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What to buy at the Indian fair? Indian bazaar. Exhibition and sale of goods from India - “Secrets from under the counter. Real prices." Expensive Indian exhibition

Have you heard about the Indian exhibition? This event takes place in almost all cities; they travel all over Russia non-stop. The exhibition is open for 10 days from 11.00 to 19.00.

And since I have worked there for two years in a row, I have something interesting to tell.


So, last year I stood in the department of well-known scarves for 50 and pareos for 100, bedspreads, expensive scarves made of cashmere and silk.

I'll tell you briefly about this department: expensive and almost everything is defective!

Cheap handkerchiefs sound tempting, and there’s such a crowd around them, you have to take them! Everyone grabs without looking at the details, and the next day they come indignant. You are lucky if you managed to buy not on the last day, otherwise there is nowhere to come back for a return. Expensive bedspreads can become curtains in a second (just to sell them). Since the bedspreads are very large, for some reason buyers do not unroll them completely, but in vain, there is a high probability of finding a shoe print at home. It's a pity there are no photos left from that year..

Basically, my regular customers were grandmothers, and grandmothers have poor eyesight. I helped them twice as much. I was looking for holes and typos on the handkerchiefs, and didn’t count one another as a gift:) Oh, how bad I am! Do you know why I started doing this? When the defective scarves were returned to me, I threw them into a common bag under the table, and my Indian, seeing this, cursed, saying, put them back on the table, someone else won’t notice.


This year I went for Ayurvedic products. To be honest, I was slightly shocked by these products, so after working there for 4 days I left altogether. Because I really can’t deceive people. The department featured creams, shampoos, toothpastes, eye drops, henna, and various ointments. I'll tell you about the cream.

Appearance. Fortunately, some products had new jars, without wear and tear and in mica.

What can I say about the rest, see for yourself what happens:

Expiration dates. Ayurveda (natural) that is, the shelf life should be minimal. For example, creams have a shelf life of 24 months, it’s worth thinking about. And here’s another thing, I’ll tell you a secret: when manufacturing, Indians are in no hurry to stamp the date; they will put it with a regular stamp when it is convenient for them, for example, before the fair itself. And when the deadline comes to an end, they erase their seal and stamp a new one on top... So don’t be surprised, but the product is already 5 years old.

Smell. Everything is very sad with creams. Everyone stinks of Vaseline. Shampoos seem okay.

Compound. The most interesting thing is that the composition is not indicated on the jars. It is written separately on a piece of paper, and very temptingly, namely, all sorts of natural qualities are listed, and at the end “and other protective components.” Probably, the protective components include silicones, parabens and other rubbish.

Maybe on the buyer’s side this information is unnecessary now, but if you get a job there, then stock up on a bunch of wet wipes, because the work is terribly dirty and dusty, on the first and last day (on laying out and collecting goods) you definitely need gloves and a mask.

Regarding prices . When there are no Indians around, I reduced prices by up to 50%, because they raise them beyond reasonable prices! They will supply shampoo for 700 and swear that there is no revenue at the cash register.

Many products in my department had Indian prices, for example, amla oil costs 10 according to their money, and their money to ours is 1:1, that is, the oil costs 10 rubles, and I sold it for 150!! No, of course I understand transportation, revenue, etc. But still..

I can’t say anything about other departments, but I heard girls talking about the silver department, that it’s not silver at all. The prices in the department are different, there are a lot of goods, the cost is calculated based on the weight of the product. If they didn’t know the price per gram for a specific product, they were guessing!

In general, do not forget to bargain, check the goods, ask for Ayurveda certificates, and remember that natural stones are cold!

The Indian fair Delhi Bazaar (“Delhi Bazaar”) is regularly held in Moscow at various venues.
The Delhi Bazaar always presents Ayurvedic products and cosmetics, oriental-style accessories, yoga and recreation products, rice, spices, and souvenirs. From India they will bring beautiful cotton clothes, oil perfumes and much more that this country is rich in.
There is always an Indian food court at the fair.

Delhi Bazaar Fair will be held on September 6 - 8, 2019
WHERE: Gogol House Square
Address: Address: Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 7A. Directions - Arbatskaya metro station

Video from the fair last fall


Working hours:
- Friday – from 13:00 to 20:00,
- Saturday and Sunday – from 12:00 to 20:00

Musicians will play for guests and dancers perform. You will learn that gestures in India mean more than words, the past is more important than the future, and what kind of India is hidden from the eyes of tourists...
Legends of India and culinary master classes. You will learn the Hindi language and find out what the ancient Indo-Aryans of the Vedic era actually ate.

Delhi Bazaar concept

Delhi is the capital of India, famous for its bazaars where you can buy the most unusual and original things. This is exactly what was included in the concept of the Moscow “Delhi Bazaar”.
Products from India are notable for the fact that ancient traditions and natural materials are used in their production.
Admission to the Delhi Bazaar festival events is free. Age category 0+.

Contacts: Official website:
Social networks:,

Moscow regularly hosts Indian festivals, including fairs of goods from India, sitar concerts, dances, lectures and film screenings. Typically, India Days are organized with the support of the Indian Embassy and the Indian Cultural Center in Moscow.

Delhi Bazaar in Moscow

The next Delhi Bazaar takes place on September 6 - 8, 2019 on a new site - in the Gogol House park. The shady square is located in the historical center of Moscow.
Address: Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 7A. Directions - Arbatskaya metro station

On the map of Moscow:

Video: Delhi Bazaar on Flakon.

Delhi Bazaar is a famous specialized fair.
On the Indian market: Ayurvedic products and cosmetics, oriental-style accessories, yoga and recreation products, rice, spices, souvenirs. Beautiful cotton clothes, oil perfumes and much more will be brought from India. The fair will feature an Indian food court.

Official website:

Delhi Bazaar opening hours:
Friday - 13:00 - 20:00,
Saturday and Sunday - 12:00-20:00

Previously held festival of India

The Indian Bazaar was held in August at the Indian Embassy.
Address: st. Vorontsovo Pole 6-8 The nearest metro stations are Chkalovskaya, Kurskaya.
Entrance fee: 100 rubles for adults and 50 rubles for children

In May, the “Days of India at the Museum of the East” festival was held at the Museum of the East (Nikitsky Boulevard, 12a).

This time, goods of Indian brands, from cosmetics to national cuisine, can be bought in the center of Moscow, listen to free lectures, watch concerts, and also visit the Museum of Oriental Art for free on Saturday, May 20 - because this is the day.

Program of lectures and concerts at the Indian festival:

Admission to festival events is free (with free tickets).

“Sounds of the Sitar” - a concert of playing the sitar - the national Indian instrument. Speaker Andrey Abroskin, musician and sitar teacher (Academy Indianclassicalmusic, Varanasi, India).

The lecture “Perception of Space and Time in India” is based on an in-depth study of the peculiarities of the perception of space and time in India, travel to the countries of South Asia. Ekaterina Evlashina, an Indologist, orientalist, graduate of bachelor's and master's degrees at the Faculty of the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University, will tell you. Lomonosov.

Lecture “The Other India. Travels in North-East India. Yakovleva Anna (philologist, literary critic) will tell about the mountain tribes, Indian Baptists and anemists of the peninsula.

Lecture “The Art of Gesture. Understanding the ritual communicative and aesthetic meaning of gesture in Indian culture.” Read by Oleg Erchenkov - Indologist, orientalist, translator from Sanskrit.

"Dance, India!" Indian pop dance (Bollywood) from the dance group "Arjumand". Classic Indian dance in Kathak style - Tarana, performed by Irina Chikova.

Lecture “Journey through time, miracles and streets of Varanasi” Oleg Erchenkov – Indologist, orientalist.

Days of India in Sokolniki

Days of India in Sokolniki will be held from August 9 to 11, 2019.
From the announcement: ... This year, during 3 summer days, Muscovites will enjoy a bright and blooming Festival of Indian Culture in Sokolniki Park, which has become a traditional venue for celebrating India Day in the Russian capital.

The Central Stage and the Great Circle of Sokolniki Park will host the celebration of Indian Independence Day, which has been traditionally celebrated since 1947.

Have you ever dreamed of visiting India? See its culture, try national food, try on a sari? Now you have the opportunity to see a piece of India in Moscow!

Days of India - on the main stage of Sokolniki Park in Moscow.
The event is a grand festival of Indian culture and at the same time a large-scale celebration of the 71st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Russia. India Day attracts over 100,000 visitors every year.
As part of the holiday, guests will be able to take part in various master classes and look at national traditions:

Gala concert of Russian and Indian performers,
Who doesn’t know that India is a country of songs and fiery dances? More than 500 artists will perform a grand three-day concert non-stop.
August 9 - 14:00 - 20:00
August 10 - 11:30 - 20:30
August 11 - 11:30 - 20:30

Yoga master class,

Real Indian wedding in real time,

A lottery with a wide variety of prizes, including tickets to India,

Chess tournament for children,

Indian food,

Indian bazaar (spices, rice, tea, clothes, etc.),

Master class on cooking Indian dishes,

Rangoli competition,

Drawing competitions,

Hand painting with henna,

Indian Film Festival,


Master class on Indian dances.

Time: from 10:00 to 22:00.
Official website of India Days:

If you love India, are interested in its traditions or want to get to know it, then you just need to find out where the exhibition of Indian goods is taking place and attend this event. You will see a wide range of Indian products. You can not only look at the products, but also buy something as a keepsake or buy it as a gift for a loved one.

People pay great attention to hand-painted silk fabrics. Also very popular are tea in packages or by weight and a considerable number of types of spices for different tastes. For those who really love this colorful exoticism, there is a large assortment of jewelry made from natural stones or handmade leather products and national dresses, known to everyone as saris.

You can also buy decorative furniture and home accessories that you will not find in regular stores, but only where the exhibition of Indian goods is taking place. A very diverse selection of incense, colorful scarves, scarves, natural cosmetics and not yet very popular shoes in the traditional style. All this will immerse you in the atmosphere of an oriental bazaar.

Where were the exhibitions held?

Indian fairs have already been held in Tula, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Ryazan and many other cities of Russia. They presented various products:

  • scarves, national clothes and shoes;
  • hand-painted silk fabrics;
  • incense, aromatic oils;
  • teas, coffee, food additives, spices;
  • perfumes, natural cosmetics;
  • medicinal herbs and balms;
  • costume jewelry, jewelry;
  • handmade furniture, home decor.

The latest achievements were also presented at the exhibitions - technological equipment and tools. Visitors who did not miss the opportunity to visit the exhibitions plunged into their culture and purchased goods to suit their taste and reasonable price.

Exhibition in Yaroslavl

The fair in the city took place from March 29 to April 7, 2016 at the State Exhibition Hall "Old Town" at the address: st. Svobody, 46. It opened to the sounds of national Indian music; guests were invited to look at exotic goods in national costumes. Here you could feel all the magic of this world, the pleasant smell of incense made your head spin.

The shopping arcades were filled with various colorful fabrics, colorful dresses and scarves, as well as jewelry sparkling with stones. Every fashionista's heart beat with excitement from the abundance of products. An exhibition of Indian goods can reveal this entire atmosphere of an exotic bazaar. This is not the first time that Yaroslavl has received guests from the Far East.

More than a hundred businessmen and manufacturers brought their products, which you could not only buy, but also just look at the rich assortment. Also at the exhibition there were interesting entertaining Indian shows. And everyone could get henna tattoos.

Exhibition in Krasnoyarsk

To this beautiful city not so long ago, from April 1 to April 10, 2016, in the Aviator shopping center at st. Aviatorov, 5, manufacturers came with national Indian goods. There were quite a lot of souvenirs, jewelry, women's and men's clothing, natural fabrics, decorative furniture, as well as real spices, teas, coffee and natural cosmetics. All this diversity was presented by an exhibition of Indian goods.

Krasnoyarsk is a city that usually hosts similar events twice a year, so not only city residents, but also visitors can visit the fair. Guests can enjoy national dances and personally communicate with representatives of Eastern culture.

Exhibition in Krasnodar

For residents and guests of the Krasnodar Territory, a fair of goods from India was held from January 2 to January 17, 2016 at the Expograd South Exhibition and Concert Complex. It featured a lot of colorful handmade products, all made in Indian style. About seventy manufacturers participated in the exhibition and presented their products.

An exhibition of Indian goods will help you get to know the culture and traditions in more detail and see everything with your own eyes. Krasnodar has received guests from India more than once and given the opportunity to get a little closer to this amazing country. The goods purchased here will remain with you for many years as a pleasant memory of a past event.

Which cities will host exhibitions in 2016?

Not all people have the opportunity to visit a colorful country to immerse themselves in its traditions and buy Indian goods, which are rare for us and attract our attention. To acquire this abundance, you need to find out where the exhibition of Indian goods is taking place, and now we will find out who can expect to see the products of the East in 2016.

The exhibition “Beloved India” has begun its work in Volgograd, which will be held from April 11 to 20 at the exhibition center “Volgograd EXPO” at the address: Lenin Ave. 65 B. There you will see not only the entire range of Indian goods, but you will also be able to see entertainment program.

A fair has also opened in Ryazan; it will run from April 15 to 24 in the Premier shopping center (21 Moskovskoe shosse; opening hours: from 11:00 to 19:00, admission is free). Guests of the exhibition will be able to buy the entire assortment brought from India at affordable prices.

Khabarovsk hosts an oriental exhibition almost all year round. The next one will take place from April 6 to April 24 at the Energo Plaza shopping center on the street. Lenina, 85 (working hours: from 10:00 to 20:00, admission is free). Visitors will be surprised by the wide range of Indian goods. You will also be pleased with small and large souvenirs - elephants, because they will certainly bring prosperity to your home.

The exhibition “Products from India” will be held in Irkutsk from June 4 to 13 at the Sibexpocenter (pavilion No. 1). It will operate daily from 10:00 to 19:00. The exhibition will feature various products and jewelry.

In Samara, from October 9 to October 18, you will be able to touch the culture of the country. The fair of goods from India will be held at the Espoo-Volga Exhibition Complex.

Now you know where the exhibition of Indian goods is taking place, and you can visit it in person.