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DIY bite activator. Detailed instructions and recipe. Using a bite activator for successful fishing

Good afternoon, fishing lovers. For some, the invention of the author of the article may seem like a waste of time, but it still has its advantages.

This article will outline how to make a bite activator. Its main purpose is to attract crucian carp and bream. It should be borne in mind that this homemade invention is designed so that it can be easily stored, transported, or simply used and not be afraid that complementary foods will stain everything around.

Necessary materials

The bite activator itself is prepared from homemade (unrefined) sunflower oil and garlic. There are no secret ingredients. The garlic is pressed in a garlic press and mixed with oil.

And the author of the homemade product will make a container that will allow you to store the bait and conveniently use it while fishing.
As a container for storing the bite activator, you will need a regular aerosol can. You can buy it at a perfume store that sells perfume on tap. Another option is if there are bottles of medicine left at home, for example, a throat spray.

Fine metal mesh. It will serve as a filter. You will also need sewing thread and a drill. Any other metal rod will do, the diameter of which should be slightly smaller than the hole in the can.


In order to find out how much metal mesh is required, you can use the formula for calculating the circumference. That is, the product of the numbers of the diameter of the inlet opening of the can and the number pi (3.14). The resulting value must be measured on a metal mesh and cut off. The height of the mesh is selected slightly greater than the height of the container itself into which the bait will be poured.

Next, take a rod or drill, the diameter of which allows you to freely enter the can. A metal mesh is wound around it. Its starting edge should overlap the end. When the mesh is wound, we secure it along its entire length with thread. Remove it from the rod (drill) and wrap the edge on one side. We put the resulting part on the spray tube.

All that remains is to fill the container with bait, lower the filter element with the tube inside the container and close it.

The bite activator can be stored in the refrigerator. A closed container will prevent the smell of garlic from spreading to all other products.
For those who believe that the filter mesh is useless, the author makes a compelling argument. If you do not use a homemade filter and pour the contents into the can, then after several sprays the tube will clog. Simply pouring the bite activator onto the bait is inconvenient; in addition, spraying uses less product.

Not everyone is lucky with their catch while fishing. Therefore, all sorts of tricks and devices are used to attract fish. One of the modern developments is bite activator FishHungry. How does it work and does it make sense to buy it?

FishHungry product belongs to the class of baits- the so-called attractants. Their main task is to attract fish to the fishing spot. But, unlike other baits, this one has 2 directed actions at once:

  1. Attracting individuals in whole flocks;
  2. Their appetite increases.

This bait Sold in packages containing 5 servings of the product. Each serving has a volume 5 ml. And the average price per package is 1400 rubles. Fishhungry bite activator you can buy on the Internet, on the official website or in stores. Official website for purchasing bait by clicking on the link.

Important! The manufacturer claims that “Fish Hungry” effectively affects both predator fish and peaceful representatives. It can be used at any time of the year

Unlike its analogues, the action of FishHungry based on synthetic pheromones. These substances are secreted by the fish themselves, and they were identified and artificially synthesized by Italian scientists in 2011.

Initially obtained pheromones used for faster weight gain inhabitants of fish farms. And then they began to be used as fishing bait.

The pheromones used in the product, with the help of which fish usually communicate with each other, make them swim to the place use of bait and eat food more actively (swallowing the bait and hook). In addition to these substances FishHungry also includes:

  1. essential oils;
  2. universal food suitable for different types of underwater inhabitants.

Interesting! According to reviews from fishermen and promises from the manufacturer, the bait works best on large fish.

Physiological method of influence works even in unsuitable fishing conditions– for example, immediately after the spawning period. It is also effective in reservoirs of any type - both freshwater and sea.

Instructions for use

You can use the FishHungry bite activator in several ways:

  1. Add to diluted bait(chaff, cake or mixed feed). You can simply pour 1 sachet into 2.5 kg of feed, mixing thoroughly. This method is suitable for catching peaceful fish.
  2. Better for predators dilute the additive(1 serving) in 0.5 liters of water, and then pour into the food. You can also dip various baits and baits, including live ones, into the resulting solution.

If after fishing some part of the unused solution remains, then it can be stored for up to 2 weeks in a carefully closed container.

Fishhungry bite activator is it a scam or not?

This question most torments those anglers who want to try fish bait Fishhungry (hungry fish), but are afraid of deception. Moreover, there are enough negative reviews of these products on various sites.

Some believe that under the guise of an innovative development, an ordinary flavor is sold without any benefit.

In fact fish actually “exchange” pheromones under certain conditions, so there is no mysticism in using this substance. It is quite possible to synthesize them in laboratories, especially since Italian biologists presented reports on their discoveries. Another strong piece of evidence is that This additive has been successfully used for feeding fish on farms for a long time.

Note! All this applies only to original products. Read below for rules on how to avoid stumbling upon counterfeit products.

How to avoid falling for a fake

Due to the high popularity of this bite activator, counterfeits are appearing everywhere. Most often, buying a counterfeit product is the reason for dissatisfied reviews. To prevent this from happening, you need to be very careful when purchasing:

  1. Check the packaging. Original products are sold in plastic packaging, inside which there are metallized bags. The logo and image on the label must be bright and of good quality.
  2. Choose your place of purchase carefully. If an order is made via the Internet, then the seller’s website should not be “one-day” and not arouse suspicion. It is advisable to look for reviews of this particular store so as not to stumble upon unscrupulous scammers. You can buy bait..
  3. Ask for certificates of conformity. Only the original activator has all the necessary documents, which reflect the results of the necessary checks.

Important! Most often, counterfeits are found in Chinese online stores. Therefore, if you see a Chinese product for “5 kopecks,” then it is counterfeit.

Using attractants is a good method to attract the attention of fish. This path is not new and has been used for many years. Modern stores for fishing fans offer a huge selection of branded products for catching crucian carp, pike or carp.

All this, of course, is good, but is it worth spending money if you can successfully prepare a bite activator yourself? So, do-it-yourself attractants for fishing: everything you need to know about them.

Fish loves natural odors and this must be taken into account when preparing attractants. Let's look at the most “delicious” ingredients.

Of course, the list doesn't end there. Cardamom, vanillin, musk, cocoa, honey, cloves, and factory-made baking flavors work well as activators. It is noted that the flavors “strawberry”, “tutti frutti”, “caramel”, “nut”, “creamy” are 100% successful. Find out how to prepare them below.

Fish responds well to oils. In particular, anise, dill, flaxseed and sunflower. From what is available in the pharmacy, camphor alcohol, valerian drops, Zvezdochka balm, and fish oil will be useful. Just add a little bit to your bait and you will see that the number of fish you catch will increase significantly.

We prepare attractants with our own hands

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest thing - with flavors. For 1 liter of water you will need 4 tablespoons of baking flavor. Stir well, put on low heat and wait for it to boil. Wait another 15 minutes, and then safely turn off the stove. The flavored additive that can be added to the bait is ready.

Bait with a pronounced garlic smell is prepared as follows. Pass 4-5 cloves of garlic through a garlic press. Mix with 2 tsp. any oil. Stir and let stand for 30-40 minutes.

When choosing an attractant, you need to consider who it is intended for. Fish have different tastes, which means they will have to be lured in different ways.

Let's cook bait for crucian carp. Pour boiling water over a handful of pearl barley and wrap it up. Wait until the cereal swells. This usually takes 3 hours. Then add one of the following: cocoa, garlic, crushed dill seeds, anise, vanillin.

Carps- are known to have a sweet tooth, which means the bait should be sweetish. Select the corn grains - remove unripe and small ones. Fill with hot water. Leave for 2 hours. Then cook, stirring constantly, for about 50-60 minutes. Add sugar or honey.

Here's a simple recipe attractant for predatory fish. Prick one fish oil capsule with a needle. Mix the contents with Vaseline (about 30 grams). Add 1 tsp. salt. All. Simple, fast and effective.

There are also universal flavors that will work no matter what kind of fish you catch.

Recipe No. 1. Mix crushed and dried bloodworms, worms and snails in equal proportions. Pour the resulting powder with a glass of alcohol and leave in a cool, dark place for a week.

Recipe No. 2. Mix anise, cinnamon, dill, cloves and garlic. Fill with alcohol and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Dip your bait into the attractant just before casting.

Recipe No. 3. Take 6 flavored tea bags (strawberry, apple, cinnamon or any other), pour boiling water and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Then add hemp oil, soy sauce or ketchup (one or the other) - 1 tablespoon. Leave for half an hour, then strain. The solution is used to soak the bait.

How to use bite activators correctly

Before you start fishing with homemade attractants, remember a few important rules.

  1. know when to stop. An excessive amount of attractant causes the opposite effect - the fish will not swim close to you;
  2. in the hot season the amount of activator decreases, because In warm water, odors spread much faster. In winter, attractants are infused with alcohol, in summer - with glycerin and oil;
  3. In spring and summer, fish prefer sweet aromas. In autumn and winter - animal origin (dried blood, crushed worms, fish oil, bloodworms);
  4. For the best effect, combine 2-3 flavors. Try to change the compositions from time to time;
  5. so that the predatory fish has time to feel the bait, take long pauses during the wiring process.

As you can see, preparing bite activators for fishing with your own hands is not difficult. A little time and patience and the result will not be long in coming. Good luck!

Video: self-production of a bite activator for crucian carp, carp, roach

How to attract fish during periods of low activity? The answer to this question has been around for a long time, and it is quite simple. Use a bite activator or attractant. Modern retail outlets are literally replete with products designed to stimulate the bite of the inhabitants of domestic reservoirs: carp, bream, crucian carp or pike. But does this proposal always guarantee the effectiveness of application and a successful final result?

Activator selection

Without a doubt, amateur fishing is akin to art. It is not enough for a fisherman to simply locate a particular type of fish; he must know its characteristic habits and gastronomic preferences. The main difficulty is that the hunted object is not always active. Its physiology largely depends on changes in meteorological conditions. It is in this case that the need to use a fish bite enhancer arises.

The range of modern fishing products market is extremely wide, and choosing a stimulant that attracts underwater inhabitants is not easy.

Properties of good activators

The bait used by an individual fishing enthusiast is his secret, one might say, a signature technique that ensures a successful result.

Some people trust industrially made baits, while others prefer to prepare a bite activator with their own hands.

But, despite the difference in the formation process, A successful bite enhancer must have a certain set of required qualities:

  1. A factory activator or homemade attractant must have a wide range of action, ensuring the ability to attract potential prey from fairly large distances.
  2. Versatility, which allows you to effectively use the same amplifier with pheromone to catch both predatory and herbivorous inhabitants of the selected reservoir.
  3. Practicality. Preservation of properties for a certain period of time, allowing for repeated use.
  4. Ecological cleanliness.

Preparation of attractant

So, do-it-yourself attractants with pheromones for fishing. The first issue to be dealt with is the composition of the components. All types of fish love rich natural odors, and this “weakness” must be taken into account during the cooking process. Here is a list of the most interesting, from a fish point of view, aromatic additives:

Naturally, the presented list does not pretend to be exhaustive. There are a lot of effective additives used in the preparation of bite enhancers. These can be cardamom and vanillin, musk and cloves, honey and cocoa.

Good results are achieved by flavorings used in the confectionery industry: “caramel”, “strawberry”, “tutti frutti”, “cream”, “nut”, etc.

The fish also does not ignore the odors characteristic of certain types of oils: sunflower, linseed, anise and dill. A first aid kit with a standard set of medications can also become a source of bite activators. A significant increase in the intensity of fish biting can be initiated by adding valerian drops, fish oil or camphor alcohol to the bait. Even the “Zvezdochka” balm can multiply the catch many times over.

Pike bite enhancer

Pike, as you know, belongs to the category of active predators, and they are caught not only with artificial baits. Since the basis of the diet of the toothy predator is small fish, the activation of the bite lies precisely in attracting it to the fishing site. The presence of small perch, roach or crucian carp will almost certainly provoke a hungry predator to attack the bait.

Considering the features of this type of activator, we note that pike reacts inadequately to attractants of artificial origin. In addition, fishing practice shows the need for moderate use of bite enhancers.

Attractant for carp

The preferences of this rather large and strong fish are sweet aromas. Therefore, the use of components such as honey and sugar is quite logical and justified. The filler base should not be boiled, therefore, in the process of preparing the activator, it is recommended to use the steaming method. The second nuance that characterizes carp bait is the absence of small fractions.

The autumn-winter period is characterized by rather low carp activity, so it is more advisable to use attractants during this period. It is customary to cook green peas, corn or slightly undercooked potatoes as the basis for a bite enhancer.

The most favorite aromatic additives for carp bite activator are thyme and dried garlic.

Universal flavors

As noted above, versatility is one of the most important criteria for choosing a truly effective bite activator. For those who like to do everything themselves, there are several recipes for making universal attractants with your own hands:

In addition to knowing the recipe for preparing a bite activator with your own hands, it would be useful to acquire information about their correct use . It is determined by several rules:

  • Taking reasonable measures will help avoid the opposite effect.
  • The combination of several flavors in one activator often gives excellent results.
  • The dosage of the attractant depends on the ambient temperature, since warm water spreads the smell faster.
  • Observe the seasonal dependence of the taste preferences of fish. In winter, additives of animal origin (fish oil, dried blood, bloodworms) work more effectively; in summer, most inhabitants of reservoirs choose sweets.

When considering universal bite enhancers, one cannot fail to mention a mixture that has received widespread advertising support and the enthusiastic prefix “super”. This is a Fish hungry attractant. The manufacturer claims that it is impossible to make the Fishhungry composition with your own hands, since its recipe includes secret components: essential oils, amino acids and pheromones.

To be fair, we note that the use of this attractant is quite effective and consistently leads to good catches.

Alternative options

Scientific and technological progress has not ignored such a seemingly archaic sphere of human activity as recreational fishing. An alternative to mixtures that activate fish bite are baits made using innovative technologies or electronic bite activators.

What are the features of these devices, which are quite unusual for most fishermen? The vast majority of electronic fish activity amplifiers belong to the universal category, which significantly expands the scope and seasonality of their use. The manufacturer declared the possibility of attracting fish to the fishing site, regardless of their species.

This effect is achieved by creating specific vibrations and increased acoustic background, propagating through the water column at a fairly high speed. The physiological structure of fish (inner ear, lateral line) allows them to capture and respond appropriately to these vibrations, accurately determining the location of the source.

Note that for the electronic bite activator to function effectively, a depth of 25 - 30 centimeters is sufficient. Depending on the model, baits of this type may differ in the presence and method of manual correction of such a key parameter as the frequency range.

Based on the above, a logical conclusion follows: when going fishing and counting on a solid catch, you need to stock up not only on gear and bait, but also on activators that can improve the fish bite, and, consequently, the angler’s mood.

Attention, TODAY only!

Fish have a very well-developed sense of smell and react even to very small concentrations of odorous substances dissolved in water, and without a bite activator, the fisherman cannot see either a tail or scales. The baits do not smell like Chanel, so fishermen try to keep them away from their wives. The composition of the bite activator is prepared individually - depending on the fishing location and many other factors.


A lot of research has been done on this problem, because the goal is noble: to find out how this or that fish reacts to this or that chemical element. Among fishermen there are many who consult written postulates, but fishing requires flexibility, and no results of scientific research are a decree here. Nevertheless, the basic rules are strictly observed: the composition of the bite activator must include certain components from the main list.

Many hundreds of different chemical compounds to which fish reacted were analyzed, and it was found that the most attractive were seven: essential, minty, floral, musky, camphor, pungent and putrefactive. Pepper, however, is not added to complementary foods, and the rest makes up the usual “bouquet” of a true fisherman - the ingredients of a bite activator. Research has also established the reaction process of fish, which mainly depends on the structure of its internal organs.

How does the fish react?

Biologists have found that the layer of cells located on the surface of the odor-receiving cavity in fish is thickly covered with mucus, which protects the top layer from being washed out by water. From there, the fish receives the ions necessary for signals about the appearance of an odor to the brain, and it is there that the response is generated. These surface cells were put into action; it was from the surface layer of the fish’s olfactory cavity that the base of the drug was made, to which various components were added to study the food preferences of the fish. And any bite activator - whether you made it yourself or bought it ready-made in a special store - is often not at all the smells that a person might like.

First of all, fish react to amino acids and their mixtures. A mollusk, for example, secretes as many as seven of them, and that is why the eel easily finds it and eats it with appetite. Salmon going to spawn along the river, where a bear feasts on it near the shore, also senses danger and tries to avoid it. The fact is that the alarm signal is formed at the cellular level and is also of a chemical nature. The water brings echoes, and the salmon tries to pass to the other shore, away from the bear. And for example, a bite activator for winter fishing for bream may not attract any fish at all at other times of the year. The smell can be any of those included in the seven main groups, but the components require both amino acids and protein.

On practice

Now - a hit parade of ingredients with which you can prepare a bite activator with your own hands. Practicing fishermen use this every day. What baits are the most attractive? The list is arranged in descending order. In the first place is blood, dry or fresh: finely chopped fish, pieces of liver, lung, or even leeches. Blood does not belong to the seven groups of odors, but in terms of its chemical composition and amino acid content it is the best of the effects.

The second place is occupied by various coastal insects; if you cut them, the bite activator for winter fishing, and even more so for summer fishing, will turn out to be very effective. Of course, insects with a putrefactive odor have advantages - these are dung worms, maggots, underleaves, and bark beetles. Any larvae, May beetles, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and silkworms have a musky odor. In third place is flour from daphnia, shrimp, bones, and bloodworms.

in winter

At the end of autumn and beginning of spring, it is not recommended to use a bite activator for winter fishing. Winter fishing is characterized by the fact that the fish are in a sleepy state; they do not react so actively even to bait. And making a good bite activator with your own hands for carp, roach, bream or crucian carp will ensure a catch. Many novice fishermen think that if they have stocked up on expensive, modernly improved gear and specialized complementary foods, it’s all in the bag. No. In the summer, a good wobbler can be effective, a spinner on a retrieve can attract the attention of fish, and there is a greater chance of having a good bite. But in winter, the fish feels a lack of interest not only in baits, but also in food in general; its metabolism decreases significantly.

A well-designed bite activator for bream or crucian carp will awaken its interest, and the fish will swim around the hole for a while and, perhaps, take a bite. You can, of course, buy a ready-made bite activator. Doing it yourself (for crucian carp or roach) will be cheaper, and the effect will be, if not the same, then better, and it won’t take much time. You can make the bait liquid, you can make it dry, but always with flavorings for both bait and groundbait. Depending on the purpose of destination - for a specific type of fish or general for all.


The bait mixture always has a base, to which various components are added that are not food for the fish. They only whet her appetite. This is a variety of scented oils, dill seeds or cinnamon - many scented components are used by fishermen. The main task of any bait is to attract fish to the fishing site from the longest distances. Specially conducted underwater filming shows that the fish approaches, watches the bait, but is in no hurry to take it. Fishermen often associate the lack of bite with changes in weather or atmospheric pressure, but these are not all the factors that make fishing ineffective. Most often it does not bite because it was poorly lured.

That’s why it is recommended to make a bite activator for winter fishing with your own hands, depending on the circumstances. Both the weather and the fish’s interest in the bait are taken into account. The main thing is to create a cloud of turbidity that will distribute aromatic substances in the water. It could even be regular sand mixed with flour. The water will be cloudy for a long time, which is very positive for the bite: the fish are curious, since the turbidity is always where the mud is, and in the mud is its main food. Fishermen also make lumps of clay with steamed feed and vegetable oil (with a smell!).

How it works

You need to drill two holes nearby, lower a bag with holes on a fishing line into the secondary one, where this fragrant clay lies, and hang it at a height of about a meter from the bottom surface. From time to time you need to “move” it up and down so that the clay gradually dissolves. Thus, a cloud of turbidity will be created, the smell of feed and oil will travel through the water, and the fish will come. The most interesting thing is that it will not peck the bag of clay, but the bait in the first hole. Fishermen have recently begun to use store-bought activators, and many people already blame the manufacturers for their hackwork: they have virtually no effect.

The fact is that you can’t please every fish, but you have to. Pharmacists and scientists are trying to create a universal remedy, such as the FishHungry bite activator. The composition of the product inspires confidence, but, judging by the reviews, there is much more ridicule when a fisherman with an activator catches less (if at all) than those who fish without an activator at all. Here we have to admit that manufacturers have not yet achieved their cherished goal. And each type of fish prefers something different, and fishermen experiment, choosing the ideal smell and concentration in such bait.

Taste and color

Roach reacts well to vanilla, hemp, nuts, chocolate, caramel - a sweet tooth. Bream is a sophisticated guy, like an eastern sheikh, prefers cloves and cinnamon. Crucian carp and carp are simpler guys, although they love the flavor of strawberries, they go well with dill and garlic. But predators will definitely respond to the smell of bone or fish meal.

In general, the bite activator should contain three groups of components: the base (cake, bran, oatmeal, crackers, and so on), the food itself (tubifex, worms, maggots, bloodworms) and additives for flavor. Complementary food can be cemented with dry clay, egg powder, oatmeal, or you can make it crumbly - with sand. The turbidity will become more abundant if you add dry milk, dried blood, small sawdust or dried daphnia. Roasted flax, hemp, sunflower seeds, various spices and aromatic oils are good for aroma. The main thing you need to remember is that it is not the quantity or quality of bait that will make the bite successful, but its skillful use.

Bait for bream

The first recipe: two parts of bran, three parts of ground sunflower cake, ground corn sticks and dry clay - one part each, half a part of mayfly or its larvae and a coffee drink (not coffee), five parts of small bloodworms and three parts of small maggot.

The second recipe: three parts each of ground crackers and fried and then ground sunflower seeds, two parts of mixed feed, one part of egg powder, a couple of pinches of dried dill, one part of dry clay, three parts of small maggots.

Third recipe: three parts each of steamed peas and bran, two parts of flax seeds, roasted and ground, one part each of egg powder, grated beets and fine clay, four parts of chopped worms and three parts of small maggots.

Bait for carp

Recipe one: five parts of steamed wheat with salt, three parts of sunflower seeds, roasted and ground, two parts of corn flour, three parts of cottage cheese, three raw egg yolks, three parts of pureed shell meat, two parts of beans, which are boiled in castor oil, according to two drops of lavender and anise oil in one tablespoon of hemp oil.

Recipe two: five parts steamed corn with salt, three parts toasted bran, three parts boiled rice, two parts roasted and ground hemp seeds, two parts boiled mashed beets, half a part dried linden flowers, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and three drops of anise ( mix), two parts maggot paste and three parts finely chopped worms.

Bait for crucian carp

Recipe one: five parts fried and ground sunflower seeds, three parts millet porridge, half a part dried linden flowers, one part fried and ground flax seeds, three parts finely chopped worms, two drops each of lavender and peppermint oil and a tablespoon of hemp oil (mix ).

Recipe two: five parts of wheat steamed with salt, three parts of ground flaxseed cake, two parts of oatmeal, two parts of old cheese, one third of honey, three parts of finely chopped worms, a mixture of oils - three drops of anise in a tablespoon of hemp.

About advertising

First, about the sad things. Fishermen on fishing sites see advertisements for fishing products, where every single link leads to the same site (or its clones - depending on which country). Reviews are written in the same way - or rather, most of them. Apparently, the one who brings a buyer who has paid for the order receives a kickback from the seller.

There is a whole army of such advertisers on the forums: the advertisement leads to the page of the “fisherman”, who praises this product in every possible way and gives the same link. Real reviews say that there is not yet a successful, truly effective, universal means for baiting. The Mega Mix bite activator is sold this way even on the Rybnadzor website. Maybe it helped someone, but mostly the reviews are not positive.

Activators and their manufacturers

The bite activator FishHungry is also vehemently advertised. The instructions for use describe in detail how to dissolve the product from the bag, how to soak the bait, and so on. However, no matter how the fishermen experimented with all this, real reviews say that there was no point. The old Ultrabyte tool has received several positive comments that are similar to the truth. Although they don’t write about such a thing that the smell of it makes the fish so crazy that they grab stones from the bottom.