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Shark catfish content. Shark catfish, freshwater shark, Siamese pangasius (Pangasius sutchi). Feeding shark catfish - video

The habitat of the Siamese pangasius is freshwater reservoirs, it comes from Thailand, some species are found in Vietnam. Shark catfish were originally bred as a commercial fish, and fillets (solefish) were sold for sale. In Southeast Asia it is used to prepare exotic dishes in dry bars.

Pangasius is divided into two species: Pangasius hypophthalmus (an aggressive predator, large in size) and Pangasius sutchi. The second species is used for breeding in aquariums. If properly maintained at home, it can grow up to 60 centimeters.

Externally, the fish resembles a shark. She has a flat head, a high dorsal fin similar to that of a killer whale, and a two-lobed tail. The catfish is characterized by a large mouth, bulging eyes, the only discrepancy with the appearance of a shark, and long mustache.

Juveniles differ in color from adults; they have a bluish body with two silvery stripes running along it from the gill covers to the caudal fin. The mouth and abdomen of the catfish are the same color. But the older the individual becomes, the more its color changes; it acquires a dark color, only the ends of the fins retain a silver edging. Females are larger than males, but the latter are more brightly colored.

In order for the shark catfish to feel comfortable in your aquarium, you need to adhere to the rules for keeping this species as close as possible to its natural habitat. Considering that the fish are large in size, they require large aquariums; photos of their options can be viewed on the website.

Aquarium requirements

  1. The reservoir must hold at least 500 liters of water, and even then, this is for young individuals. This species prefers to stay in flocks and quickly moves along the walls of the aquarium. Therefore, unnecessary clutter of decor is not advisable. For adult fish, such a volume in a reservoir will not be enough; for them, the minimum filling capacity is 1 thousand liters or more. Before purchasing this type of aquarium fish for your home, you need to take into account that catfish grow quickly and will soon need a larger water space than initially.
  2. An important requirement for comfortable maintenance is clean water. It is imperative to ensure that it is not hard (from 2 to 20 percent); the acidity of the water must also be maintained at normal levels. An important factor for cleaning is the presence of a filter; if the level of ammonia or nitrates in your pet’s habitat is high, the pangasius will develop a number of diseases characteristic of it. It is recommended to add 30 percent of the total mass with clean, settled water every day and maintain a temperature of 23 to 28 degrees.
  3. The shark catfish itself is a very graceful fish in appearance, but decorating the aquarium is still necessary for aesthetic perception. Here you need to adhere to some rules. It is recommended to use large-sized accessories (stones, driftwood). Mandatory conditions are that there are no sharp corners, otherwise the catfish may get hurt. The bottom is sprinkled with washed coarse sand or gravel. As for aquarium plants, those with a strong root system are suitable. You can pre-plant the algae in pots, and they, in turn, are placed at the bottom of the reservoir. This will make it more difficult for fish to damage the root system.

Feeding Siamese catfish

Freshwater sharks are predators, and therefore they have no problems with appetite. Food is taken both in the upper and middle layers of the reservoir.

Attention! Food must contain a sufficient amount of minerals and substances useful for pangasius; their lack will affect the growth and appearance of your pet.

Correct diet:

  • feeding three times a day, in portions appropriate to the age of the fish;
  • protein, an essential component of each serving;
  • Beef meat minced through a meat grinder will be useful in the diet of shark catfish;
  • low-fat fish varieties for catfish are good suppliers of phosphorus;
  • Shrimp and squid should be included in the diet;
  • we must not forget about the benefits of microelements from plant foods for the normal growth of Siamese catfish (cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes);
  • boiled buckwheat or rice porridge can also be given to fish.

Considering that shark catfish is a fairly voracious fish, you should not overfeed it. Obesity comes on quickly, and getting rid of it is problematic. For prevention, “fasting” days are arranged twice a week, when shark catfish do not receive any food.

Behavior and compatibility with other species

This type of aquarium fish tends to be in a school; they do not feel comfortable alone. But at the same time, you need to ensure that there is no overpopulation in the reservoir. Predatory fish will definitely sooner or later destroy their neighbors, smaller ones that can fit into their mouths. Therefore, you need to add large species to them and make sure that the pangasius is not hungry (labeos, cichlids, large barbs, gouramis, calamoikhts).

Shark catfish Pangasius is an aggressive, active fish. But at the same time, it is shy and prefers to be at the far walls of the aquarium. This species is for aquarists and lovers of active fish. But you need to handle it carefully. Her reaction to foreign objects is panicky. The fish rushes around the aquarium, sweeping away everything in its path.

The first settlement in a reservoir is a real stress for shark catfish; succumbing to a panic attack, their behavior becomes unpredictable. This is interesting! A catfish can pretend to be dead by hanging in an unnatural position on the leaves of a plant or feign deep fainting. But after a while it floats like nothing happened.


If you follow all the rules for care and maintenance, the fish will not have any health problems. But in some cases:

  • ulcerative formations have appeared on the surface (need to be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or placed in a saline solution for a week);
  • redness may be observed near the gill fins (presence of nitrates in the water, urgently eliminate the cause);
  • destruction of antennae or fins (bad water);
  • the fish loses activity, settles to the bottom, stops eating (water temperature is not warm enough);
  • semolina (ichthyophthyriasis) rashes form on the surface of the fish, similar to semolina, these are fungal formations. The sick individual must be removed and treated with a solution of green malachite.

It is quite difficult to breed this species at home, in an aquarium. Therefore, it is customary to buy shark catfish fry brought from the countries of their historical homeland. They adapt well to new conditions and grow quickly.

If you want to turn an ordinary aquarium into a real ocean expanse, professional aquarists recommend keeping a shark catfish in your home pond. And don’t think that the similarity of this fish is only in the name; pangasius, as this variety of aquarium fish is also called, is very similar to a real shark. However, despite its external appearance, the shark catfish is peaceful and friendly, a little timid, as it is afraid of loud sounds and sudden movements. Sometimes he panics and takes a long time to adapt to his new place of residence. And although these small nuances sometimes spoil the impression of the fish, a small shark swimming in a home aquarium not only causes delight, but is also one of the most luxurious inhabitants of the aquatic world.

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Shark catfish is known to many under other names, for example, pangasius, freshwater shark or Siamese catfish. Natural habitat: Southeast Asia, namely freshwater bodies of water, rivers and lakes of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. This species can also be found in the freshwater rivers of Chao Phraya and Mekong. Moreover, in these regions, shark catfish is a commercial fish, the meat of which is used to prepare all kinds of exotic dishes.

Pangasius has a dense, smooth body without scales, and thanks to the flattened shape of the head, the triangular fin located on the back of the fish and the large mouth, the shark catfish is very reminiscent of a shark. There are several pairs of antennae near the mouth, the eyes are quite large considering the size of the head, and the tail fin is two-lobed. The color is silver with two lateral oblong stripes, but the fins are dark gray or black.

It is worth noting that the color of the fish changes over time, so as it grows, the stripes completely disappear. And the color from light silver varies slightly to a black tint, only the lower part of the body remains silver. The fins of young individuals have a transparent base with a predominance of a light gray palette, but in mature fish the fins are grayish-blue, and have a light silver border.

Under natural conditions, pangasius reaches quite large sizes, more than one meter, but in an aquarium it can only grow to 50-70 cm. This indicator depends on the principles of nutrition and the volume of the home reservoir. In addition to its impressive size, the Siamese catfish is a kind of aquarium long-liver that can easily live up to 20 years.

Look at the living conditions of the shark catfish.

Living conditions

To ensure that caring for this species brings only a lot of positive emotions to its owner, aquarists recommend adhering to the basic living conditions.

  • Pangasius is a big fish, so the reservoir should also be large, more than 400-500 liters. In addition, it is worth considering that this species is very mobile, preferring to quickly move along the side and front windows of the aquarium. That is why the water space does not need to be occupied with unnecessary decorations. But if you listen to the opinion of experts, aquarium spaces even of 500 liters are unlikely to appeal to adults who would not mind swimming in an aquarium of 1 thousand liters. Of course, young Siamese catfish will feel great in a medium-sized body of water, but since freshwater sharks grow very quickly, this will be a reason to soon look for a larger home for them.
  • The optimal water temperature for keeping this species is approximately 22 - 27°C. Moreover, the water hardness should be from 2 to 20, and the acidity should fluctuate between 6.5 and 8. Powerful filtration is the main criteria for the stable development of the fish, since in water that is not the freshest, the shark catfish will not feel comfortable, and this may cause the disease. It is especially worth monitoring the optimal level of nitrates and ammonia in the water, because a huge amount of these substances negatively affects the fish. Don’t forget to change the water weekly, adding about 30% of clean, settled water.
  • When decorating a space, it is worth using large-sized decorations, for example, driftwood, stones without sharp corners and all kinds of shelters. It is best to fill the bottom of the aquarium with coarse sand or small edged gravel. Regarding plants, they must have a good root system that can be firmly held in the soil to avoid damage, since this fish can undermine the soil, thereby completely damaging the root. To avoid this, all plants need to be planted in small decorative pots or vessels.

Feeding principles

Proper care also includes proper nutrition, without which the shark catfish develops poorly and is unlikely to please its owners with its mobility. That is why it is worth paying due attention to the basic principles of feeding.

  • Pangasius must be fed in portions, two or three times a day.
  • The presence of protein in the daily diet of fish is the main condition for the normal development of this individual.
  • For good growth, shark catfish must be fed with low-fat varieties of live and frozen fish; do not refuse squid, shrimp, worms and finely chopped beef
  • Plant food is fundamental to the content, because this fish needs valuable microelements contained in cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce or cabbage.
  • Pangasius will happily eat buckwheat, rice or wheat porridge and snack on boiled potatoes.
  • Give your pets a fasting day at least once a week, since many animals become obese when given plenty of food.

Look how pangasius ate labeo.

Compatibility and behavioral characteristics

Pangasius is a schooling fish, which is why it is quite peaceful and friendly to other individuals that live in the aquarium. But you should not risk the life of small pets, and proximity to large-sized individuals can negatively affect the behavior of this species. After all, the catfish is a very timid fish, which, with a sharp jerk, can hit the wall of the reservoir or even jump out of it. And this, in turn, can lead to unwanted injuries or the fish will die altogether.

Professionals suggest placing catfish with cichlids, large barbs, calamoichts, labeo, sized polypterus, and knife fish. If the catfish is provided with proper care and feeding, it can easily be kept with medium-sized fish, namely gourami or rainbowfish. It is also worth considering that shark catfish live in the water of the middle layers, so the presence of fish that swim in the lower layers is mandatory. After all, such fish pick up food that has fallen to the bottom, thereby not only lightly snacking on all sorts of delicacies, but also clean the water and the surface of the reservoir.

Shark catfish are native to Thailand. It is popularly called pangasius siamese, aquarium shark or Colombian shark. There are two types - an aggressive predator (large) and an aquarium predator (small). With proper care, they can grow up to 60 cm. Fish reproduce only if they have appropriate maintenance.


Shark catfish are similar in appearance to killer whales. The head is slightly flattened, the body is long, the mouth is with a mustache, the eyes are round, convex and large. There is a dorsal fin, exactly like a shark's, and a tail with two blades. Look what a young shark catfish looks like in the photo.

Young fish differ in color from adults; two silvery edgings run from the gills to the tail. The older they get, the fewer stripes they have. As a result, in adult fish the color changes to a darker color, and the edging remains only at the end of the fins or tail.

Shark catfish is a shy fish that is afraid even of its own shadow. But she is very mobile, and therefore she is quite cramped in a small aquarium. There should be enough space for the catfish to have room to roam. For comfortable conditions, the aquarium shark catfish needs to be provided with proper care. The aquarium for young individuals should be large, holding at least 500 liters of clean water. The older the fish, the more water it needs.

You definitely need to purchase a filter for cleaning. Otherwise, the catfish will begin to develop many diseases. Pay attention to the water temperature. The optimal temperature is from 23 to 28 degrees. Do not pour cold or unsettled water. Place large stones and snags in the aquarium, but not sharp ones, so that the fish do not get hurt, and the plants should have a thick root system. The bottom is sprinkled with sand or gravel.


Catfish are predators by nature, and therefore they always have a good appetite. You need to feed three times a day in the right amount depending on the age of the pet. The menu should contain all useful vitamins and minerals: protein, chopped beef, lean fish, shrimp, vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes), buckwheat or rice porridge. Catfish will never refuse food, so try not to overfeed. After all, he often suffers from obesity, which is quite problematic to cure. Twice a week, arrange fasting days on which the catfish should not receive food.


These are active fish whose behavior is very interesting to observe. When a shark catfish first appears in an aquarium, it will begin to rush around in a state of shock and not understanding where it is. He can even lie down on the seaweed and pretend to be dead. But as soon as you touch him, he will appear again. These are shy fish, and you will often see them somewhere near the far wall of the aquarium. If they hear the knocking of foreign objects, they try to hide in the algae.


Proper care and maintenance will save fish from various terrible diseases. Still, sometimes you can notice that the shark catfish has become less mobile. In this case, watch him. Sometimes you can see:

  • ulcerative formations over the entire surface of the body;
  • redness near the fins;
  • antennae and some fins disappeared;
  • eats poorly or has stopped eating altogether;
  • fungal formations appeared on the surface of the body, similar in appearance to semolina.

For ulcerative formations, the body is lubricated with potassium permanganate three times a day. You can also place the fish in a saline solution for several days. If some fins with antennae are missing, it means that improper care is being used. Fish may have poor nutrition at low water temperatures. The fungus is treated with a solution of green malachite. But if there is redness near the fins, take the catfish to the veterinary clinic.

Shark catfish: compatibility with other fish

This type of fish feels comfortable in a school. Loneliness is unacceptable for them. However, there should not be too many fish in the aquarium. Neighbors should be almost the same size as catfish. As a rule, predators sooner or later begin to destroy fish that are much smaller in size. After moving in neighbors, always make sure that the catfish is not hungry.


In aquarium sharks, it begins in June and lasts until late autumn. Fish are ready to reproduce at the age of 3-6 years. The pair should be in a separate container where a lot of algae grows, since the female lays her eggs in the grass. For successful fish breeding, you need to slightly increase the water temperature, and at low degrees, fertilization will not occur.

A female catfish manages to lay almost 100,000 small eggs, after which an incubation period occurs within 24 hours. At this time, constantly monitor the temperature; it should be at least 30 degrees. After the fry appear, they are transplanted into an aquarium and fed with special food, which is sold in pet stores. If there is insufficient nutrition, the fish eat the weaker neighbor. At home, shark catfish reproduce extremely rarely. But still worth a try. Moreover, they can reproduce in an aquarium if the temperature is increased to the required degrees.

Som Pangasius shark also known as Rainbow shark, Siamese pangasius, Pangasius bigeye, Rainbow catfish, Rainbow catfish, etc. There are also albino rainbow sharks (albino pangasius). But, as you've probably already guessed, despite common fish names that include the word "shark", it's not actually a shark, it's a catfish. They originate from Asia, and are one of the fish species that are completely unsuitable for most aquarists. This fish can grow to almost 120cm in length, and sometimes more (mostly in the wild). They are also very active swimmers, so these monsters can only be kept in large aquariums.

Som Pangasius shark- quite timid and can be easily frightened by sudden movements occurring near the aquarium. Their nervous behavior can harm themselves and their partners. They feel more relaxed if kept in a flock of 5 or more individuals. In addition, floating plants can help them feel safe. These pangasius catfish are known to like to jump out of aquariums, so they need to be tightly capped.

Rainbow sharks They are omnivores, so they must eat any fish food placed in the aquarium. Some believe that young pangasius catfish should be fed more carnivorous types of food, and as they age, include more greens in their diet. In other words, the owner of rainbow sharks should provide them with as varied a diet as possible, including flake food, frozen food, algae flakes, catfish pellets, etc.

To briefly describe Rainbow Shark Catfish, they are very active swimmers that happily eat their smaller fish companions and quickly outgrow most aquariums. If you have already purchased this fish and released it into a small aquarium, then please consider returning it back to the store and purchasing something more suitable in size for your aquarium. If this is not possible, then find a large aquarium somewhere and then transplant the catfish there.

Catfish Pangasius shark (Rainbow Shark) - photographs.

Catfish Pangasius shark (Rainbow Shark) - video.

Scientific name: Pangasius hypophthalmus.

Common names: Rainbow shark, Pangasius catfish, Bigeye pangasius, Rainbow catfish, Rainbow catfish, Thailand catfish, etc.

Level of care: moderate, requires a huge aquarium.

Size: grows up to 120cm in length!

Water pH: 6.5-7.5.

Temperature: 22-26 0 C (72-79 0 F).

Water hardness: from 2 0 to 20 0 dH.

Lifespan: about 10 years, but can live much longer.

Habitat/Origin: Asia, Thailand.

Rainbow Shark Character/Behavior: They can be quite timid and nervous. As teenagers, they can become very frightened of people near the aquarium. Pangasius sharks love to eat fish that are smaller in size and fit into their mouth.

Reproduction of Pangasius catfish: They are practically not common in household aquariums, so they are mainly propagated by aquaculture farms in ponds.

Aquarium dimensions: the minimum volume is 1100l, but much more is desirable.

Rainbow Shark Compatibility: There are not many fish that can be kept together with these Pangasius catfish. Only those that are similar in size to them are possible.

Rainbow shark nutrition: Pangasius bigeyes are omnivorous fish, which means they will eat anything that comes into their aquarium. Give them a well-balanced, healthy diet consisting of meat and plant foods. When catfish are still small, they need to be fed flakes and sometimes wafers of seaweed, which settles to the bottom of the aquarium. They can also be fed catfish pellets.

Shark catfish is a fish called pangasius, whose appearance is very similar to a shark. Pangasius is used as food - many fish lovers know it as “sea tongue”, but this fish can also be kept in an aquarium. It is popular due to its predatory appearance, mobility and affection for its owners.

Photo by Shutterstock

Shark catfish is a fish belonging to the Pangasius family. In nature, shark catfish are found in Thailand and Laos, in freshwater lakes and rivers, as well as in artificial canals and channels, for which it is also called channel catfish. Its fishing and breeding are economically profitable compared to many other fish, in addition, it is in great demand in many countries - as a rule, in stores such fish are sold in the form of frozen fillets, which are better known in our country as “sea tongue.” But shark catfish is not only a fish dish, but also an aquarium fish. This creature differs from the familiar pangasius, which is eaten as food, by its smaller size: if they mainly eat individuals that reach several tens of centimeters or even a meter in length, then smaller fish are bred in aquariums.