 E.

Mount Yurma is located north of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge. At the same time, Yurma is the southernmost and highest peak of the Yurma ridge of the same name. The height of Yurma is 1009 meters above sea level. It is customary to draw the northern border of the Southern Urals along it.
From Bashkir, the word “Yurma” is most often translated as “Don’t go.” It is in this imperative mood. According to one version, this name is connected with the fact that in the old days the places around Yurma were very difficult to walk. Swamps and dense forest. Therefore, it was quite difficult to get to Yurma.

According to another version, Yurma was a sacred and forbidden mountain. Therefore, not everyone was allowed to climb it. In this case, Yurma is no different from Iremel, which was also forbidden for a long time.
There is also a version that derives the name Yurma from the Bashkir word - “dense forest”, as well as from the name of the Bashkir tribe Yurmaty. A ridge with this name exists between the Belaya and Nugush rivers.

The Yurma mountain and ridge are very popular among tourists. Climbing it, of course, is not done as often as Taganay, but still the folk trail to Yurma is not overgrown.

At the top there is a plateau covered with low, “park” forest. Near Yurma there are numerous rocky outcrops that attract tourists even more than the mountain itself. For example, two rocks called the Devil's Gate, located on the slope of Jurma, are widely known and popular.


The zone is located in the Ural ridge region near the city of the same name. When tourists enter this zone, they feel a surge of inexplicable horror. Distance from Chelyabinsk – 115 km, from Ekaterinburg – 220 km, from Ufa – 282 km. Coordinates: 55°5 54N 60°6 10

From the beginning of the 19th century. In the vicinity of Miass, mining, gold and marble are being mined. Numerous tourists, travelers, local residents and researchers of the Urals have repeatedly reported attacks of inexplicable horror that attacked them in a certain place. Geologists associate the anomalous manifestations with karst sinkholes; specialists in anomalous zones attribute the inexplicable proximity to the State Rocket Center named after V.P. Makeev.

In this center, the later famous “Kozyrev mirrors” were discovered - a kind of apparatus for traveling to other worlds.
Engineers built a unique “cosmodrome” in Miass to test this device, which is a collection of spiral-shaped mirror planes. Many researchers believe that this device has a great future. However, not a single experiment was completed. During the experiments, the subjects experienced strange psychophysical sensations, felt transported to other worlds and times, after which they had a feeling of some danger and the experiment was always interrupted.
Anomaly specialists believe that a side effect of the invention of the unique apparatus was the emergence of an anomalous zone in the Miass region.


Located in the village of Chudinovo, Oktyabrsky district. Distance to Chelyabinsk - 70 km, from Oktyabrsky - 30 km, from Yekaterinburg - 280 km, from Orsk - 480 km.
The grave of Evdokia Makhankova, better known among the people as Saint Dunyasha (Dunyushka), turned the small village of Chudinovo, Oktyabrsky district, into a place of pilgrimage. People come here not only from the Chelyabinsk region, but also from other regions.

Evdokia Makhankova has not been canonized to date; documents are being collected to canonize her. But many already consider her a saint for her righteous lifestyle and for the fact that she grants miraculous healing after her death. Many come to Dunyasha specifically for help, others simply want to venerate the grave of the local righteous woman.

Information is passed on from mouth to mouth about how Dunyasha helped in healing illnesses, having children, finding a family, financial and housing issues.
There is no need to bring photographs to Dunyasha’s grave - they say that Dunyasha herself will understand who needs help and what. At the same time, Dunyasha is picky and will not help someone who is “disliked” to her.

They notice that strange things often happen when visiting Dunyushka’s grave. For example, the sun suddenly begins to shine brightly during rain.
Evdokia's grave is located in the old village cemetery in the village of Chudinovo. A mini-chapel was built around it. The chapel appeared here through the efforts of enthusiasts who came here several times and knew that the grave was in no way protected from snow, wind, rain, or scorching sun. It was decided to build a chapel in the form of a large greenhouse. It is warm, light and dry. In addition, the area around the grave was landscaped - a path was laid out to the grave, a garden was laid out.


The monastery is not active.

Year of foundation: approximately 1860. Kasli district, 15 km into the forest from the village of Bulzi.
A mysterious, anomalous church, popularly called simply the Freedom Church, is a place where instruments malfunction, a compass does not work, in the dungeons of which lies a secret that six nuns did not give up and were shot, whose souls still hover in the vicinity of the church. It is here that, according to assurances, the revival of human civilization will take place.

Geophysicists with their instruments, together with dowsers with their frames, walked around the contours of the cathedral and received signals about the presence of underground galleries. Detailed studies were carried out on the site in front of the apse. It turned out that two underground passages emerge from under the altar hall of the temple at an angle to each other. Their general direction is deep into the once densely built-up monastic territory. This direction is consistent with the location of some dry wells, as if they, these wells, are either ventilation devices or exits from underground areas.


The unusual stone is located in the Verkhneuralsky region, near the village of Mezhozerny.
There is an interesting stone in the Verkhneuralsky region - it turns. One of the tourists accidentally drew attention to this: “Once I was sitting on it, and when I got there about a year later, I noticed that the stone had risen. He came back six months later - the stone had changed its position even more. He stood up even more vertically. The stone is elliptical in shape, of decent size, there is no way to turn it by hand..."

There are also no legends or traditions about the stone and this place. Currently, the stone, which once lay flat on the ground, has stood almost vertically. Although, according to the law of gravity, it should rather lean towards the ground. If Vladimir Shibeko, who wrote to us, could sit calmly on this cobblestone several years ago, now it is almost impossible to do so.


It is located in the Karagai forest approximately in the middle of the steppe zone of the flat Trans-Ural spaces of the Chelyabinsk region, along the sixtieth meridian, where the Ural-Tobolsk watershed passes.

Distance from Verkhneuralsk – 44 km, from Chelyabinsk – 160 km, from Magnitogorsk – 90 km.

Here, in many places, large granite-gneiss massifs are exposed, up to 350 m high, and sometimes up to 450 m above sea level and, often covered with pine forests, and in depressions with birch groves.

Almost in the very center of the forest is Mount Leshachya, height above sea level 514 m.

The mountain is notable for the fact that it is literally covered with various kinds of legends and myths. According to widespread legends, witches held their Sabbaths on the top of the mountain; witches came from everywhere and celebrated their rituals on the appointed day.

For example, before the revolution, on the eve of the holidays of Kolyada and Ivan Kupala, guards were specially posted around the mountain to prevent women who were going to perform pagan rituals here.

Interest was also aroused by stories from tourists that navigation equipment malfunctions at the top of the mountain.


Kiselevskaya, cave, geological and geomorphological natural monument of regional significance (since 1985).
A horizontal karst cavity of a grotto type of complex shape. Founded in a massif of light gray Paleozoic limestones of the Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous. Located on the right bank of the Sim River, 4 km northeast of the railway station in the city of Ashi.

The entrance to the cave is located at the bottom of a corrosion-sinkhole crater measuring 7.5 × 9 m and depth 6 m, formed on the eastern slope of the Kiselevsky log at an altitude of about 70 m from the bed of the stream flowing here. A narrow entrance hole of irregular shape measuring 0.6x1.5 m is oriented to the west; immediately behind it the 1st grotto of the cave opens (Hibernating Bats). The length of the grotto is 35 m, width up to 10 m, maximum height 20 m. During the cold season, numerous ice stalactites and stalagmites (up to 50-70 cm high) form in the grotto, and the walls are covered with snow crystals.

The cave is marked by various anomalous phenomena. According to speleologists, they saw different light effects in the cave, and supposedly there were distortions in the perception of time.


A bizarrely shaped rock not far from Kyshtym. It is located in the south of a small ridge, at the western end of Mount Teplaya. Distance from Chelyabinsk – 95 km, from Kyshtym – 20 km, from Karabash – 15 km. Coordinates: N 55° 38.922′ E 60° 17.021′

This miracle of nature is composed of granite gneisses, which, during the weathering process, formed a window in the rock monolith. Judging by the appearance and structure of the gneisses, it can be assumed that the Gate has existed in this form for more than one millennium.

The stone gate is also called the Dragon Stone, Dragon Wings, Hole Stone - all this is the same rocky outcrop on Mount Tyoplaya. The origin of all these names is explained by the shape of the rock and human imagination. The name Stone Gate is considered the most ancient, and all the others are relatively modern.

Once upon a time, the Stone Gate was considered a sacred place where wishes come true. Since ancient times, hunters have come here to beg for good luck and to make their weapons more accurate and deadly. Now people come here to look, to be amazed at the rock, as well as the magnificent views that open from the mountain to the surrounding area. Fans of esoteric teachings claim that the rock is still a kind of energy point - a “place of power.”


although geographically it is located in Bashkiria, but in terms of its significance, it is one of the most famous natural monuments of the entire Urals. You can enter Iremel from the Chelyabinsk region. Since ancient times, peoples and tribes have distinguished Iremel from other peaks and treated it with special respect. However, everything is in order, first I will give brief geographical information: the Iremel mountain range is located in the northeast of the Uchalinsky district. A small section of the border with the Chelyabinsk region runs tangentially to the northern and western edge of the mountain’s base. Iremel is located in the zone of the highest elevations and is part of the axial ridge of the Ural-Tau. There are Big and Small Iremel, which rise on the common foundation of the massif, oriented in relation to the cardinal points from northeast to southwest with a total length of approximately 13 km. Mount Big Iremel has a height of 1582 meters (Peak “Boar”) and is the second highest point in the Southern Urals (second only to Yaman-Tau - 1640 m). The slopes and peaks of Iremel rise above the boundaries of the forest belt and represent the subalpine and alpine zone. Big and Small Iremel (height 1449 m) are separated from each other by a characteristic saddle approximately a kilometer wide.

In the ancient Bashkir folk epic you can read about how Mount Iremel arose. In it, the main character Ural-Batyr fights with the padishah Azraki and his army: divas (i.e. evil spirits) and dragons. Having destroyed everyone, Ural-Batyr placed their defeated bodies in heaps, which later became the Ural Mountains. The largest pile turned out to be Iremel. During the confrontation, the hero died from poisoning, and his children had to take up swords. According to legend, they cut through Iremel, and the Belaya and Ural rivers flowed out of it.

Legends are legends, but the Russian settlers who began to populate the Chelyabinsk region treated the mountain with no less respect than the local residents. And as some clergy note, before the revolution, no one was surprised that in a dry year people gathered and went in procession to ask for rain on Iremel.

There are plenty of wonderful stories and rumors today. Sports tourists, nomadic esotericists and simply curious people have recently flooded the mountain. Some jokingly, some in all seriousness, tell their stories about Iremel. Some believe that this is a “portal”, an “energy center” and come here to “recharge”. Others believe that in ancient times Iremel was used for human sacrifices by servants of dark cults and are looking for ancient temples here. Ufologists, of whom there are also quite a few, claim that somewhere here there is an underground UFO base and claim that they regularly see “flying saucers.” Sorcerers and psychics come to Iremel to collect magical plants. For example, only here does Rhodiola Iremelica, listed in the Red Book, grow. This plant, also called the “golden root,” is included in many alchemical recipes for immortality.


Attraction near the city of Kyshtym. The mountain has two peaks. The height of the highest point of Mount Sugomak is 590 meters.

Not far from Kyshtym there is a low mountain with a bald rocky peak. It's called Sugomak.

The height of Mount Sugomak is close to 600 meters above sea level. On the one hand, even those who have never climbed the mountains can handle the climb; on the other hand, at least some kind of physical preparation is necessary if you want to reach the cherished peak, and not turn 180 degrees halfway to your cherished goal. The fact is that only at the beginning of the path a well-trodden, level path leads to the top. Then the initial ease and accessibility of the ascent is replaced by a sharp slope.

An interesting fact is that Mount Sugomak has not one, but three peaks. There is a saying among local residents: “The first hill, the second hill, the third is the mountain.” Each peak has its own paths. Walking along these paths, we find ourselves in the kingdom of relict mountain forest-steppe - a real botanical monument.
A wonderful panorama opens from every hillock. Kyshtym and Lake Sugomak lie in full view.

Many consider Mount Sugomak miraculous, the so-called “place of power” that heals, fills with health and energy.
There are many variations of the legend about a strong and brave warrior named Sugomak and a beautiful girl Egoza. But the main plot line boils down to the fact that the lovers’ relatives are against their union; they belong to two warring families.

Despite all the prohibitions and obstacles, Sugomak and Egoza began to live together away from their tribes. But this decision only increased the hostility of their relatives towards each other. Then the young man and girl turned to the gods for help. They begged for peace and harmony. The wish came true, but at what cost! The gods turned the lovers into two mountains (Sugomak and Egozu), standing side by side.
And the tears that they shed from unhappy love formed the most beautiful Lake Sugomak.

They say that Bashkirs still believe in the magical power of the lake and try to come here with their infant children to dip them in the waters of the lake. Perhaps they dream that their sons will become as strong as Sugomak, and their daughters as beautiful as Egoza.


Large stone outcrop. Not far from Kyshtym, on a small hill, on the left side of the old Egusty-Ushaty road, there is a rocky ridge that crowns. Distance from Chelyabinsk – 100 km, from Kyshtym – 25 km, from Yekaterinburg – 135 km. Coordinates: N 55° 39.037′ E 60° 11.699′

The devil's tooth is a vertical 25-meter rock. The entire stone ridge is also called the Devil's Settlement. These names are given to the rocks for their bizarre shape. There are legends about many of them.

The height of the steep cliffs reaches 20 meters, and the total length of the stone ridge is about 100 meters.

This place is quite far from large cities, so it is rarely visited, only Kyshtym tourists and climbers occasionally conduct their training and competitions here.
There is a legend that in ancient times, sacrificial rituals were performed here, but no excavations were carried out at the rocks. They say that the clock, compass and other instruments in this place refuse to work or show incorrectly.

The Ural region contains a whole darkness of mysteries, secrets and anomalous zones. I propose to talk about the latter in more detail. Read about how the secret developments of Soviet scientists caused the appearance of the “Kasli Anomaly”, what kind of shamans with antennas are depicted on the “Stone Tents”, and why Lake Shaitanka is considered unclean in the new “Good News” rating. If you decide to go through all the anomalous zones of the Urals, you will simply vitally need to navigate the cities of this district, for example, to buy food, or batteries for a flashlight, or for something else, and the directory of Ural companies will help you with this more than ever Federal District.

10. Mount Big Iremel
Let's start with the fact that Iremel has its own mysterious story. Take the name, for example. It has been known since time immemorial, when the Turks who inhabited these lands (the ancestors of modern Bashkirs) called the mountain “a place that gives a person strength,” that is, “Iremel” in their language. By the way, the name of the nearby village of Tyulyuk translates as “desire”.

The presence of these two toponyms already suggests certain thoughts. For example, there is a legend that if you climb a mountain and make a wish, it will certainly come true. Rumor has it that in ancient times, priests of pagan cults performed human sacrifices on the top of Iremel. Perhaps that is why the place enjoys a gloomy reputation. All sorts of rumors are associated with him. From frequent UFO sightings to the mysterious “White-Eyed Chud” people, whose representatives allegedly live in those parts.

9. Lake Itkul

Translated from Bashkir, Itkul means “meat lake,” since “it” (“meat”) and “kul” (“lake”). Scientists believe that the lake was given this name because of the abundance of various fish in it. Although there is a version that, on the orders of the Demidovs, several convoys of pork were thrown there in order to drive away the Muslims who lived near the reservoir and were protesting against industrial work. But this is not the fact that Lake Itkul is notorious. And the fact that in the middle of its water surface the so-called “Shaitan Stone” rises threateningly. There is a version that in ancient times, human sacrifices were made on this stone for the sake of the harvest and good weather. It is noteworthy that centuries later, people’s lives continue to end near this stone. A lot of swimmers drowned, and those who survived describe an unpleasant feeling as if some kind of energy cord was passing through them.

8. “Stone tents” in the Kasli region.

Any child from the village of Allaki, Kasli district, with the intonation of an experienced guide, will tell you that it was here that once there was a Finno-Ugric village. About 7,000 years ago, they painted strange men with antennas on their heads on the “tents” with red ocher. But okay, little men, because, most likely, the “antennas” were elements of a traditional shaman’s headdress. But not far from the “stone tents” archaeologists discovered a bird-shaped idol, a spear and a jug with blood stains. This brings to mind the harsh rituals that the ancient Finno-Ugrians performed next to their “stone tents.” These places have a bad reputation among residents of the surrounding villages, but young daredevils often don’t mind “working” as tour guides.

7. Arakul shihans

The place is notable for the fact that there are mysterious dolmens there (original “boxes” of heavy boulders). Members of the Kosmopoisk-Ural movement write about these objects: “The Ural dolmens differ from the well-known Caucasian ones in the method of construction and in size. In addition, scientists are still arguing about the purpose of dolmens, as well as their exact age; today there is no concrete answer about who built these “boxes” and why.” And in addition to the dolmens, the legends about a certain Grandma Shikhanka, who lives in the Arakul Shikhany, set the teeth on edge. Rumor has it that an evil spirit, taking the form of a frail old woman, roams the mountains and brings disaster to tourists. Meeting her does not bode well. They say that those who saw Babka Shikhanka only have time to tell about their meeting, and then they inevitably die. Of course, under the most mysterious circumstances.

6. Nurgush mountain range

According to reports from tourists and hunters, as well as employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, UFOs can be periodically observed in the sky above the mountain, and in the surrounding forests one can meet Bigfoot, the encounters with which Satkinsky local historian V.P. Cherentsov spoke about on the pages of his book. It was in the vicinity of Nurgush that a cryptozoologist from Chelyabinsk, Nikolay Avdeev, was lucky enough to take a photograph of Bigfoot, but like all materials on this topic, the picture turned out to be blurry and poorly informative.

5. Ignatievskaya Cave

The famous cave is located near the village of Serpievka, in the Katav-Ivanovsky district. Having a corridor character and almost half a kilometer in length, it consists of four sections - the Entrance Grotto, the Main Corridor, the Great and the Far Hall. They named it in honor of the old cell attendant Ignatius, who lived and died in the cave. According to legend, the spirit of Elder Ignatius comes out of the cave at night and looks at the Moon. There is an opinion among tourists that you can hear someone’s footsteps and unintelligible voices in the cave at night. And besides, next to any of the departments of such a stone corridor, people’s batteries are constantly running out, flashlights burn out, camera flashes refuse to work, and those who enter feel someone’s invisible presence. Many people say that it is very difficult to get high-quality photographs in one of the halls - a “white transparent veil” appears on them.

4. “Kasli anomaly”

It all started when members of the Ural branch of the Cosmopoisk movement discovered strange circles in satellite images. Several versions immediately arose about their origin. One of them was that the circles are similar to those in Arkaim and represent the remains of an ancient settlement. The second version can be conditionally called “ufological”, well, you know, inexplicable crop circles, mysterious drawings, as if made by the hand of a giant. The third version was called military. It was she, as it later turned out, who was closest to the truth. It turned out that this place was once a radio testing ground for testing and adjusting secret products of the Radiy plant. The plant specialized in the production of defense radio equipment; the names of previously closed samples, which were tested at the test site, with a concentric movement system, even became known from open sources. Experiments with secret equipment are believed to have left strange marks on the ground.
Ten most anomalous places in the Urals

3. Lake “Shaitanka”

A lake with the ominous name Shaitanka is located not far from Asha. It is remarkable, as usual, for its hair-raising legends. So, according to one of them, the reservoir is considered bottomless (officially they say about a depth of 200 meters), according to another, a certain “monster” lives in its depths, and the third attributes frequent appearances of UFOs to the lake. In fact, it is difficult to say whether the place is “anomalous” or whether these are just myths. For example, sometimes underground waters begin to rise sharply and splash out, as if over the edge of Shaitanka, flooding the area with a peat mass that emits an unbearable stench. At the same time, the water in the lake seems to boil. All these phenomena were previously associated with the machinations of evil spirits, which is why the lake was given the appropriate name. And now local residents, already quite savvy in matters of esotericism and extrasensory perception, say that there is bad energy there.
Ten most anomalous places in the Urals

2. Taganay National Park

There are a variety of legends and myths about this park. Some say that in some places the usual passage of time disappears, others claim that they personally met the “Kialim Grandma”. For example, one winter in Dalny Taganay, even the director of the weather station saw her near the bottom well. Seeing the director, the “grandmother” rushed headlong into the depths of the taiga. She was barefoot and lightly dressed, although the frost was fierce. And besides this mysterious pensioner, UFOs, “Bigfoot” and other extraordinary phenomena are regularly seen on Taganay. However, no one has yet been able to record the “miracles” for certain.
Ten most anomalous places in the Urals

1. Arkaim

If you listen to home-grown mediums, then the ancient settlement of the Bronze Age is one continuous anomalous zone! Entire armies of psychics annually besiege Arakim in search of “power.” And what they don’t see there. Mysterious lights, according to the notorious magicians and “healers,” no longer surprise anyone, being, as it were, part of the landscape. In fact, most of these wonderful phenomena are the figment of the imagination of those people who come to Arkaim to “recharge” with energy. On the other hand, some cases of strange electromagnetic oscillations have been recorded by special instruments. Perhaps this fact is somehow connected with the numerous stories of “contactees” and “eyewitnesses of the unknown”